[00:00:05.509] Hello, everyone. Welcome in today. [00:00:07.658] We're talking about building better lessons and we're [00:00:09.759] going to go over some best practices for [00:00:11.839] getting your gale content into your classroom. [00:00:14.528] My name is Amber Winters and I am a senior training [00:00:16.958] consultant here with Gale. [00:00:19.760] I've got a brief agenda for us today. First [00:00:21.789] thing I wanna do is just show you some example, activities [00:00:24.708] that we've created here at Gale just to kind of [00:00:26.719] get your creative juices flowing a little bit. [00:00:28.728] So we all kind of understand what [00:00:30.969] sort of different activities we can actually make using [00:00:33.090] gale resources. After that, [00:00:35.130] we'll really start to dive into our best practices. [00:00:37.598] So we're going to go through [00:00:39.048] the process that us trainers use [00:00:41.069] as we're building activities and lesson plans [00:00:43.348] to share it with everyone. We're going to go through that process. [00:00:46.139] We'll jump into the resources a little bit [00:00:48.200] so you can take a look at some of the tools that I'm going [00:00:50.298] to be talking about. [00:00:52.310] After that, we'll go over briefly how you can find [00:00:54.539] our premade materials. So we've got a pretty [00:00:57.118] extensive collection of activities and lesson [00:00:59.279] plans already made for you. So I'll point those [00:01:01.348] out for you. [00:01:02.490] And then at the very end of the session, I've got [00:01:04.579] some contact information as well as some wrap [00:01:06.629] up. So if you need to speak further [00:01:09.159] with someone at Gale, you'll have that contact [00:01:11.459] information at the very end of the session. [00:01:13.819] And I want to remind everyone the Q [00:01:15.849] and A box is open for you. For any questions [00:01:17.969] you have, feel free to put them in there. [00:01:20.129] As we go through the session today, I'll try to [00:01:22.189] get them answered as I see them, if it gets [00:01:24.308] a little bit overwhelming, gets a little bit full, then [00:01:26.388] we will wait until the end of the session to answer questions, [00:01:29.079] but I should be able to answer them kind of as we move along [00:01:31.359] today. So [00:01:34.028] let's go ahead and get started here again. I wanna start [00:01:36.278] off with some samples. So as we're talking [00:01:38.290] today, instead of maybe thinking [00:01:40.370] about using Gale for, you know, reading [00:01:42.638] activities or strictly for research activities, [00:01:45.400] some of the other activities you can create with your gale. [00:01:47.418] Resources include things like scavenger hunts [00:01:49.689] where you're kind of guiding your [00:01:51.709] students through research a little bit. You know, you may direct [00:01:53.948] them to different parts of the resource [00:01:57.189] or you know, different pieces of content, [00:01:59.230] maybe an image or something like that. [00:02:03.799] You can also build things like escape [00:02:05.808] rooms. These are of course a little more labor [00:02:08.038] intensive, but our resources [00:02:10.469] especially Gale In Context, resources really [00:02:12.528] lend themselves to that kind of, [00:02:14.649] um, that kind of lesson [00:02:16.909] layout where students can actively [00:02:19.110] engage and they have to dig through the resource. [00:02:21.189] You know, they're not just clicking into an article and reading [00:02:23.500] it and answering questions, they're, [00:02:25.360] they're clicking in, they're looking at pictures, they're watching videos, [00:02:27.969] they're really getting [00:02:29.490] a lot of information in a really simple [00:02:31.879] way. In addition to that, it could be something [00:02:34.360] as easy as a graphic organizer. You know, [00:02:36.399] if you're, this one's about reading a banned book, [00:02:38.550] we built this for [00:02:40.819] when we're instructing banned books. [00:02:43.308] It could be something as simple as this going [00:02:45.618] into Gale In Context: Literature and they have this [00:02:47.689] great bit of information [00:02:50.990] and they'll be able to go through, [00:02:52.639] you can also build training cards. These are great [00:02:54.819] for both secondary level students [00:02:56.899] and elementary level students. So again, [00:02:59.129] this is more guided for your students. You're [00:03:01.149] telling them that they're going to need to kind of [00:03:03.429] research and look up different [00:03:05.558] topics. You see this one's about different types of energy. [00:03:08.618] and they'll fill out the back of these cards with, [00:03:11.219] you know, overviews of the topic [00:03:13.580] or if it's about an individual, it will be the biography [00:03:15.899] of that person [00:03:17.050] or they can again have very basic, [00:03:19.580] just like a graphic organizer, just basic [00:03:22.000] activities that's going to get them exploring. [00:03:24.028] This one here is for Gale In Context: Elementary. [00:03:26.500] So if I have any elementary folks on [00:03:28.569] the line, this is one of the passport [00:03:30.808] to the world activity. [00:03:32.210] All it is is they're going to choose one of the different [00:03:34.500] topics that we've already curated within [00:03:36.610] Gale In Context: Elementary for them. [00:03:38.569] And then they just summarize it. [00:03:40.699] So you can make activities short [00:03:42.969] and sweet. Maybe something like a bell ringer [00:03:45.330] or maybe if you want to put something [00:03:47.219] in your discussion board, if you're using [00:03:49.240] maybe schoology or canvas, you can integrate [00:03:51.449] with that and pull in content that way. [00:03:53.669] The choices are kind of unlimited. [00:03:55.960] So I just wanted to bring that to your attention before [00:03:58.139] we really dive in that. While we're talking about [00:04:00.338] our process here. Our process is used [00:04:02.500] for more than just your standard research [00:04:05.300] papers. This is going to be for any type of activity [00:04:07.808] that you want to include in your, your lesson [00:04:10.099] into your classroom. [00:04:13.538] So this is a quick overview of what [00:04:15.750] our development process is here at Gale. So the first [00:04:17.988] one seems obvious, but [00:04:20.009] it's an important one to highlight you want to make sure you [00:04:22.019] identify your best fit resource. Chances [00:04:24.278] are a lot of you probably have more than one gale [00:04:26.369] resource. And you want to make [00:04:28.488] sure that you're using the correct one for you and for your students [00:04:30.903] because if you're maybe in one that doesn't exactly [00:04:33.244] fit your needs, it's going to make your [00:04:35.285] time and your students time a lot harder [00:04:37.423] and it's going to take longer and it may not be as effective. [00:04:39.884] So, that's always our first objective [00:04:42.553] is to identify the best resource for [00:04:44.613] you. Once you do identify your resource, [00:04:46.963] we suggest checking for topic pages, we'll take [00:04:49.095] a look at those in a bit, [00:04:50.754] but those are really going to help you organize [00:04:53.569] your content and find it really easily. It's a nice [00:04:55.778] place to send your students as well. After [00:04:57.850] that, you're going to find the content, you're [00:04:59.959] going to collect support materials that are going to [00:05:01.988] help your students better understand how to use the [00:05:04.028] gale resources, [00:05:05.569] then you'll create your activity once all of that [00:05:07.608] is kind of situated. And then of course, [00:05:09.790] at the very end of this process, you're going to engage [00:05:11.838] your students with your fully [00:05:13.899] developed activities. So again, these are the steps [00:05:16.199] that we as trainers here at Gale [00:05:18.238] like to follow to make sure we're finding the [00:05:20.319] best content in the most effective [00:05:22.928] and efficient way. [00:05:25.129] So let's just walk through each of these. So again, [00:05:27.579] our first step is going to be identifying our resources [00:05:30.528] and each of our resources. You'll see. I've pulled forward [00:05:32.778] here, just a screenshot of some [00:05:35.338] Gale In Context resources, but each of [00:05:37.369] our resources bring a unique collection of materials. [00:05:40.230] Some of them, of course are similar. I'm [00:05:42.319] sure a lot of you have the core and context resources, [00:05:44.829] which is Gale In Context: elementary [00:05:46.858] middle school and high school [00:05:48.459] and they are cross curricular. So you're going to find [00:05:50.569] science and social studies content. [00:05:52.730] but you may also have say [00:05:54.910] Gale In Context history, which is going [00:05:56.949] to give a more in depth [00:05:59.209] look at social studies. So just [00:06:01.629] consider where you need to be in [00:06:03.689] your resources, how in depth you [00:06:05.730] need to go. [00:06:07.649] And again, this is a great way to save you time. [00:06:09.759] So before you start building your lessons [00:06:12.329] and realize that maybe you're not in the correct place, [00:06:15.149] check first, make sure you have the content [00:06:17.459] you need and then start building your lessons. So [00:06:19.500] you don't need to kind of start over and [00:06:21.639] backtrack. [00:06:23.639] And when you do start considering your resources, consider [00:06:26.149] the age groups. So of course [00:06:28.250] Gale In Context: Elementary and Middle School are going [00:06:30.369] to be efficient for those students. [00:06:33.019] But you also want to think about maybe [00:06:35.278] Gael Literature Resource Center or [00:06:37.579] Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, which might be at [00:06:39.660] an even higher level than some of the [00:06:41.889] other high school aged resources. [00:06:43.949] So you want to consider that as well, not only the [00:06:46.069] age but [00:06:46.949] where are they in their learning [00:06:49.000] development? Are they ready to jump into [00:06:51.178] Gale In Context: High School as ninth graders or maybe [00:06:53.309] should you pull back and have your ninth graders [00:06:55.528] research through Gale In Context: Middle School [00:06:57.759] for a bit until they're ready to jump into higher level content. [00:07:00.619] So don't just think about the age, [00:07:02.730] also think about just the developmental [00:07:05.338] level that your students are at. [00:07:07.619] Also consider the type of content you need. [00:07:10.428] If you're kind of really focused on pulling [00:07:12.769] statistics or maybe you're working on debates, [00:07:15.619] you may want to use Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints [00:07:17.838] which is pro con arguments and that sort [00:07:19.949] of materials. If you're really [00:07:22.088] looking for primary sources, we have [00:07:24.199] a great primary source collection within [00:07:26.730] our core in context resources, but also [00:07:28.850] within Gale In Context: U.S. History [00:07:30.959] or Gale In Context: World History. [00:07:33.079] So don't just think about the content levels, [00:07:35.269] also think about the type of content that you're [00:07:37.319] going to need to pull. [00:07:40.069] And of course, I can go through all of the gale resource [00:07:42.170] content today. I wish I could. But [00:07:44.569] if you're not super familiar with [00:07:46.720] your collection, you know, if I have some teachers on the line [00:07:48.738] who are just starting to kind of dig in or if [00:07:50.778] I, you know, have some media specialist who has been a while [00:07:52.970] and you're not quite sure [00:07:54.509] either go within [00:07:56.689] the resources themselves and look at some of the [00:07:58.889] topic pages that are listed or [00:08:01.209] you can go to our support site, which is support.gale.com [00:08:04.290] and we have resource guide and tip sheets [00:08:06.579] and training slide decks that can help you out. [00:08:08.649] So first step, [00:08:10.869] identify which resource you want to use, [00:08:12.928] make sure you know the content that's included. [00:08:17.689] Our second step here is going to be to check [00:08:20.019] for topic pages within the resources. [00:08:22.028] So we have topic pages built into [00:08:24.250] all of the Gale In Context resources. [00:08:26.309] So the core in context as well [00:08:28.329] as those subject specific ones like [00:08:30.358] science, global issues, literature. [00:08:33.399] And we also have topic pages found within [00:08:35.580] Gale Literature Resource Center. [00:08:38.580] And our topic pages are really like a nice [00:08:40.710] kind of a landing portal page [00:08:43.178] that are really organized and they're great [00:08:45.450] for you. If you're trying to pull your own content [00:08:47.599] that you're going to be sharing with students, [00:08:49.639] but they are also a great place to start [00:08:51.649] students off as well. So if your students are going to be [00:08:53.719] working out on activity, if you can [00:08:55.769] find a topic page, like I've got one pulled [00:08:57.798] up here consumer spending and you have [00:08:59.960] your students start here instead of searching. [00:09:02.940] It may be a little bit easier for them to find content [00:09:05.298] because this is, this is nice and curated [00:09:07.330] for them. [00:09:08.710] So let's actually dive into a resource. [00:09:11.038] So you can see how we can find topic [00:09:13.058] pages and how we can utilize them and how it makes [00:09:15.298] it a little bit easier to pull content for lessons. [00:09:18.129] I'm just going to dive in here. [00:09:21.298] There we go [00:09:22.298] to Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints just [00:09:24.469] because I'm a fan of this resource. this [00:09:26.940] process I'm going to go through works for your other [00:09:29.259] in context resources as well. [00:09:32.000] Gale In Context: Elementary looks just a little bit [00:09:34.070] different because it's, you know, [00:09:36.090] leveled down for elementary kids, but they [00:09:38.168] have topic pages as well. [00:09:40.109] so on the home page here we have all [00:09:42.288] of our topic pages listed. You'll see, we pull forward [00:09:44.849] issues of interest kind of towards [00:09:47.129] the middle of the page. [00:09:48.719] And then underneath we have our topic pages [00:09:50.908] listed down here broken into different categories [00:09:54.469] And I'm not going to go through all the way [00:09:56.519] today to show you how to kind of narrow down. [00:09:58.678] But you could click and browse in any of these. [00:10:01.899] And you can also run a search [00:10:05.538] at the top here. If I start [00:10:08.668] running a search here, you'll see. I've got some bolded [00:10:11.219] search terms listed right here and [00:10:13.359] these are terms that have topic pages. [00:10:15.710] Ok. So if I run a search for one of these, [00:10:17.899] it's going to pull me forward into that curated page [00:10:20.298] instead of a search results page. [00:10:23.070] But today I'm actually going to click into [00:10:25.678] the national debate topic, topic [00:10:27.788] page. I'm just gonna explore [00:10:29.879] this topic. [00:10:31.950] Now again, I love using this as a landing [00:10:34.139] point either for [00:10:36.239] myself, if I'm pulling, you know, links [00:10:38.440] to videos to images to podcasts, [00:10:41.009] or if I know I'm going to have students [00:10:43.219] learning about the debate topic and I want [00:10:45.279] them to dive in, [00:10:46.989] I can share this with them that way, one [00:10:49.090] quick way to share a topic page. If you're not pulling [00:10:51.320] your own content, if you're having your students look for [00:10:53.500] it is to use get link right here. [00:10:55.788] So if you want them on this topic page directly, [00:10:57.979] maybe you don't even want them on the home page. You just [00:11:00.239] want them landing here, [00:11:02.139] use Get Link. This gives you a persistent [00:11:04.558] URL. So it's not gonna break, you can pop [00:11:06.619] it into your discussion board, you can share [00:11:08.678] it on a syllabus, [00:11:10.690] really, wherever you want it to go, they'll be able [00:11:12.840] to click into this and they'll land right here on this [00:11:14.879] topic page and then they can begin their learning [00:11:17.200] a little side note here. [00:11:19.239] A lot of times when we build our scavenger hunts, [00:11:21.639] we actually based the entire scavenger [00:11:23.798] hunt on a topic page. So we land [00:11:26.000] students on this page and then we [00:11:28.029] walk them through the different content types. [00:11:30.200] You'll see as I scroll down here, [00:11:32.048] it shows me all of the different content types [00:11:34.099] in this little gray bar and it's got them organized. [00:11:36.450] So if I'm looking for maybe a statistic, [00:11:39.190] I can click directly into my infographics. [00:11:41.239] Same if I'm looking for maybe a news [00:11:43.450] report or I want to take a look at [00:11:45.460] a video [00:11:46.619] academic journals is here as well. [00:11:48.710] And this is going to change based on whatever [00:11:50.849] resource you're looking at based on your topic. If [00:11:52.960] we had primary sources related [00:11:54.969] to this topic, you'd have a primary source section [00:11:57.428] here. [00:11:58.269] Um, if maybe we didn't have any videos [00:12:00.408] related to this topic, this videos, [00:12:02.840] entry here would disappear. [00:12:05.820] So it's really dynamic for your [00:12:07.849] students. And again, if they're running through [00:12:09.918] a scavenger hunt or another activity [00:12:11.950] like that, about one topic, [00:12:14.129] having them land here and just clicking [00:12:16.279] through the different content types is [00:12:18.590] a really beneficial way to have your students [00:12:20.808] find information they need. You see, they can [00:12:22.960] scroll down, [00:12:24.158] they can click into any of these, [00:12:26.158] let's say news reports here [00:12:29.080] and you'll see all of the related news [00:12:31.178] at this point here. [00:12:33.759] So again, if you yourself [00:12:35.808] are just directing students to content, you're [00:12:37.820] not pulling specific entries, [00:12:40.149] use get link, go ahead and give it to [00:12:42.178] students. If you're planning on pulling [00:12:44.219] content [00:12:45.109] again, start on your topic page and [00:12:47.139] then you can go through and just click whatever articles you think [00:12:49.288] are important, you can get a link to those articles, [00:12:51.974] you can send them over to your drives. [00:12:54.144] If you're integrated into yout [00:12:56.335] LMS, so like schoology or canvas, [00:12:58.575] you can get them out that way. We won't go fully [00:13:00.783] into that today, but we do have some support materials [00:13:03.125] if you're interested in that. That'll give [00:13:05.173] you the end of the session [00:13:08.149] either way if you're pulling content or you're having [00:13:10.389] students pull content, try to find [00:13:12.460] a topic page before you run the rest of your, [00:13:15.090] your searching and the rest of your content pulling. [00:13:17.190] It's a great way to, to get yourself started. [00:13:22.989] Now, moving on from checking for topic pages, [00:13:26.379] we're actually going to now find the content. [00:13:28.489] So, of course, if you're on a topic page, you're going to do [00:13:30.619] that just by clicking through and finding what you're looking for. [00:13:33.250] If your topic is maybe a little more precise [00:13:36.090] and it isn't the most studied, most used [00:13:38.158] term, [00:13:39.058] then you might not find a topic page in the [00:13:41.109] resource. It doesn't mean we don't have content for [00:13:43.298] it. It just means that we haven't [00:13:45.399] curated it yet just because it's not as [00:13:47.690] broadly used in the resource. Of [00:13:49.700] course, we would love to make topic pages for every [00:13:51.849] topic we can think of, but [00:13:53.960] not feasible always. So [00:13:56.908] when you're, you're pulling content, I [00:13:59.038] recommend if you're planning on [00:14:01.058] using a basic search, you want to use the filters [00:14:03.379] we have available on our search results page, [00:14:05.658] you're going to most likely find a lot of content [00:14:07.989] for whatever topics you're looking for. [00:14:10.489] So using the filters is really going to let [00:14:12.649] you narrow down to find the exact information [00:14:15.158] that you need. [00:14:16.609] If you can, I suggest [00:14:18.750] using an advanced search that's going [00:14:20.859] to help you narrow down before you even run your search. [00:14:22.918] So if you're looking for maybe just primary [00:14:25.469] sources or just images, you can narrow down to that, [00:14:27.619] you could even narrow down to, [00:14:30.009] you know, you're trying to find the letters written [00:14:32.950] during the civil War, you can even use [00:14:35.359] an advanced search to filter down all [00:14:37.399] that way to find content. [00:14:40.580] If you are planning on using filters, [00:14:42.908] if you want your students using filters, [00:14:45.009] we recommend you tell them how to do that before. [00:14:48.129] But they are really simple to find. [00:14:50.408] So let's click in and see how we can use. I'm [00:14:52.489] actually going to use an advanced [00:14:54.700] search here. We'll click into a different [00:14:56.769] resource. Click into [00:14:58.808] Gale In Context: Middle School [00:15:00.129] So if you clicked in the [00:15:02.359] Gale In Context: Middle School, you took a look, you couldn't find a topic [00:15:04.509] page you were looking for, but you still want to pull content [00:15:06.658] for students. Again, we have basic [00:15:08.779] search, but you can click into our advanced search here [00:15:12.928] and really get precise with what you're looking [00:15:15.080] for. You can choose how you want to search [00:15:17.109] it defaults to searching by keyword. But [00:15:19.379] if you want to search by [00:15:22.928] you know the author name or the publication [00:15:25.279] name, if you have that, you can search by that [00:15:28.109] scrolling down here, you can also choose [00:15:30.129] the different content types. So again, if you're [00:15:32.168] just looking for primary sources, I [00:15:34.320] can check primary sources and just pull [00:15:36.570] those. [00:15:37.840] If I wanted to know I can run a search, this is [00:15:39.869] actually a blank search since I don't have [00:15:41.899] a search term. So it's just going to pull forward [00:15:44.029] all of my primary sources. That's a nice [00:15:46.080] way to do that. If you just wanna see everything available [00:15:50.190] or let's go ahead and type in a term. Let's type economics. [00:15:55.889] So I'm gonna run a keyword search. I'm not going to narrow [00:15:58.029] down my content here because I just wanna see everything. [00:16:00.158] So I'll run my search [00:16:02.889] now. Scrolling down here. You'll see. I have another [00:16:05.359] showing results bar [00:16:07.619] here that looks similar to your topic pages. [00:16:10.359] It's going to show me all of the different result [00:16:12.469] types. It pulls forward. So we've [00:16:14.529] got 21 primary sources here and lots of [00:16:16.580] magazines, lots of audio files. [00:16:18.940] Then as I scroll down, you'll see, we actually [00:16:21.200] have some suggested topics. So economics [00:16:23.779] is actually a topic page that we have. [00:16:26.070] So from here, I can click into those if I wanted [00:16:28.239] to, but let's [00:16:30.428] just stick here. [00:16:31.629] We'll click into reference. So I've got [00:16:33.639] 588 reference works related [00:16:36.139] to economics, which of course your students [00:16:38.418] will not click all the way through and you shouldn't [00:16:40.619] have to either. [00:16:41.879] So to narrow it down, our filters are [00:16:43.940] listed here on this right hand side. [00:16:46.058] You'll see I can click and kind of expand [00:16:48.330] any of these. So if I want to narrow [00:16:50.379] it down even further, maybe to capitalism [00:16:52.979] monopolies, I can do that. [00:16:55.259] I can also narrow down to document type. [00:16:57.619] So that's getting a little bit more precise [00:17:00.000] than content types. You'll see if I want a brief [00:17:02.330] article, I have that. [00:17:04.059] If I want a book review, a biography, [00:17:06.809] I could narrow down here, [00:17:09.299] you'll see, I also have the option for publication [00:17:11.699] title. So if you are looking for a specific [00:17:13.939] publication, you can do that here [00:17:16.420] and you can also click back under advanced [00:17:18.670] search and go through our publication search. [00:17:21.108] So if you're kind of coming in from that angle, [00:17:23.509] you know we have a publication you're interested [00:17:25.789] in, you can go right in through the publication search [00:17:28.259] and pull all of the content we have [00:17:30.459] within that publication. [00:17:32.380] So a few different ways for you to do that [00:17:34.959] and as you collect your content. So let's say [00:17:37.150] this is exactly what you want. This first [00:17:39.430] article that's about economics. It's a nice [00:17:41.769] kind of topic overview. You're digging [00:17:44.098] it, you wanna share it out with your students. [00:17:46.400] You can do that a few different ways. You [00:17:48.469] can send this over to your drive your [00:17:50.868] Google Drive Onedrive or you can email [00:17:53.000] it to yourself or to others. [00:17:54.939] You can download it, you'll see it, downloads [00:17:56.959] as a PDF here, you can print it [00:17:59.000] out or just like with topic pages where [00:18:01.039] we had that get link available. You'll [00:18:03.250] also find that in all of our entries as well. [00:18:05.598] So you can again copy and paste this, get [00:18:07.689] link, put it in a discussion board, [00:18:09.779] put it in an email, put it in a syllabus, [00:18:12.309] a rubric wherever you want it to go, they'll be [00:18:14.318] able to click in and now they'll be pulled directly [00:18:16.759] to this page here [00:18:19.588] and this also works in reverse. So if [00:18:21.709] you prompt your students to [00:18:23.890] find an article of interest or an [00:18:25.969] image of interest [00:18:27.459] and you want them to share it with you, they can [00:18:29.529] do the same thing they can send over to their drives, [00:18:32.098] they can get a link and post that wherever [00:18:34.489] they in a discussion board response, [00:18:36.890] uh they'll be able to do that. [00:18:38.769] So a few different tools to actually pull content [00:18:41.338] for your users right here on the documents [00:18:43.529] pages. [00:18:47.390] Now, I'll pause here for a second. Are there any questions? [00:18:49.529] I've gone through a couple of steps here without pausing. [00:18:51.969] So I wanna make sure I hit everything. Are there any questions [00:18:54.338] from anyone before I kind of move forward? [00:18:59.108] OK. I don't see any. So we'll go ahead and keep moving [00:19:01.259] then. So after [00:19:03.578] you have all of your content, this is another [00:19:05.759] step that's sometimes easy [00:19:07.910] to skip over. But I think it's also really vital [00:19:10.509] if you're planning on having your students use [00:19:12.809] any of the tools within the gale resources. [00:19:15.328] And there are a lot of really beneficial tools [00:19:17.650] two I pointed out here today are highlights and notes [00:19:19.719] and citations. So if you want your students to kind [00:19:21.759] of talk to the text or if they're planning [00:19:24.180] on using a citation, if they're, [00:19:26.229] you know, building up [00:19:28.108] whatever they're working on and they need a work cited [00:19:30.189] page. I suggest [00:19:32.219] having them use those tools the [00:19:34.299] best way to make sure they know how to use those is of course [00:19:36.709] you telling them ahead of time. But [00:19:38.729] we also have premade tutorials [00:19:40.920] and tip sheets that will tell them for you. [00:19:43.289] So if you're planning on having them use [00:19:45.449] the citation tool, [00:19:46.910] you can go to our support site which is support.gale.com [00:19:49.598] pull our citation [00:19:51.689] tutorial, send that to them before [00:19:53.930] you, you know, do your activity before you [00:19:56.029] start your escape room, you know, they're going [00:19:58.088] to need to use the citation. So before you start [00:20:00.279] that, send them this tutorial, it's [00:20:02.420] under two minutes. I think it's actually closer to one, [00:20:05.279] they'll know how to use those tools. [00:20:07.838] So make sure you do have your [00:20:09.989] support materials ready to go for your students. [00:20:12.039] So they know how to actually use the resource. [00:20:16.459] And now once all of that is done, [00:20:18.608] this is when we actually start creating [00:20:20.809] our activity on our own. So we pull all of [00:20:22.848] our content first to make sure we have it [00:20:25.920] and then we build our activity. Again, [00:20:28.299] we recommend trying to do something engaging. [00:20:30.650] So as opposed to sticking with the standard, [00:20:32.699] you know, research papers that are [00:20:35.219] used most frequently when you're using Gale In Context [00:20:37.598] resources, try something [00:20:39.719] else. Build yourself a scavenger hunt or [00:20:41.900] a graphic organizer [00:20:43.939] or if you are doing a a DBQ [00:20:46.108] assignment event, maybe build [00:20:48.279] out a DBQ lesson plan, [00:20:51.358] kind of try to step out of the box as much [00:20:53.430] as you can. So you're really engaging your students [00:20:55.809] and we have a lot of premade templates ready [00:20:57.910] to go for you. So if you're not quite sure [00:21:00.029] what other types of activities you can do, [00:21:02.759] you can go to our support site. Again, I'm gonna [00:21:05.068] mention the supports at a few different times here. [00:21:07.509] But support.gale.com/training, [00:21:11.939] you'll be able to click into our different templates you'll [00:21:14.029] see here, we've got a biography template. [00:21:16.380] So if you're starting a biography [00:21:19.150] activity and you want them to learn about [00:21:21.160] maybe [00:21:22.699] female artists or Native [00:21:25.150] American authors or someone [00:21:27.509] specific, they can just complete [00:21:29.809] this quick activity here [00:21:32.750] using whatever resource [00:21:34.779] and they can just submit it to you. [00:21:36.939] So a nice simple way to find content [00:21:39.739] and to get them researching without [00:21:41.890] being kind of in a stuffy research [00:21:44.489] assignments. Of course, with our resource, [00:21:47.509] your students are looking for information, [00:21:49.559] period. [00:21:50.618] But we can make it a little more entertaining. [00:21:52.930] We can pull out graphic organizers [00:21:55.239] and we can walk them through a scavenger hunt to [00:21:57.449] really engage them and get them to understand [00:21:59.920] that these resources are not just for [00:22:02.009] when you have a big project that you need to get done. [00:22:04.259] Whenever you need information, [00:22:06.189] you have these resources available and [00:22:08.368] they can click in at any time. [00:22:11.709] So now you have your activity all created [00:22:14.039] and ready to go. [00:22:15.779] Our last step is going to be engaging your [00:22:17.838] students. And I first want to mention you [00:22:20.068] wanna check ahead of time that your students [00:22:22.088] have access to a device that's going to be [00:22:24.130] able to connect to these resources [00:22:27.039] and our resources are mobile responsive. [00:22:29.279] So if they don't have, you know, desktops or laptops, [00:22:31.750] if they're using a tablet, that's fine, they [00:22:33.769] can use their phone, they can use chromebooks. So [00:22:36.088] just make sure that they have those ready to go before [00:22:38.279] you start your activity. [00:22:40.059] I also recommend you teach your [00:22:42.140] students how to locate and sign in to the resources [00:22:44.680] before you send them on your way. So if [00:22:46.719] I have teachers on the line, you're not quite sure [00:22:48.729] how you authenticate, [00:22:50.328] reach out to whoever handles your [00:22:52.489] resources. So if it's a librarian or a media [00:22:54.559] specialist, someone in your admin team, [00:22:57.318] make sure you know how to sign in and make sure you [00:22:59.410] can share that with your students. [00:23:01.930] And of course, as you engage your students with [00:23:04.348] one of the last steps, if you did pull any support materials [00:23:06.920] to teach them how to use tools or maybe [00:23:09.000] how to just navigate the resource in general [00:23:11.630] at this point, make sure you share those with [00:23:13.640] your students. So now you're handing out the activity [00:23:16.199] or sending it electronically, you know, if [00:23:18.358] you're not going to use the handouts, [00:23:20.578] that's completely fine as well, send it over electronically [00:23:23.209] and you can have your students click directly [00:23:25.439] into the the resources [00:23:27.880] and get started that way. [00:23:33.818] Now, I also want to mention so now [00:23:36.088] that we've got our own lessons created, if you [00:23:38.209] need some support with lessons, if you just [00:23:40.390] don't have the time to build your own, you know, we've [00:23:42.420] walked through this and you appreciate everything we talked [00:23:44.519] about. But [00:23:45.509] uh time is an issue that's [00:23:47.729] completely fine. Our support site. [00:23:49.848] Again, we have fully created [00:23:52.059] activities, lesson plans. [00:23:54.699] So a fully developed lesson plan, as opposed [00:23:56.890] to just a handout, you're going to give to students, [00:23:59.229] [00:24:00.680] video tutorials, all that good stuff on [00:24:02.750] our support site. So again, support.gale.com/training [00:24:07.699] and you'll find all of that material. You see, I've pulled [00:24:09.848] out just a collection here. We have [00:24:12.049] a, a question, a week activity within [00:24:14.189] Gale In Context: Elementary. This is really nice [00:24:16.500] for over the summer to make sure your [00:24:18.838] students are still engaged over the summer may [00:24:21.009] also be helpful for a bell ringer. They [00:24:23.029] answer one question as they come in the door. [00:24:25.578] You can take your quick attendance, all that [00:24:27.630] good stuff, tic tac toe boards, [00:24:29.670] which are kind of like choice sports where you have your [00:24:31.789] students in the resource, doing different things, [00:24:34.729] trading cards against scavenger [00:24:36.809] hunts. We have prebuilt novel studies here [00:24:38.989] as well. So if you're in my, [00:24:41.130] ELA folks, if you're looking for things [00:24:43.410] like novel studies or other things related [00:24:45.568] to your curriculum. [00:24:47.318] Take a look at our support site. You may find [00:24:49.368] content for you there as well. [00:24:54.848] No, that's all the information I have for you today. A nice [00:24:57.108] short and sweet session, [00:24:59.489] but just kind of to get you started [00:25:01.568] in your process. [00:25:02.900] If you have any questions about the session [00:25:04.949] or if you need me to clarify something we went over, [00:25:07.410] you can feel free to send me an email. [00:25:09.489] Uh It's just amber.winters@cengage.com [00:25:11.680] and I see we have someone with their hand [00:25:14.019] up. Uh If you don't mind, go ahead [00:25:16.059] and type your question into the Q and A. [00:25:18.078] your microphone is disabled. [00:25:20.519] So we're not going to be able to enable it [00:25:22.618] in the session today. So go ahead and put [00:25:24.650] your question in the Q and A and I'll get that answered [00:25:26.838] for you. Uh If [00:25:29.130] you want to talk about this further, maybe you wanna talk [00:25:31.469] more specifically about your account about how [00:25:33.588] you can get your collection into your learning community. [00:25:36.269] You can definitely get more specific with your [00:25:38.390] customer success manager. They'll have access [00:25:40.588] to your collection. They'll be able to talk [00:25:43.029] through each resource with you to kind [00:25:45.160] of see what some different best practices and [00:25:47.269] some different activity uh activity ideas [00:25:49.568] would be if you don't know who your customer [00:25:51.900] success manager is, you can just send an email [00:25:54.160] to Gale.customersuccess@cengage.com [00:25:56.239] and we'll be able to [00:25:58.299] forward you to the correct individual [00:26:03.539] and looks like we have a question here. Do we have any materials [00:26:06.338] in Spanish or tutorials in Spanish? [00:26:09.019] We do have student handouts [00:26:11.170] in Spanish on our support site. We don't have [00:26:13.250] tutorials in Spanish just yet. [00:26:15.509] Uh, but we do have uh, student handouts [00:26:17.868] that are oftentimes helpful that you can hand out [00:26:19.880] to the teachers, students and parents [00:26:21.949] that go over your resource [00:26:24.029] and go over your collection. [00:26:27.009] And if you're talking about within [00:26:29.059] the resource Miriam, we do have [00:26:31.150] some Spanish content in the resources [00:26:33.348] and we also have a full translate feature [00:26:35.868] so they can translate [00:26:37.348] um the articles they're reading as well [00:26:39.410] as the platform they're on. [00:26:41.250] So we do have both those options. [00:26:47.479] So you have access to a customer success [00:26:49.750] manager again. If you want to talk about [00:26:52.328] a Gale resource that you maybe don't have access [00:26:54.430] to, but you want access to, I always like to [00:26:56.469] mention your sales consultant. If [00:26:58.489] you don't know who that is, go ahead and go to support.gale.com/repfinder [00:27:02.650] you'll enter in your information [00:27:04.868] and we'll be able to get you to the correct individual [00:27:07.140] and you can talk about whatever resource you like. [00:27:09.828] If you have tech questions, you know, I mentioned [00:27:12.259] integrating with your learning management [00:27:14.348] a few times today if you're not integrated [00:27:16.430] and you want to be, you go ahead and reach out to [00:27:18.539] technical support and they can help you out with that. It's [00:27:20.680] just gale.technicalsupport@cengage.com. [00:27:24.098] I appreciate everyone for being here today. [00:27:26.118] Hopefully we will see you all in sessions in the [00:27:28.150] future.