[00:00:03.750] Amber Winters: Okay again welcome everyone today we're going to be taking a look at Washington state's new bail resources. [00:00:10.740] Amber Winters: specifically those that are going to support academic institutions, my name is amber winters I am a trainer consultant with gail. [00:00:17.820] Amber Winters: On the line today, you also have tammy van buren who's another training with gail she's going to be watching that Q amp a tool that you have available and answering your questions kind of as we move through the session today. [00:00:28.380] Amber Winters: So, again feel free to type those in as you think of and you don't need to wait until the end of the session, we should be able to answer those as we move forward. [00:00:35.760] Amber Winters: You also have your sales consultant on the line as well, so you may see them in the Q amp a answering some of your questions as well, so we have three individuals who are going to be looking at that. [00:00:45.750] Amber Winters: Again continuously throughout the session so any questions you have please feel free to post them in there, we have a lot of good stuff today so we're going to go ahead and get started here. [00:00:55.830] Amber Winters: So I do have just a brief agenda, so you know what's going on today again just remind everyone, this is the academic resource session. [00:01:03.420] Amber Winters: If you are with a K 12 bar public library, we do have sessions for you later in the month, this is going to be specifically heavily highlighting those new academic resources. [00:01:16.710] Amber Winters: And I just saw pop up it looks like something popped up in the chat so you may get some chats from your panelists as well, so if you see those pop up those are for you. [00:01:25.230] Amber Winters: So we're going to have an introduction we're going to look at what resources you'll have access to and we're going to specifically talk about what you can use and when to make sure you really understand. [00:01:35.790] Amber Winters: How these resources are going to be applicable specifically to your institution. [00:01:41.340] Amber Winters: We are going to take a quick peek into one of your resources today just even kind of get a feel of the layout of the tools that are available to you and your researchers and your students. [00:01:51.450] Amber Winters: we're going to take a look at some of the support resources, you have available gail has really built kind of an extensive. [00:01:58.050] Amber Winters: Collection of support tools that we're going to take a look at that are available for you on demand, to make sure, as you do start with these new resources. [00:02:06.180] Amber Winters: You feel comfortable with them, and you can get the information out to your faculty into your students at the end of the session, I will try to leave some time open for any questions that we didn't answer throughout the session and I do have some contact information for you as well. [00:02:22.020] Amber Winters: So let's go ahead and just get rolling here. [00:02:26.130] Amber Winters: So, first I want to mention the resources that are available in this Washington state package so you have quite a few here. [00:02:33.240] Amber Winters: Some are more focused for academic libraries some maybe slightly more K 12 our public library focus. [00:02:39.960] Amber Winters: But if you do opt in to receive this package, you will get access to all of these resources here. [00:02:45.720] Amber Winters: The ones i'm going to mention today are the ones that i've kind of highlighted here and white. [00:02:49.830] Amber Winters: These are generally more applicable for academic institution so academic one file our general one file collections that are going to be. [00:02:57.540] Amber Winters: more specific smaller collections targeted at one topic our educators referenced complete, which is going to be great for any education classes, you have your college of education students. [00:03:09.720] Amber Winters: Business insights global global business entrepreneurship, we have a great literature resource for you and gail that are at your lead Finder another couple in context resources good contacts global issues and galen contacts college and you're going to take a look at today. [00:03:25.830] Amber Winters: And I can highlight these last three here, but I do want to point them out, you have access to gail and contacts high school middle school and elementary. [00:03:34.350] Amber Winters: So yeah context high school it's great if you have students coming in, you know first year undergrads who may be struggling with higher level contents, you can direct them to give them context high school and they'll find. [00:03:45.630] Amber Winters: Really, some of the same topics they're going to see within galen context college, but they'll have some lower content levels to really support them as they're kind of getting they're. [00:03:54.390] Amber Winters: getting their footing starting to get into the College experience again you have access to galen context middle school and elementary as long. [00:04:03.900] Amber Winters: beans, a lot of academic institutions have found handy again for their college of education. [00:04:09.420] Amber Winters: If they are having students, you know, robust and plans and things like that try to pull content, for you know future classes, that they have, or if we have student teachers. [00:04:17.970] Amber Winters: who are looking for curriculum development resources things like that those resources will be available to them, so they can be very helpful at that lower level if they're looking for that type of information. [00:04:30.000] Amber Winters: But again, the ones that have circle here and Whites are going to be your main academically focused resources. [00:04:36.180] Amber Winters: And I don't know if this question has come into the Q amp a yet, but I will just address ahead of time you will be provided with a copy of the slide deck So if you want to take a look back at the resources, I have circled here, you will have that option. [00:04:50.820] Amber Winters: So let's talk about some of those resources, what we should use one. [00:04:54.960] Amber Winters: So my first year resources and imagine here are going to be that academic one file and then your Guild one file collections these resources are going to be really great. [00:05:04.560] Amber Winters: For your undergraduate in your graduate sciences so i'm talking about your hard sciences, but also your social sciences, so we want to find a lot of historical information. [00:05:13.560] Amber Winters: Information on social issues again the hard sciences so things like biology ecology things like that you've got all of that, with a news resources. [00:05:21.330] Amber Winters: And they're really focused on highlighting periodicals scholarly texts and content so you'll find less kind of multimedia information less supplemental. [00:05:31.830] Amber Winters: it's really going to highlight that core periodical information so great for researching research projects again it works both for undergraduates and graduate students to get kind of a variety of levels of contents for so they can really hone in on what they need. [00:05:47.340] Amber Winters: And our Guild on file collections, I have included them all here on one icon but the collections are actually. [00:05:53.070] Amber Winters: Smaller standalone databases that are really targeted towards specific topics over things like. [00:05:59.070] Amber Winters: computer science environmental policy diversity studies so again they're smaller collections, but they're really, really targeted and focus so again, if you have a researcher coming in with that very specific topic. [00:06:12.180] Amber Winters: This may be a good place for them to start to take a look at some of those different collections, that we have available to them. [00:06:19.890] Amber Winters: Well, moving forward from that again focusing for undergraduate and graduate students, but this time, specifically business classes. [00:06:27.180] Amber Winters: We have Gill business insights global and gail business entrepreneurship so gail business insights global. [00:06:35.010] Amber Winters: I like to think of that as getting specific business information so i'm doing, say, a project on the apple company or Microsoft. [00:06:44.640] Amber Winters: And I need information, you know hard numbers about those businesses or maybe the computer industry as a whole, I can go into business business insights global and get that information. [00:06:55.980] Amber Winters: It also gives SWAT reports and things like that's already completed for those businesses so it's a really great resource if they are looking for you know targeted business. [00:07:06.720] Amber Winters: company or industry information scale business entrepreneurship, just like the title suggests is really kind of focus more around small business development ownership. [00:07:17.430] Amber Winters: And kind of maintenance so it's more of a standard reference database and you'll find within that business insights global. [00:07:25.080] Amber Winters: It has a lot of reference materials you'll find information on some different kind of core topics and we're talking about small business development. [00:07:32.760] Amber Winters: As well as advertising and marketing you'll find within that resource what's great is, we have a huge collection of real life business plans that have been entered within gail business entrepreneurship. [00:07:43.860] Amber Winters: So if students are looking at those maybe they have a project where they're building their own business plan. [00:07:48.870] Amber Winters: We have those pre designed within Gil this is entrepreneurship, they can search just specifically for that content type. [00:07:55.350] Amber Winters: And kind of take a look at some examples so as they're building their own they'll get kind of their footing seeing how you know current businesses have done it in the past. [00:08:06.090] Amber Winters: Moving forward from there, we have what I like to call our cross curricular support, so this again will be reference materials, we do have periodical content with them that these resources. [00:08:16.710] Amber Winters: But really within the guillem context resources, something I think really shines is the multimedia information that we have within this resource, we have a huge amounts of images. [00:08:26.670] Amber Winters: videos audio files podcasts things like that, so it really supplements kind of the core textual pieces of the resources. [00:08:34.800] Amber Winters: To really give students kind of a broad understanding of whatever topic they're looking at. [00:08:39.000] Amber Winters: And again, specifically at the academic level, you have a gallon context college, which will be really that main cross curricular focus, so your social sciences your sciences, excuse me, current events things like that health and wellness can be found here within Gil and context college. [00:08:58.920] Amber Winters: In context global issues as a really great resource if you're looking for more information out kind of a global scale, maybe we're not as focused on a US centric topic. [00:09:08.910] Amber Winters: Maybe we want to know current issues going on how they're affecting other countries things like that, as well as just country information in general, you wouldn't find all of that within guillen contexts global issues. [00:09:21.780] Amber Winters: And finally, my fourth category want to mention is again that great literature resources, you have available again this is great, both for undergraduates and graduate students, you can direct boss to this resource. [00:09:34.260] Amber Winters: This is killer to lead Finder This is excellent for trying to find full text literary works, as well as information for the authors, who are making those works. [00:09:44.460] Amber Winters: So you'll find full text poems plays short stories another great feature that sometimes lost. [00:09:52.440] Amber Winters: Within this resource or all of the speeches that we have as well yeah full text famous speeches, so if we want to take a look at those. [00:10:00.180] Amber Winters: it's again very simple just to run a search for whatever speech you're looking for and you'll find that full tax oftentimes we give a little bit of a background on the article as well, so students will get a background. [00:10:11.790] Amber Winters: When the speech was given you know some context around the speech, and then they will get that full transcript of the speech. [00:10:17.970] Amber Winters: So again, the literature lead Finder is, of course, focus specifically at literature students. [00:10:23.220] Amber Winters: But if you have a social, you know scientists students coming in, maybe one who's focused kind of our society, maybe a specific topic and they're looking for. [00:10:32.010] Amber Winters: A speech or a primary source related to that topic, they may find information within gail literature, let Finder so you may want to point them there. [00:10:41.820] Amber Winters: I didn't mention before, but I will mention our in context resources also have a wealth of primary source information as well. [00:10:49.620] Amber Winters: So they are looking for that primary source material, these are going to be some great resources for them to kind of dig into what's great as we build out. [00:10:57.510] Amber Winters: Different content buckets so students will easily see what is a primary source and what is say you know reference article they'll be able to see that within the resource, so we can really narrow down to exactly what they're looking for. [00:11:11.850] Amber Winters: i'm just going to pause here, are there any questions can be in the Q amp a that should be addressed before we move on. [00:11:18.750] Tammi VanBuren: We did have a question about the collections, I believe that they're asking about the one file collections, as compared to academic one file if you wanted to cover that real quick. [00:11:29.340] Amber Winters: yeah so academic one file as really a more holistic database so it's going to have a wealth of information on quite a few different topics, so you could almost say it's not as deep as the one file collections, because the one file collections are. [00:11:45.750] Amber Winters: Really honing in on just one topic so you can think of academic one file is a bit more broad but just slightly shallower. [00:11:52.530] Amber Winters: And you're getting one file collections are going to hone in specifically so they're going to be very narrowly focus but they're going to have a deep deep amount of content on that specific topic. [00:12:07.110] Amber Winters: Okay, so let's go ahead and move. [00:12:08.610] Tammi VanBuren: Forward then. [00:12:09.960] Amber Winters: Again, if your question, as you have questions when pop them into the Q amp a at tammy is watching those and she'll be sure to get everything answered for you her or is worse. [00:12:20.700] Amber Winters: So the next thing I want to mention to you is you do have the ability to integrate your gail resources into your LM s. [00:12:29.070] Amber Winters: I have here, just a few screenshots these are in canvas just because I wanted to show you our deep deep linking. [00:12:34.830] Amber Winters: tools so you'll see right within canvas you can add your Guild resources, and you can find different articles or maybe a video or something like that. [00:12:44.400] Amber Winters: That you can throw into an assignment or a discussion or an announcement and your students get that Nice iframe look as opposed to having to. [00:12:52.470] Amber Winters: You know click a hyperlink and jump into a different tab that upload the resource, you can embed that right directly into those assignments or discussions to make sure students have direct access that information. [00:13:04.170] Amber Winters: And i'm so not every house has this deep linking capability, but we are lts certified. [00:13:09.750] Amber Winters: So we do have the ability to integrate into and the lns that you currently have access to we won't be going through the whole process of that today. [00:13:18.870] Amber Winters: You will have access to a customer success manager who's really going to help you develop this integration. [00:13:26.280] Amber Winters: and to make sure it works, the best for your institution we're going to introduce him a little bit later in the session, but I did just want to make you aware, before we jump into the resources that you can indeed integrates into your LM s. [00:13:39.510] Amber Winters: At any points we do work with discovery services as well, so you will be able to integrate into your discovery, to make sure that students can access and surface, all of this content really from whatever access points they're going through. [00:13:57.270] Amber Winters: And now, before we jump right into looking at one of our resources today again we're just going to look at one since we're here for 45 minutes. [00:14:04.230] Amber Winters: I want to mention that we have a consistent platform with consistent tools and features that move through all of the resources that i've talked about today, the one exception, I will point out a business insights global. [00:14:17.220] Amber Winters: that's actually going to begin transitioning to the consistent platform in October of this year. [00:14:22.650] Amber Winters: So that is the one exception to the resources we're going to take a look at today the tools within that are a little bit different they haven't been transition to this most consistent platform. [00:14:33.150] Amber Winters: But you're in context resources your one file resources your educators reference complete your lead Finder everything we went over will have the same look at that i'm going to walk you through today. [00:14:45.330] Amber Winters: So, as you click through education with your what's great as month or in one year reasons and kind of master the workflow and the tools. [00:14:52.560] Amber Winters: it's really simple for them to just happen to another one and do the same thing, so instead of them having to worry about making sure they understand you know just how to get to the documents. [00:15:02.130] Amber Winters: They can really just focus on their research focus on getting that content that they need they don't need to bother with a new platform. [00:15:09.960] Amber Winters: So let's go ahead and look at one of the resources today just for our session i'm actually going to click into a Gala and context college sense again that is more cross curricular. [00:15:22.020] Amber Winters: Go. [00:15:23.850] Amber Winters: They didn't sign me up because i've been talking to you guys, because it is a little more cross curricular, so I think it's beneficial to see how this resource functions. [00:15:32.430] Amber Winters: I do want to point out, with your in context resources, you do have one extra feature you won't find within your one file resources. [00:15:41.730] Amber Winters: So with your income tax resources was your one file I do want to first point out at the top you're always going to have your basic and advanced search right here in this Nice. [00:15:50.820] Amber Winters: Clean banner so it's really simple to just run your search if that's what you need to do you already have your topic ready to go you'll always have that here. [00:15:59.160] Amber Winters: you'll also have these tools in my toolbar listed right here so you'll see browse topic option if you are interested in Title lists you'll see we do connect to 10 list, right here in the database. [00:16:11.070] Amber Winters: We also have them listed on our support site which i'll go into a little bit later in the session again if you are looking for a specific title a bit of content, you want to make sure that we have available. [00:16:21.240] Amber Winters: we'll take a look at that you also have a search history, I get link function that will provide a persistent URL. [00:16:27.630] Amber Winters: And once we get a document will take a look just briefly at our highlights and notes, so this is my new found and you're in contacts your one file your lead Finder resources. [00:16:37.440] Amber Winters: Your Guild business entrepreneurship, all that good stuff this will be there for you and now within in context as well as that entrepreneurship resource. [00:16:46.500] Amber Winters: You also have the support of being able to browse through different topics and different topic pages so on the homepage we do pull out a few highlighted topics that change monthly really kind of depending on what's going on. [00:16:59.220] Amber Winters: And then underneath that this is where you'll be able to kind of browse through different topics, so if your students don't have one specific topic in mind just get it now. [00:17:07.050] Amber Winters: they're coming to you in a government class, they have a project about you know, a social issue and they just don't know where to go you'll see we can browse through our government section here. [00:17:17.490] Amber Winters: And all of these are curated topic pages that you're going to find within your gail and contacts resources, but my pages are also searchable so i'm going to run a search today, as opposed to browse. [00:17:30.420] Amber Winters: So let's say i'm starting here. [00:17:34.020] Amber Winters: Sorry, my keyboard is going a little bit crazy there we go. [00:17:37.470] Amber Winters: And it's the whole race project let's say so I can start typing in civil rights and you'll see, we do have predictive text listed here in just a few at the top here are bolted. [00:17:49.170] Amber Winters: And you search terms that are bolted, have a pre create a topic page that says click into to get some really detailed information so let's go ahead and click in today here and i'm going to put into civil rights. [00:18:04.080] Amber Winters: So now i'm on the topic page again this is found in your in context, resources and your Guild business entrepreneurship. [00:18:13.710] Amber Winters: you'll have an overview, at the very top of the page. [00:18:17.400] Amber Winters: And then scrolling down you'll see, as I mentioned earlier, we pulled out different content buckets for students. [00:18:23.190] Amber Winters: So if they're looking for a primary source, you see, we have the option, right here, they can just see the primary search primary sources. [00:18:30.060] Amber Winters: Related to civil rights, we have some case overviews pulled out our academic journals are pulled out separately. [00:18:36.630] Amber Winters: Critical essays you'll see there's quite a few different options so okay here scrolling down on the same page you'll see those same content type, though, except here you'll see a few different entries into those different topics. [00:18:52.710] Amber Winters: As I mentioned, within our in context resources, we do have a lot of multimedia information so you'll see our images here our audio well as our videos are listed. [00:19:02.910] Amber Winters: And then, at the bottom of the page we do include a related topics as well, so as students, move forward, they can kind of click into these and really be guided in their research to kind of find exactly what they need within the database so. [00:19:19.830] Amber Winters: let's take a look at what a search results are a search page is going to look at So if I didn't click into a topic page, you know if i'm in my one file resources or if I just ran a basic search within galen contacts. [00:19:32.460] Amber Winters: This is what that's going to look like now, so this is basically running a search for civil rights. [00:19:40.050] Amber Winters: At the top of the page again you're still going to get the same look where we've kind of pulled apart the different types of resources available to make it easier for students, so they can click into any of these i'll stay here with reference today. [00:19:53.790] Amber Winters: We have our information on this left hand side. [00:19:56.940] Amber Winters: Our filters are on this right hand side I specifically love these subjects filter, this is a great way to kind of narrow down their search of maybe they ran a really broad search you had a lot of content, they can narrow down based on subject here. [00:20:11.280] Amber Winters: You can also narrow down based on document types so within reference works, we have some different document types so critical essay a table a city overview, we have available things like that will be able to narrow down to that type right here. [00:20:27.390] Amber Winters: I must read as they can easily click into any of these subjects let's say civil rights here. [00:20:33.660] Amber Winters: Now I filtered this out you'll see any filters that have hired appear at the top here what's great is I can really simply click off of lives if I want to remove the filter as opposed to trying to go through my tiles again to see exactly where I click on this filter those hit my axe. [00:20:50.340] Amber Winters: And I back to where I was before. [00:20:53.790] Amber Winters: Once I find an article i'm interested in, we can click into that and take a look at some of the great tools available within the article. [00:21:00.930] Amber Winters: So at the top of the page in my toolbar You see, I have my citation we do have citations for every bit of content within our resources, so not only our texts works, but also our images or videos or audio files our printers or says. [00:21:14.430] Amber Winters: By everything I do mean everything so students can easily click into the citation and pull whatever citation version, they need, they can send it over to a specific tool, or they can just you know copy and paste and put it wherever they need to go. [00:21:29.940] Amber Winters: We also have some great send two options, so if students want to maybe save this for later, they can send it over to their Google drive if they're using onedrive they can send a bear or they can email it themselves. [00:21:41.610] Amber Winters: They can download and print this as well, which would do exactly what you expect download and print the document. [00:21:47.610] Amber Winters: Again you'll see this get link feature listed here that's going to provide a persistent you were out of the navy just want to. [00:21:53.880] Amber Winters: copy the link and throw it on to a you know, a document for later use or, if you have faculty members coming in looking for content, maybe to add to a syllabus or to you know, an assignment outline they can use that get link really simply and posted for students as well. [00:22:10.200] Amber Winters: Our highlights and notes features really great you can just click and drag over any important bit of information and then students can choose to highlight, they can put any notes, you know or government. [00:22:24.360] Amber Winters: Class hopefully we're thinking better notes to me, but they can take any notes, they want to save them. [00:22:29.550] Amber Winters: And if they decide to send this article over to their Google drive their onedrive they've printed, you know, whatever. [00:22:35.490] Amber Winters: However, they get it out of the resource the highlights and notes are going to follow, along with that document so it's really great to help students have talked to the text even before. [00:22:45.570] Amber Winters: You know they move it out of the resource, they can really kind of dig in to make sure this is the content that they do actually need. [00:22:53.130] Amber Winters: In addition to that highlights and notes tool we have a few tools and said here right under the title that I want to point out, we do have a translator feature. [00:23:01.350] Amber Winters: So students can translate the article itself, as well as all of the tools and the platform, so they can click simply answer this translate and find whatever translation feature they need. [00:23:13.020] Amber Winters: right next to that they also have the option to decrease or increase font size, so if you have students who are struggling who knew that larger font size it's right here very easy to increase that size. [00:23:26.250] Amber Winters: And finally, we have a listen tool that will read this text out loud to your students at those read the entire bit of tests they're looking at an image it will read any caption or an inflammation attached to the image as well, so it's going to read through that entire piece for students. [00:23:43.890] Amber Winters: And one last bit of information i'll point out before we move on from the resource here is on this right side our explorer panel. [00:23:51.840] Amber Winters: At the top, we have some more like this feature So if you want to click forward from this document and progress our research about running another search. [00:23:59.550] Amber Winters: We can do that here we do provide article content that we want to jump down to a specific point of the article it's going to be most relevant to us. [00:24:08.610] Amber Winters: And then we have any related subjects will sit here so again if we're trying to move forward, maybe we want to move to a new subject, we can see what's related to what we're currently looking at and move forward here. [00:24:24.990] Amber Winters: Now I know that was a brief overview of our resources, but now I do want to talk about our support tools and we're going to find some deeper dive information for your resources so. [00:24:34.980] Amber Winters: Once you kind of move in on your own maybe around the trial sites i'm going to dig into the resources to take a look at them. [00:24:40.920] Amber Winters: We do already have pre created the webinars materials so let's go ahead and start talking about those a little bits tammy was which is over any questions I should address. [00:24:57.210] Amber Winters: And you are muted tammy if you're trying to give me any info. [00:25:02.130] Tammi VanBuren: I apologize on you didn't do places to that too, so I don't say something Okay, so we did have a question on instructions available on how to download a PDF and you're going into support that gmail.com so you can. [00:25:15.150] Tammi VanBuren: kind of cover those tools so to anonymous attendee amber is going to cover that right now. [00:25:21.660] Amber Winters: yeah so just so you know anonymous. [00:25:25.170] Amber Winters: Within the resource that download feature when you click that button, it is going to provide you with the option download as PDF but. [00:25:32.100] Amber Winters: Yes, let's talk about the support side, this is going to give you a more detailed information really on all of the tools that I just kind of skimmed over today. [00:25:40.020] Amber Winters: So this is support that he'll calm you'll see, I have it listed up top here you're going to get this link in your follow up email as well, so don't worry about writing it down, I will be sure to get this to multiple times. [00:25:52.230] Amber Winters: So, first I want to point out our training, support you'll find recorded webinars for all of the resources that you have. [00:25:58.620] Amber Winters: So if you want to take a deeper dive into something you're going to have access to. [00:26:02.490] Amber Winters: Of course, today was a very brief overview, maybe you want to see more about field context college or maybe you know we didn't jump into Gil business entrepreneurship. [00:26:11.220] Amber Winters: We have a fully recorded webinar they're generally about 30 minutes each some a little bit longer so maybe a little bit shorter, depending on the resource that's really going to deep dive talk about contents really demonstrate the tools available to you. [00:26:25.140] Amber Winters: We also have shorter tutorials that are generally going to be focused on one specific tool so Sarah highlights and notes feature, or maybe sending over to the Dr. [00:26:34.620] Amber Winters: Our topic Finder which I didn't go over today those tutorials are generally under two minutes they're usually closer to one minute and are just targeted at that one tool. [00:26:44.580] Amber Winters: So, again to say was a brief overview if you're ready to dive in deeper the support site those recorded webinars and tutorials are going to be a great place for you to take a look. [00:26:55.620] Amber Winters: We also include on the support site information that's going to help you get this out to your your faculty as well as your students so once you're comfortable in the resources we do have principal tools. [00:27:07.410] Amber Winters: to things like posters that you can post in your library resource guides that you can either print out or maybe email the Faculty and students. [00:27:15.690] Amber Winters: As well as some resource driven activities, so we have different things like scavenger hunts lesson plans. [00:27:22.380] Amber Winters: So, if your faculty members are looking for something kind of engaging to get students and the resources you're going to find that here on the support sites under our training Center as well as our marketing materials Center you'll see both of those in the toolbar here. [00:27:38.820] Amber Winters: And finally, we do have electronic tools available, so this is going to include web banners you want to maybe throw something up on your library is web page to gain some attention. [00:27:49.200] Amber Winters: social media posts, if you do have a large social media presence we have pre created social media posts that you can edit to you know add your libraries information. [00:27:58.680] Amber Winters: And then just shoot out everyone's we don't want you to recreate the wheel as you're getting information out, we have these pre pre developed for you, you can reach here I get really intimate any information that you need. [00:28:11.850] Amber Winters: The support site is also where you're going to find technical documents. [00:28:15.570] Amber Winters: So if you're integrating into a learning management system or if you're trying to work your bill resources into your discovery system technical documents are found right on the support side under tools. [00:28:27.870] Amber Winters: So you'll have all that information here, we will be going into that deeply today, but you do have that info ready anytime. [00:28:35.880] Amber Winters: Also on the support site is a link to our usage dashboard so that is going to be on demand usage so once, of course, this will be later, this is not something you're going to worry about now i'm sure. [00:28:46.800] Amber Winters: But once you get rolling with the resources, you want to check how your usage is going you'll be able to access your usage dashboard right here from the support site again under the tool section. [00:28:56.850] Amber Winters: And you'll be able to pull up usage for each resource resource individually you'll be able to see what students are searching what resources are currently the most popular things like that you'll be able to find all of those on our support site as well. [00:29:13.710] Amber Winters: And in addition to our support site, you also have access to a gale customer success manager. [00:29:20.070] Amber Winters: For the state of Washington Stephen link is going to be your go to guy and he has really here, just as his name suggests, to make sure you have the most success with your resources he is. [00:29:31.170] Amber Winters: Great to talk to he's going to provide you with some support, as you get the resources moving So if you just need you know, a plan for success, you want to make sure that you're getting this rollouts. [00:29:41.760] Amber Winters: Using the best practices that we've found successful as we work with other Librarians Stevens your go to guy. [00:29:48.210] Amber Winters: If you want to talk about LM s integration or if you need some additional support that the the technical documents I maybe didn't quite give you maybe you really just need to talk to someone. [00:29:58.260] Amber Winters: Again he's your guy both LM s and discovery service will be able to help you to make sure you have the best setup for your institution. [00:30:06.180] Amber Winters: Product updates he oftentimes will send out information about any product updates, you may get info that way. [00:30:11.970] Amber Winters: He can help you with usage reviews so again that usage dashboard if you want to walk through it, but someone Stephen can walk through it with you, if you want to discuss your usage. [00:30:21.180] Amber Winters: Maybe talk about best practices to increase it or maybe you know, promote one specific resource again Stevens or guy. [00:30:29.040] Amber Winters: And he customer success managers also help support creating training tools so kind of as we move forward more training tools will be developed and put on to that support site so Stephen. [00:30:42.420] Amber Winters: Does a lot for your library and I definitely recommend to do you have such a large package coming your way, if you have questions or if you're a little bit overwhelmed. [00:30:51.180] Amber Winters: Please reach out to Steve and i'll give you his contact information at the very end of the session he's really great to help make sure you have everything you need for the most success possible. [00:31:04.680] Amber Winters: And you also, of course, have access to two fabulous sales consultants who are on the line today i'm sure many of you already know who your sales consultant is have been in contact with them have great relationships with them. [00:31:17.280] Amber Winters: But I do want to introduce all the Dan and Christie who worked with academic libraries within Washington Dan Christine would you like to just quickly introduce yourself if there is anyone on the line, who hasn't spoken with you, yes. [00:31:32.880] Amber Winters: You feel free to unmute yourself, you do start. [00:31:34.620] Amber Winters: off muted. [00:31:37.260] Daniel Currier: I amber so Dan courier so i'm glad to see everybody today on online and thank you for for attending our session on a new gail products, if you have any questions feel free to reach out to to us and we'll be sure to get you some answers later on today thanks a lot. [00:31:57.600] Kristine Qiu: Everyone, this is Christine to i'm sure i've worked with many of you before and I hope that you know we can continue working with you to help you, with your state package. [00:32:10.410] Kristine Qiu: Like they say you know if you have any questions just reach out to Dan or I and will help you to do the best that we can thank you. [00:32:18.630] Amber Winters: Perfect so they're both here to help you out, especially if you want to talk about maybe complimenting the package that you're. [00:32:24.570] Amber Winters: currently getting from the state of Washington out, but other resources. [00:32:27.780] Amber Winters: gail has has maybe supplement what you're already getting they're both here for you you'll see their contact information is here, but I will be sending this and that follow up email that I mentioned before, so you'll have that. [00:32:40.560] Amber Winters: Again, it goes out tomorrow 24 hours after the session is complete and one final mention i'm sure some of you have already asked tammy events in the Q amp a or maybe thinking about it. [00:32:53.460] Amber Winters: How are you going to gain access, you know we've talked about these resources, hopefully you're excited I know i'm excited. [00:32:59.790] Amber Winters: How are you going to get to them so Washington state library is going to send you two documents and attend to participate document and gail access form. [00:33:10.320] Amber Winters: I have access to get access form, so this is what you're going to see kind of on that galen so your institution your one job is just to complete those forms will return them to wherever they need to go you'll see it in the email I exactly where you need to send them. [00:33:24.750] Amber Winters: you'll see on that access for them that's really going to provide all of their contact information. [00:33:29.550] Amber Winters: Your authentication preference and that, of course, can be changed at any time but, however, you want to just start your access, I put there so IP addresses I do prefer username password. [00:33:41.880] Amber Winters: You have the referring URL you want to put in there you'll put all that here, and once that sent back that's when they'll kind of kicks in and starts to develop your actions using those preferences. [00:33:54.660] Amber Winters: So you want me to do anything once you return those forums you'll get information from gail once everything is set up and ready for you to go with your access information, including URLs and things like that. [00:34:04.560] Amber Winters: And you can really kind of take off from there, so it's a really nice clean process for you, you really only have just that middle step that you need to do to complete those forums. [00:34:17.340] Amber Winters: And i'm going to open it up for questions, while I do, I do have a bit of information here for you. [00:34:22.740] Amber Winters: Stephen link, as I mentioned, I wanted to give you his information feel free to send him an email, if you do have any questions about the resources or about just kind of rolling them out in your library at Stephen that link at cengage COM. [00:34:36.180] Amber Winters: Again, the support site, if you want to kind of dive deeper into the research, excuse me resources support that gmail.com is really going to want to go. [00:34:45.270] Amber Winters: When you clicked into this link today you actually had a training session survey pop up into your. [00:34:51.810] Amber Winters: Your web browser if you don't mind something about me I would greatly appreciate it so just let us know if you got what you needed from the session today, if you have further questions of course you can put them in there. [00:35:02.850] Amber Winters: Or you can send that to me send them to me and i'm going to go ahead and open it up to me now for questions so as you're going through the Q and a's or anything that I can be sure to address before 8am for today. [00:35:14.580] Tammi VanBuren: yeah so um a lot of folks are asking for comparison between an overlap, so I did share the title list with everyone in the chat also a questions come up a couple times about. [00:35:30.360] Tammi VanBuren: literature resource Center and lit Finder and, just to clarify and this is coming from, Hillary that lit Finder is a complimentary resource to literature resource Center so. [00:35:41.550] Tammi VanBuren: What it does is it works that if you have both of you, happen to already have literature resource Center. [00:35:47.100] Tammi VanBuren: gail literature will cross search through both those those resources at the same time. [00:35:52.080] Tammi VanBuren: But that Finder is not a replacement for literature resource Center they're really two different resources and they bring different information or content to the table. [00:36:01.980] Tammi VanBuren: So hopefully that answers a lot of questions sorry amber I know that directed at you, but we did have a question about cross searching. [00:36:08.760] Tammi VanBuren: Someone asked if the ability to cross search because their users feel a little overwhelmed not knowing which resource to go into if we have a cross search tool, so I didn't know if you want to show that. [00:36:19.320] Amber Winters: So we do have. [00:36:20.940] Amber Winters: First, I do want to mention just briefly. [00:36:23.010] Amber Winters: timmy said, there are questions that you know overlap comparisons things like that I am going to make the first webinar we did. [00:36:32.130] Amber Winters: Hillary fox who works with your state who's put this package together did run a session that kind of goes over. [00:36:39.930] Amber Winters: The basics of the resources, as well as kind of comparing them to what you had previously so that may be helpful for you as well, so that will value will be in the follow up email that i'm sending. [00:36:50.520] Amber Winters: But we do have a cross search platform called power search and I will search through your resources and kind of pull up content through all of those of course it's going to give a huge amount of contents for me to make here. [00:37:07.230] Amber Winters: For your users, so I do personally like to recommend. [00:37:12.120] Amber Winters: That they go to a specific products, but let me click into power search here. [00:37:17.580] Amber Winters: This didn't lock me out I guess she did not perfect. [00:37:23.430] Amber Winters: And you can get a direct link to this i'm not going to go through that. [00:37:27.660] Amber Winters: that's happy that it is went to, but if you need a link to power search you'll be able to have that. [00:37:34.230] Amber Winters: So you'll see on the left hand side here, this is your power search I can click into it it's going to have that same platform that we just went through. [00:37:42.750] Amber Winters: listed down here you're only going to see the resources, you have access to i'm in my own personal account so it's going to look a little bit different than what you all have. [00:37:51.420] Amber Winters: But it's going to show you what's being searched to see all of these one files, those are going to be that one file collection. [00:37:58.080] Amber Winters: So students can certainly change, you know building excellent through certain resources they'll run their search and it'll pull all of that content so again that's the power of sorts, that would be across search. [00:38:09.240] Amber Winters: feature, and if you do already have glitter to research that dry no tammy mentioned some questions for those you have the ability to cross search through gail that are insurance for your Guild at find their aka literature resource Center as well. [00:38:26.790] Amber Winters: me, have you had anything else pop up into that q&a. [00:38:30.450] Tammi VanBuren: there's a few at the top one at the top. [00:38:37.020] Tammi VanBuren: and [00:38:39.870] Tammi VanBuren: let's see some compliments for. [00:38:42.930] Tammi VanBuren: For our our sales REPS so thank you for that. [00:38:48.900] Amber Winters: Okay, so. [00:38:52.230] Amber Winters: It looks like the first question things like saved searches. [00:38:57.420] Amber Winters: So anything. [00:38:58.770] Amber Winters: that's if you do want to save a search I. [00:39:00.600] Amber Winters: Always recommend using the get leaked feature getting that directly to see that search in the future, you don't need to have a Google or Microsoft Microsoft account for those functions. [00:39:12.000] Amber Winters: within your one file resources, you can also create search alerts things like that again you won't need to have Google or Microsoft accounts for those. [00:39:22.200] Amber Winters: Really, the only time you're going to need those two accounts or one of those two accounts is if you're planning on sending documents out to a drive want to save for later than, of course, you know if you want to send to Google drive you'll need a Google account for that functionality. [00:39:45.990] Amber Winters: Hello okay that's Okay, we stepping in an answer here. [00:39:55.110] Amber Winters: So it looks like tammy is having an answer to this question, but I can also answer it live while she's typing. [00:40:00.630] Amber Winters: it's a question about student access if they are off campus students will always have access off campus you can set up a variety of different authentication authentication methods. [00:40:12.870] Amber Winters: They can go in, through their LM S, if you want to get that established if you have a library password that you use for resources that library password can work off site as well. [00:40:22.530] Amber Winters: So you will have the option of course Christians to access off site, because we want them to be able to access at home, just like they're accessing that campus yep so you'll have both of those options. [00:40:36.990] Amber Winters: And it looks like we are. [00:40:39.900] Amber Winters: We have emptied our Q amp a here. [00:40:46.020] Amber Winters: What I can tell. [00:40:53.520] Amber Winters: Okay looks like we have a question about limiting to full text and tammy you'll have to help me out with this, I believe, women in before taxes so within our one file resources, but not in our income taxes and my practice saying that. [00:41:06.870] Tammi VanBuren: Right, you also have the option if you want to default to just full text which i'm not sure if that's something that you're interested in that you can do in gail admin also so. [00:41:20.910] Tammi VanBuren: If that's what you're asking about is limiting the are in context resources amber showed. [00:41:26.580] Tammi VanBuren: With the filters, the full text is available on the right hand side, but if you would like to limit to only full text that has brought back from every search result, then you do have that option and gail admin. [00:41:40.410] Tammi VanBuren: I hope that answers your question, let us know if you want to expand on that a little bit. [00:41:44.760] Amber Winters: And I will say access and gail admin once you do have access to the resources Steven Lee will again be or go to that he can help get you the credentials, you need and he can show you where to find the admin information and all of those features. [00:41:59.670] Tammi VanBuren: One thing you can do in your one file is limited by peer reviewed journals so that is an option there. [00:42:10.740] Amber Winters: And it looks like we have a question about pricing. [00:42:14.250] Amber Winters: So with that I will say we're going to send you some contact information. [00:42:18.750] Amber Winters: amy and our follow up emails you'll be able to contact the right individual for that as training consultant I don't have access right now to any sort of pricing information, but just check it out watch out for that email and we'll be sure to get you the information you need. [00:42:39.180] Amber Winters: Okay, and it looks like like I said, our time So anyone who didn't ask a question here. [00:42:44.760] Amber Winters: And you realize, you have one once the session is complete feel free to send an email to me you'll get my email address when I send that email to you tomorrow and i'll be sure to answer that or to direct you to the right person to give you. [00:42:57.660] Amber Winters: To give you the information so. [00:43:00.270] Tammi VanBuren: amber, just to clarify. [00:43:02.250] Tammi VanBuren: The pricing will be sent by the State library when we say we we kind of like we. [00:43:07.770] Amber Winters: Yes, I included a library and. [00:43:11.610] Amber Winters: on the side of things yep you there gail but yes it is pricing, the state library will send you that information looks like. [00:43:18.840] Tammi VanBuren: And there was a link I posted in the chat. [00:43:23.040] Amber Winters: So go ahead and take a look at that. [00:43:24.360] Amber Winters: chat if you knew that it looks like it's just posted. [00:43:30.660] Amber Winters: But, again, I want to thank everyone for being on the line, if you have further questions at any time feel free to reach out and i'll make sure you get to the correct individual. [00:43:39.540] Amber Winters: Please enjoy the rest of your days and hopefully we'll see you on future webinars for your state as we start to dive deeper into your new resources.