[00:00:00.000] Okay folks, I've got the top of the hour. [00:00:00.000] We're going to go ahead and get started let me get the recording going. [00:00:03.000] Hello all and welcome. I'm Stacey Knibloe one of the Gale trainers. Thanks for being here to take a look at our adult book club support with Gale OneFile resources webinar. [00:00:13.000] Before we dive in just a couple of housekeeping issues. [00:00:17.000] The q amp a and the chat are both open, it's a little easier for me to keep track of things in the q amp a but do feel free to use whichever you like. [00:00:25.000] We are recording the session for folks who can't attend and that will the link to that recording will come to you and our follow up webinar that will arrive tomorrow. [00:00:34.000] Around this time, you will also receive an attendance certificate for tuning in today along with some handy links to things we talked about, and of course my contact info in case you want to reach out with any questions. [00:00:47.000] So, let's go ahead and talk about what we're going to talk about today. [00:00:52.000] So this session was inspired by many of our libraries who have access to our periodical databases Gale OneFile. And of course offer book clubs. So we wanted to share some best practices for searching and find what you need out of the resources in terms [00:01:08.000] of finding literary criticism author interviews, things like that. [00:01:13.000] We also want to share some d&d filters that will let you do that in a snap. And then talk about different ways you can share what you found with book club member. [00:01:26.000] throughout the session just jump in anytime we've got a good amount of time to cover what we want to cover. [00:01:32.000] So the two resources will be focusing on today, come from the OneFile product family. But before we dive into those specifics, I wanted to give you just a little kind of definition. [00:01:45.000] Whenever you see Gale OneFile attached to one of our product names. [00:01:51.000] That means it comes from our magazines, journals news and multimedia products. [00:01:56.000] So the point of those databases really are the magazines, journals and news sources that are making them up the multimedia typically comes from new sources as well. [00:02:06.000] That's really the goal of them they're going to have some kind of quick ready reference tools in there and things like reports and the like. But the most part the focus is that periodical content. [00:02:17.000] So whenever you see down OneFile regardless of kind of what comes after it. [00:02:22.000] It's primarily going to be a magazines and journals. [00:02:25.000] So the two we're going to look at today are willing to have our heavy hitters academic OneFile and Gemma one. [00:02:34.000] Both of these are again periodical databases, as you could imagine, academic OneFile has more than academics, but a little more scholarly, I should say a little more scholarly peer reviewed time content, and the general OneFile is more general interest, [00:02:49.000] And in general, OneFile is more general interest, so things you might pick up at the newsstand or the bookstores magazine rack that type of thing. Both though have thousands and thousands of periodicals, in them. [00:03:02.000] So they are huge repository of content for certainly things you will be reading your book club that were recently published but and also going back several years, you've got a wealth of information here. [00:03:15.000] And while the databases, again, their focus is magazines and journals, they don't have a particular subject area because they cover so much, you do find there are a lot of literary journals in there you'll find your professional development titles like [00:03:29.000] bookless school every journal and so on in there. [00:03:33.000] It's a nice mix and you kind of sometimes pull content from places, maybe you wouldn't think so. [00:03:38.000] I love putting these two to work for book clubs. [00:03:42.000] So, we're ready to go ahead and dive in and take a look at him I'm going to disable my video just so you cannot have focus on what I have on this. [00:03:49.000] And we'll dive into the resources. [00:03:53.000] So I'm going to start out with general OneFile, it is kind of our most popular periodical resource in public libraries, will land here, and all of our databases start off with a nice simple syrup right there on the homepage, we've got, you know, very [00:04:11.000] Google search we call it our basic search, and I'm going to use a title that I read in my book club not too long ago. [00:04:21.000] Good talk by mirror Jacob, and I'm throwing both in the title and the author, just because good talk is kind of a general phrase you might hear. So, it may not, you know, the database may not know the difference between it being a book by Ellen, being [00:04:36.000] just a phrase used in in articles to throw the author's name in here and you bet those kind of ambiguous titles. Good way to go, and send that search off. [00:04:46.000] Now, this was a book we covered in our book club, it was a little different for some folks it's a graphic novel. [00:04:51.000] So, you know, I think a lot of times those get associated more with kind of young adult middle readers but in our book club you know it's all grown ups, and it was really interesting change for a lot of folks your mo you stay kind of picking up novels [00:05:04.000] and things and it's a really engaging title so if you haven't read it I certainly encourage anybody to to pick it up, but a great way to kind of get discussion going for book clubs, is just share other pieces so along with reading the book you can read [00:05:17.000] reactions to it maybe in the form of book reviews. You can read up you know see where it landed maybe on various bestseller lists you kind of get an idea of how successful it might have been. [00:05:28.000] That's the kind of thing we're finding here. [00:05:31.000] When you come into these databases. [00:05:34.000] Again, there may have a different types of sources. [00:05:37.000] but you'll find. [00:05:39.000] Here we go, or use my annotate tool there, we break them down by the type of source of the magazines academic journals news. Again, we're in general one. [00:05:49.000] But there are many young girls and we know that tab as well, you do find a blender is a little overlap between the OneFile resources. But I do think it's worthwhile to kind of go into each when you're researching because there isn't that much of them. [00:06:06.000] So we started here in a magazine results. [00:06:09.000] And they're sort of oh sorry let me get rid of this circle so we can [00:06:14.000] click on other things, bear with me just a second. [00:06:17.000] Here we go. So, scrolling down here the magazine results are sorting by relevance, which I tend to like with this. If I were looking at something that we're time sensitive you know maybe something science or medicine related I may want to change that [00:06:30.000] to date. But the relevancy ranking does take data into account, of course, just the nature when this book was published is going to affect the date so you know don't worry about the dates too much with this but just so you know relevance does take that [00:06:44.000] data into account. Looks like we're finding some book reviews. You'll notice these articles are tagged along with telling us their title where they came from, and when you're also getting these little tags about the about the article. [00:06:58.000] of course the day, how many words it is, and then our document taken indicator. We've got an interview here we've got a book review it's also a brief article meeting it's less than 500 words. [00:07:10.000] So these are important when our when our indexers are assigning subject headings, they're also assigning these tags to the articles, and we're going to put them to work these are what we can filter through our results by. [00:07:21.000] But let's go ahead and have a look around here. So the magazines we've got 19 hysterically jump over to academic journals, to get some titles as well this is where I always like to point out you're finding things that you may be using in the library to [00:07:34.000] make book selections. First they can also be a great tool for finding books for in a book for book club, and that the news tab, I think is always one, that is, you know, not always the first place I think for a lot of literary content but if you think [00:07:52.000] about it you know the New York Times Book Review and and sources like that workflow to this. [00:07:57.000] And we've also got some content from news wires here as well so something that could have appeared in various newspapers. [00:08:08.000] But I think it's an engaging place because often you know, particularly on the weekend the newspaper might do, you know, different lifestyle features and, you know, reading and writing are always important in those types of items so we found some good [00:08:22.000] videos here and we've got actually a another interview, that also has an audio file attached to it so we have this indicator these two indicators that may be kind of engaging to hear from our author, and the title really engages us so I thought this might [00:08:39.000] be a good thing to share with book club. Right. There are a few different ways you can do that and we're going to talk about a few of them. [00:08:47.000] The first one, though, is our get linked. [00:08:51.000] And let me use my annotating tool here again. [00:08:57.000] Folks I'm having trouble area, gambling, maybe a button you've noticed in our databases maybe you've heard about another free session that link is a popular tool in our resources because what it's going to give me is a persistent URL, and Pearl, that's [00:09:17.000] going to let me. Circle said get rid of that arrow. That's going to let me share that with my users are with my book club members, and it's going to drop them right into this interview with our author. [00:09:31.000] It's a persistent URL or Pearl, so it doesn't change, and the place it takes you doesn't change it I was put your right where you want it. [00:09:40.000] Really URLs, you can put it wherever you like what makes it you know a little more unique that is that it is a participant URL. [00:09:49.000] You want to use get link, you don't want to use the one in the address bar here that's why I'm texting it out, that URL is not persistent it's a dynamic URL we created for you to view this page, it's attached to your session. [00:10:03.000] And we clear out all session information when you leave our database. [00:10:06.000] So this is the URL you want to use when you want to share with others get link. [00:10:14.000] Now what can you do with it, really, the possibilities are our kind of endless. Let me give you an example of how you might use one. [00:10:21.000] So this is a web page demos had demonstrations that I've created there is no unfortunately nibble library but here we have a page dedicated to book club members, and let's say, or nonfiction book club was reading the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks in [00:10:40.000] been turned into a movie. [00:10:43.000] Maybe we're going to read there we're going to watch the movie as well. We've got the option to hop into an interview with one of the stars. Renee Elise goals very. [00:10:56.000] And one of the things I love I think particularly, we use these a lot in, in my book club. We work with NPR bring their content in our databases. [00:11:06.000] I love interviews so that you can see I've quoted those out a few times but I'm hearing from the author i think is always great we link out to the audio and NPR site, but I'm also more of a reader, I would much rather, you know scan an article that I [00:11:21.000] would kind of listen to, you know, say a 10 minute video or or audio clip so we've got the best of both worlds. I and again the way I did that was just using the get link for this article, and then put it right on a web page. [00:11:38.000] So of course, this is taking it a step further putting it on a web page of course you can just copy and paste it into an email, or even just use our own email tool. [00:11:48.000] We've got the email option here with the article you can use the same to. [00:11:53.000] And we can send it off to all the members of our book club, although what I usually recommend is if you send it to yourself and then forward it out to the members in your book club, because that way comes from you. [00:12:05.000] Instead of our mail servers at Gale they may not open something up like that or might go into their spam, but you can just send the whole article option right so those tools are still there as well. [00:12:17.000] Next out of it. [00:12:19.000] And to them. [00:12:21.000] So get link, really powerful will probably mentioned another, another surface about. [00:12:28.000] Alright so we saw those document tags that come along with our articles document type is the one that I that identifies whether something's an interview whether something is a cover story a report to tell statistics, things like that. [00:12:44.000] So document types and important filter let's put it your weather example here, one of the things I did to prep for the webinar was kind of look around a lot of different library websites and see what they were doing with book clubs and what was on deck [00:12:56.000] for summer reading, and the like, and one title of it came up again and again, was the city. [00:13:05.000] We became and I became quite intrigued by it so I got added to my to read list this summer as well. Now putting the title in quotes is because I wanted to do an exact race. [00:13:16.000] So our databases, always respect what's inside of the quotes there so we'll do an exact phrase match. [00:13:24.000] Again, we're going to go to a familiar little results screen we've got hits on magazines academic journals news and so on. [00:13:31.000] And again we can see those tags and each of our articles, if you look over to the right, actually make this a little bit. [00:13:39.000] But you look over to the right, we have to filter your results tools, and document type is one of those options along with date publication title subjects. [00:13:48.000] We're talking about those a little more later. Document Type is really one of my favorite limiters, not just because of course it allows me to filter but also because it tells me something about what I found. [00:13:59.000] So, all these articles that are in my results, I've got Of course those that are just kind of general articles. I've got book reviews, I've got critical essay, and I've got a cover story, and check that out. [00:14:14.000] Now what it finds is this cover story from audio file magazine. And this was another thing I saw a lot of adult book clubs were audio books audio books, not just you know the active reading the book or maybe the ebook but actively listening and maybe [00:14:29.000] hearing from the author themselves you're an amazing merrier. So I thought this would be a great tool for kind of a selection of your, your audio books you know to kind of take a look at what you might put on the list, but one with finding support for [00:14:42.000] what you're already reading the databases can help you kind of inspire what you might read next now and of course this comes from a, you know, fairly authoritative source, all about audio books so great resource to find. [00:14:57.000] And again we can take advantage let's say we want to share this list with our members. Again, lots of tools we can use to send something off to our group tonight. [00:15:09.000] Again the send two or email again to get link, but another option is sharing it through a cloud based tool like Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive. And I've got an example here using Google Drive that I want to share in a minute but let me show you how [00:15:27.000] simple it is basically you want to be logged into your Google or Microsoft account. [00:15:31.000] And for a lot of folks his own computers that are already going to be logged into one or the other, as I am here so it just sends it off to your Google Drive, and where it lands. [00:15:43.000] Let me go ahead and go out to drive here [00:15:49.000] is a folder named after whatever database. [00:15:53.000] So go ahead and refresh here. [00:15:56.000] Let me start these correctly so I can find it easier. [00:16:02.000] Gale general OneFile. [00:16:04.000] And that's the database I mentioned that's where, what's my document and there's that article, but it right my Google Drive. [00:16:13.000] And once it's here, it's yours to do with what you like. [00:16:17.000] I this is now become your document in your Google Drive you can pull it out from anywhere anytime from your phone from someone else's computer. [00:16:26.000] You've got it in your cloud. [00:16:30.000] Now, it is, you know, going to give you of course the entire article it also pulls over any images, unfortunately if there were a video or audio file attached here with wouldn't pull that over. [00:16:41.000] But no worries because what we also send along with the entire article and its images is its source citation. [00:16:52.000] So you can always know where this came from that's important, right, that source citation always has a link though, and that's the get link URL. So if I want to get back to this article say there was a video a challenge I want to give you. [00:17:03.000] I just grabbed that URL, and I can go right back into the database and watch the video so that this entire article here again it's mine to do with what I like. [00:17:13.000] So if you look over to the upper right hand corner there's a share tool I can share this with members using Google's tool. I can move it into a different folder maybe I create a folder named after every book we're reading. [00:17:25.000] I can move it into something else. It's yours to do with what you like once a year, and kind of being inspired by the last year or so our book club move to a more virtual environment. [00:17:37.000] One of the things we did was a book club through a Google Doc, we took whatever books and instead of setting up a time to meet via zoom, which, you know, it's hard to sometimes find time that fits for everybody. [00:17:50.000] Not everybody loves being on video, that type of thing we have this kind of asynchronous discussion where we're all reading this interview again I love her, she was with the author of the, one of the, the book we were reading and making our own comment. [00:18:06.000] So it's a really neat tool in both Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive, that you can comment on pieces and highlight different words or highlight different you know paragraphs and whatever you like and have this discussion within the document itself, [00:18:22.000] and just share it with your members and get a discussion going. [00:18:27.000] So the Google and Microsoft integration is really powerful people are using tools they're familiar with using from in other ways. So, This just kind of fits right into a workflow. [00:18:39.000] All right, let me take a quick pause here see if anything's in the chat or the Q [00:18:45.000] Matt so far so do feel free to send in any questions. I've got to go ahead and close a few windows we've got a lot of things open here so [00:18:56.000] we moved my zoom so I can, Joe. [00:19:00.000] Here we go. [00:19:04.000] Alright, so let's go ahead and take a look at what academic OneFile can offer us as well again general OneFile Bismarck general interest publications, if we move to and I'm going to go back to the bl products menu here, and to Gale academic OneFile. [00:19:20.000] What we're going to lead with here are the more academic and scholarly publications so we're going to see a little change here when I, when I do my first search, and where we land on our results. [00:19:31.000] So we've used Facebook search a couple times again it's very Google as easy search to us. I thought I'd share how we can actually put the filters to work. [00:19:40.000] When we issue a search. So if I know I'm after a critical essay I know I'm after an interview I can jump right to advanced search, and an advanced search You're the boss, you choose the field you're searching on, you can apply filters right when you issue [00:19:56.000] you issue your search you put in all your parameters here. To get started, you can see we're actually running a survey I'm not going to answer it and we would back that in the chat. [00:20:09.000] Can you find short stories that have been published in periodicals Susan, it's almost like I planted that question, because that is a perfect use of advanced search. [00:20:18.000] Let me scroll down here, you can do what we call an empty search in our databases meeting I'm going to use just a filter to issue a search. So, limit by document type, and we got a lot of document types to go through. [00:20:33.000] So, I'm sorry we're not going to go through them. There's a big list of them to kind of scroll through and pick from. [00:20:39.000] So I like to use the little shortcut here where you can start to type the one you want. [00:20:43.000] You can find short stories in our databases so just choose document types short story. And that's all I'm going to do if I had something in mind if I want to say a sentence with teachers or something like that I could throw a search term it as well. [00:20:56.000] But I'm going to leave it at this I'm just going to pull every short story we have and remember we've moved to academic one out here. [00:21:03.000] So everything we have in this database. [00:21:06.000] And here's where you see a slight difference between our results and general waterfowl and our results in academic OneFile. I notice where we land First, we land on academic journals, assuming if you're in an academic database that's what you're asking. [00:21:22.000] When you're in general one final which is again more general interest. [00:21:26.000] We landed on magazines. [00:21:28.000] So let's take a look at these results here. [00:21:31.000] So these are really everything we've got these are all of the short stories that appear and Gale academic one fell and I could have done the same thing in general and it shares, you know the same type of filter. [00:21:42.000] And the neat thing about this resolved, is I can still use the filters, again, that may be just to narrow down when I've got in front of me because there are thousands to go through. [00:21:51.000] If I open up something like subjects. [00:21:55.000] You can see, you know, maybe a genre or a topic of that the short stories and the results are matching up with the friendship human nature, kind of keep scrolling here they start by the number of hits the champ. [00:22:10.000] And they do have that little shortcut where you can start searching on the [00:22:16.000] subject heading and it will show you the list of ones that match. [00:22:19.000] But it's a great way to get a sense of what's here. [00:22:23.000] Right. So if we kind of scroll through actually let's do one. Oh, you know, someone just grabbed my rural life I grew up out in the country so very well. [00:22:30.000] So now I've isolated down with just a click, went from thousands about thousands of articles, a couple hundred or so. [00:22:38.000] And this was another thing I saw a short story book club for adults do you know something that's a little more, you know, easier to get through, and maybe you can even meet more frequently in that case but I love this idea as well. [00:22:51.000] So, great question, and I got to show that off. [00:22:56.000] So, already advanced search of course let you combined fields as well so I just did again what we call an empty Sir, I use just a document type to isolate. [00:23:06.000] But let's say I want to narrow this further. So, one of the authors I kept seeing coming up and book clubs and recommended for adults was circles. [00:23:20.000] Going to go there. [00:23:22.000] He is a layman. [00:23:25.000] Let me get this apparently can't talk and type today. [00:23:28.000] So you'll notice as you type, it's always suggesting terms you don't have to select them but I do love them. I'm a terrible speller in most cases so that can be really handy, but I don't need it in this case which will leave it as is. [00:23:42.000] I don't leave keyword there as well. I like that as a search it's going to look for his name and the subject headings in the titles of every article it's going to read the abstract if it has won the first paragraph or so it looks in all these hotspots [00:23:56.000] kind of the key fields of the database. And let's say I'm looking for interviews, again I love to hear from authors, so we go ahead and again use document type of [00:24:09.000] isolated interview. [00:24:12.000] Like search and we're off. [00:24:13.000] And again I do always like to remind folks that when we come to our results. It may look like we found just one but again remember there are those other content types of the top of our results that we've got one here. [00:24:25.000] And if I move over to news. [00:24:28.000] I've got a few more as well. [00:24:30.000] So I love this one I actually read a few of these. [00:24:33.000] This first one is a layman comprehends his mother's worry is a really good one. This one's also interesting as well because it focuses on heavy which I did see on a lot of book club list so we want to focus on the book as well. [00:24:46.000] And again, these are coming from NPR. So we have the transcript, and then we've got a link out to go listen to the audio at their website, and maybe download as well depending on their settings so he's a very for different articles. [00:25:00.000] Right, so you can put that content to work. [00:25:03.000] The other thing I love to find is the database also is trying to give you more stuff you're in one of the results and you better explore. So I can find more articles like this one. [00:25:15.000] I can also find related subjects so you know his work does deal with trauma so I can actually go out and find more articles in general, that is support to support our discussion when that comes up, right and when you're talking about nonfiction where [00:25:30.000] you're talking about memoirs. There are different issues that come up, you can use what else is in the database again this is a huge collection, not just, again, as we mentioned, you know, looking at literature. [00:25:41.000] We've got medical journals here. [00:25:43.000] And some of this again will remember we're an academic OneFile so it might feel a little scholarly for me I might pop over to the magazines and see. And I might pick up at the newsstand as well about trauma so it's a great way to kind of learn more, [00:25:58.000] and supplement, whatever you're reading particularly with not allowed to use this. [00:26:05.000] So the last thing I want to show you here, in terms of best practices for it is, and I'm going to go back to the advanced search to do it. [00:26:18.000] One of the other document types, it's really valuable here is critical asset, this is what we have literature criticism with. So when you're looking for kind of in depth literature criticism you're not looking for just your review, you want a more in [00:26:32.000] depth look at the word critical essays of perfect documents ideas. So let's say we're reading. So there are a lot of mystery book clubs, going on so you can use Agatha Christie here is our example. [00:26:47.000] And here we have, and then because we're in academic one fell you can see you know these are pretty heavy hitter illiterate journals and the collection so these are going to dive deep the word count also gives you a good indicator that these can be deep [00:27:00.000] dives into the author and their works. [00:27:04.000] Another way to get it that content, again I'm a big fan of document type. [00:27:10.000] Another way to find though that literature criticism, let me jump back to the homepage here. [00:27:16.000] One of our search paths works with our subject heading index. Subject Guide search uses that work that are indexers us signing subject headings to all of our articles. [00:27:27.000] We do use some machine aided indexing but it's a lot of people doing this work. [00:27:32.000] We come here and do the same search. [00:27:37.000] But, there we go. Sorry for my typos there. [00:27:43.000] And instead of going directly to results what subject guide search does is check in with the user. So here are the subject headings that match Agatha Christie, and you can choose. [00:27:53.000] In this case, but whatever one's appropriate for what we're after. But notice we can open up subdivisions here. [00:28:00.000] And there we have criticism and interpretation. [00:28:04.000] So we can come in that way. And what I love about this is that it's a very precise search we've chosen our subject. So Agatha Christie is the subject of these articles, and this is going to be criticism and interpretation for her because again it was [00:28:20.000] a subdivision. It's a very precise way to come into your search and find content it's less hits than what we found with advanced search because it wasn't quite as precise I just was searching for Agatha Christie as a key words so it could have been a [00:28:33.000] result where maybe she's being compared to a deep dive on another author. [00:28:37.000] So, I love the subject path, it really will let you work with the controlled vocabulary find the right term, and then zero and much more specific. [00:28:47.000] So, great way to come into the content I've been a big fan of subject based search so I'm kind of taking every opportunity to show it off, I wouldn't actually. [00:28:57.000] So, sorry didn't mean to. [00:29:05.000] So my book club was reading. [00:29:08.000] What is not yours is not yours. And notice it's got it right there for me in my Dropbox here my services. I could have just selected it but instead I'm just not in the habit of doing that. [00:29:23.000] I issue my search, and certainly it's a popular book, but I was surprised to find hundreds of thousands of results. [00:29:33.000] And I bet some of you, most of you probably already know why this happened with our search tool. If we don't put something in quotes remember when I use quotes for the city we became that forces the search engine to own that to look for what's inside [00:29:47.000] the quotes. [00:29:49.000] By default, though, our search engine looks at something like not as an operator. So it's looking for what is. And it's not looking for yours at all, and is I'm going to guess as a staff word so it's not looking for that so basically what I found is every [00:30:07.000] instance of what is in our database. [00:30:09.000] Right. So something you've got to think about what book titles. [00:30:14.000] Again, just use quotes like I did before. Had I done that, or even thought I selected from the Dropbox. [00:30:20.000] I would have been in better shape. [00:30:29.000] oh no did agenda sorry I think I [00:30:34.000] heard folks I'm having some sure keyboard issues. [00:30:42.000] There we go, issue that again. [00:30:44.000] There we go. Little more manageable every zone. [00:30:47.000] So thing but feel like those things often come up with book titles. So, just a little tip there. [00:30:53.000] So already, let's five wrap up much you down with the rest of your day again do feel free to share any questions or or feedback in our chat and the q amp a I'm going to keep things open and interactive here after we wrap up so folks do have questions, [00:31:09.000] but what I'll leave you with is just do feel free to reach out to us to Gale when you've got questions about these resources. [00:31:16.000] And you're gonna have my contact info in the follow up email that will come to you tomorrow. I'll include links to the survey to our support site and also archived on customer success manager. [00:31:26.000] This is a team of Gale that just make sure you are being, you know, the kind of the best you can be with our deal databases, making sure you're successful, so they can walk you through all the different say free marketing tools we have questions about [00:31:39.000] the resources suggestions, we'd love to hear those so they're great with the folks do feel free to reach out don't suffer in silence we want to know what's not working for you personally love to hear what it is but we also want to hear what's not. [00:31:51.000] So, However means you want to do what we've got lots of ways for you to get in touch with us. [00:32:03.000] So what I'll do, then lastly is just say thank you so much for tuning in today. [00:32:08.000] We of course have monthly webinars, so keep an eye on our schedule.