[00:00:06.908] Thank you again everyone for being here. [00:00:09.050] Today. We're going to be talking about getting healthy [00:00:11.448] with gale health and wellness. My [00:00:13.538] name is Amber Winters and I am your gale training [00:00:15.960] consultant for the day [00:00:19.297] So today first of course we're going to talk about [00:00:21.440] exactly what gale health and wellness is. [00:00:24.309] We're going to focus specifically on the content [00:00:26.818] that's going to be found to help your patrons as [00:00:28.899] they start trying to live a little [00:00:31.010] bit more healthy. this session [00:00:33.209] is being recorded in january, so I'm [00:00:35.417] sure a lot of your pa are coming in looking for [00:00:37.465] health tips at the, at the start [00:00:39.542] of the new year. So we're going to go over the [00:00:41.634] different bits of content as well as the resource [00:00:43.935] platform and the resource workflow [00:00:46.944] that's going to help them as they run [00:00:49.314] through their own discovery. So we will take time [00:00:51.514] to walk through the resource [00:00:54.039] And at the end of the session we will have time for [00:00:56.079] questions and I have some closing information [00:00:58.219] with some contact information for you [00:01:00.329] as well. Again, if you have questions [00:01:02.380] as we move through the session, you don't need [00:01:04.400] to wait until the end of the session if you don't want to [00:01:06.540] go ahead and put them into the Q. And A. And I'll be [00:01:08.659] able to answer them as we move along. [00:01:12.430] So, first let's just go over briefly what [00:01:14.569] exactly gale health and wellness is. [00:01:16.739] And this is a resource that's really going to, [00:01:19.087] it's a, a very broad resource that's going to [00:01:21.099] help a lot of different patron types [00:01:23.239] that you may run into. You have access [00:01:25.430] to content anywhere from full text [00:01:27.629] medical journals down to [00:01:29.688] news and magazines or reference work. So [00:01:31.730] you're really getting the basic intermediate and [00:01:33.750] advanced leveled content found here [00:01:35.769] in this. And it is focused really [00:01:37.918] on everything, health and wellness. So you're going to get [00:01:40.218] the standard, what you would expect, like diseases [00:01:42.408] and disorders, you're also going to get [00:01:44.557] different treatments as well as other health topics [00:01:46.789] that may not be strictly mainstream [00:01:48.799] medicine. You may get information [00:01:51.057] on holistic treatments or information on [00:01:53.079] exercise and yoga, things like that. So [00:01:55.239] it's really kind of an all encompassing [00:01:57.259] product that you're going to spend a lot of great information [00:01:59.807] on. and it has a nice [00:02:02.040] clean organization. So if your patrons are starting [00:02:04.370] to kind of be beginner researchers a little bit [00:02:06.459] and aren't quite sure where they need to go. [00:02:08.688] We have really nice topic pages that are pre [00:02:10.878] created for them. We pull together all [00:02:13.080] of the different contents related to whatever [00:02:15.318] topic they searched or browsed for. [00:02:17.429] And they'll be able to point and click through that instead of having [00:02:19.679] to kind of navigate through a basic [00:02:21.837] search results page. [00:02:24.139] And in addition to that workflow, we have some [00:02:26.250] really nice tools. So not only today are we [00:02:28.300] going to take a look at the content that's going [00:02:30.329] to support a healthy lifestyle for your patrons, [00:02:32.800] but we're also going to learn how they can manipulate [00:02:34.968] that text to make it as accessible as it possibly [00:02:37.418] can be for them. And also how to take [00:02:39.438] the text with them. So if they do find something [00:02:41.617] really helpful while they're on the computer, [00:02:43.740] say at your library as opposed to being home, [00:02:45.800] we're going to go over some different workflows for [00:02:47.837] them to save that content to take a look at later. [00:02:50.860] a great way for them to save content. If [00:02:53.087] they're planning on speaking with their doctor, they can [00:02:55.098] save whatever article they found and [00:02:57.218] they'll have it prepared and ready for them to go when they do [00:02:59.319] speak with them. [00:03:02.837] So first I just wanna go briefly into [00:03:05.008] the different content types [00:03:07.110] we have available and how they can be helpful. So first [00:03:10.050] a big chunk of information [00:03:12.360] we have within this resource is going to be [00:03:14.378] reference articles. So again this [00:03:16.449] is really excuse me. [00:03:18.837] this is really basic information [00:03:21.079] that's going to allow your patrons to kind of build [00:03:23.258] their found foundational information about [00:03:25.389] whatever they're learning about. maybe it's [00:03:27.478] heart disease, if they're worried about their risk factors [00:03:29.899] that way, maybe it's exercise, Maybe they've decided [00:03:32.158] they need to work on their diet this year. [00:03:34.538] they'll get these reference articles that [00:03:36.610] are going to give them that base level of knowledge [00:03:38.800] before they start going any further. So [00:03:40.837] those are going to be the starting point for most likely. [00:03:43.337] A lot of your patron research. [00:03:45.860] moving from there, We have news and magazine [00:03:48.098] reports that are updated daily. [00:03:50.319] So if your patrons are looking for information that's [00:03:52.538] currently in the news, they currently want to see what's [00:03:54.658] going on. This will be a great place for them [00:03:56.819] to stop as well. So it's going to let them connect [00:03:58.938] to those topics as they're happening. [00:04:01.117] So they'll get informa information like [00:04:03.240] maybe community health or something like that, or [00:04:05.774] they can find information on different medical breakthroughs. [00:04:08.343] Maybe there's a new treatment for something [00:04:10.853] they're struggling with. They'll be able to find that [00:04:12.973] on this platform as well. And again, the news and magazines [00:04:15.774] are updated daily. So they're [00:04:17.923] getting that most current content [00:04:20.355] that we have [00:04:22.139] We also have a pretty huge multimedia [00:04:24.379] collection as well. So if you have patrons [00:04:26.389] who are maybe struggling with reading, [00:04:28.449] maybe english isn't their first language, or maybe [00:04:30.660] they just have difficulty reading screens, [00:04:32.927] they can take a look at some of the different [00:04:35.079] videos. We have audio files and images as [00:04:37.269] well. And they're able to take a look through those [00:04:39.677] instead of that text formatting. So we [00:04:41.808] do like to supplement our text with a lot [00:04:43.869] of multimedia that's going to help them. [00:04:46.298] and within our images sections. We also have [00:04:48.480] a lot of great graphs and charts [00:04:50.600] and statistics and things like that. So [00:04:52.798] again giving your patrons just another level [00:04:55.100] of content to help them [00:04:57.237] understand whatever topic they're trying to learn [00:04:59.298] about. [00:05:00.230] And as I previously mentioned, we do have full [00:05:02.237] text academic medical journals. [00:05:04.759] So of course that's going to be for your more advanced [00:05:07.100] researchers. Maybe you have individuals [00:05:09.220] coming in from the, the local community college [00:05:11.608] or from a high school or something like that [00:05:13.670] and they need that kind of more advanced, [00:05:15.699] moving away from consumer focus [00:05:17.750] to more advanced academic work. [00:05:19.970] They can find that information here on this resource [00:05:22.230] as well. [00:05:23.439] So, again, a really nice holistic approach here, [00:05:25.949] and all of this content, as I mentioned, is [00:05:28.259] organized in two different topic pages. [00:05:30.439] So you'll see, I've pulled forward here. We have [00:05:32.569] a topic page specifically related to fitness. [00:05:35.100] So if your patrons are coming in trying [00:05:37.480] to start their own exercise regimen [00:05:39.659] or something like that, they can click into this nice [00:05:41.769] topic page. [00:05:43.358] when they do at the very top of that [00:05:45.480] page, they're going to get a nice overview of [00:05:47.670] just fitness in general. So they're going to understand [00:05:50.420] what fitness is, what kind of the [00:05:52.970] the expectations of fitness are. [00:05:55.129] They'll find that in the overview [00:05:57.548] then down below that they're going to see all of [00:05:59.569] the different results related to fitness. [00:06:01.689] So this is what they'd see if they just ran a [00:06:03.709] basic search for fitness. You'll see right now. We [00:06:05.829] have over a million magazine [00:06:07.927] articles related to fitness. We have our academic [00:06:10.459] works pulled out here. All of our multimedia [00:06:13.149] will be found here as well. So these topic pages [00:06:15.487] organize and pull all of that content together [00:06:18.149] to make this really simple for your patrons to access. [00:06:21.278] And down underneath that we also have a [00:06:23.290] search within option. So as they start to look [00:06:25.389] through this topic page, if maybe they're finding a lot [00:06:27.439] of content that isn't directly what [00:06:29.480] they're looking for. Maybe they're specifically [00:06:31.500] focused on yoga or something like that. Some specific [00:06:34.000] type of fitness. They can type that into [00:06:36.170] the search within and gets more exact [00:06:38.649] results for what they're looking for. [00:06:41.649] and before we do dive in, I have just a few key [00:06:43.778] topic pages. I want to mention that you may want [00:06:45.819] to point out to your patrons, especially [00:06:47.927] if you have individ individuals coming into your [00:06:49.987] library asking you for information or [00:06:52.350] maybe you're running a program a around around [00:06:54.427] healthy living. We do have some great topic [00:06:56.899] pages that you can get a quick [00:06:59.048] link to and share out either on your [00:07:01.069] social media or your life, great website wherever [00:07:03.084] you wanted to go. So of course fitness. [00:07:05.314] I've listed here. You'll see my screen chat here. But we [00:07:07.423] also have topic pages on obesity [00:07:10.052] and obesity related illnesses like heart [00:07:12.134] disease and diabetes. We have [00:07:14.184] a, a really huge mental health section [00:07:16.233] that I'm going to point out to you today for your [00:07:18.254] patrons. So if they are help struggling [00:07:20.994] with some sort of um [00:07:22.910] Mental health concern like depression, [00:07:25.269] anxiety. We've got information to help [00:07:27.509] them. We have great topic [00:07:29.600] pages on vaping and vaccines. I [00:07:31.608] think vaping is especially important if you have [00:07:34.048] many patients coming in with [00:07:36.189] Children who are kind of struggling with vaping. [00:07:38.500] Of course, that's a big issue in high schools right now. [00:07:40.808] We got a full, topic page for that as well. [00:07:42.939] We do have a full diets topic [00:07:45.058] page. We're actually going to take a look at that today. [00:07:47.149] So we can see some of the different diets and [00:07:49.209] kind of learn background. We also [00:07:51.237] have information on different medications [00:07:53.750] as well as different exams, [00:07:56.028] different tests and things like that, you'll say have included [00:07:58.100] physical examination here. [00:08:00.009] this is a really beneficial one. If your patrons [00:08:02.290] are just starting to go to the doctor. Maybe [00:08:04.369] it's been a been a while and they're [00:08:06.459] just starting to go back or maybe they're just [00:08:08.920] turning into adults and they have to go in for that [00:08:10.987] adults physical examination. We actually [00:08:13.160] give a background on those just to help [00:08:15.269] ease the anxiety of going to the doctor a little [00:08:17.350] bit. They'll also find information [00:08:19.379] And if they need x-rays or biopsies [00:08:21.677] or ultrasounds. all that good [00:08:23.737] stuff is found here on this resource as well. [00:08:25.959] So it's a one stop shop to make sure [00:08:27.980] they understand what's going on around them and make [00:08:30.069] sure we can try to ease the [00:08:32.090] anxiety of going to the doctor a little bit [00:08:35.908] So let's go ahead and take a look here. We'll go through some [00:08:37.969] of the different workflows and how your patrons [00:08:40.259] can access this content. [00:08:42.109] while I switch over. Does [00:08:44.278] anyone have any questions, Let's [00:08:46.590] see. Here we go. [00:08:48.009] for me, as we get going, [00:08:53.548] OK? [00:08:54.710] I don't see any questions. So we'll go ahead [00:08:56.927] and just get rolling here. So this is the [00:08:58.979] home page to gale health and wellness. [00:09:01.278] And I will point out [00:09:03.119] towards the top of the page here under [00:09:05.200] our topics of interest. We do change [00:09:07.330] these frequently depending on what's going on. So [00:09:09.349] you'll see COVID-19 has [00:09:11.408] been listed on this little carousel for [00:09:14.038] quite a while, but we also include [00:09:16.239] some other things listed here as well as poverty [00:09:18.418] and health as well as senior health. We've [00:09:20.528] decided to pull forward today. So if your patrons [00:09:22.807] find one of those topics interesting, they [00:09:25.177] can click directly there without even having to run [00:09:27.200] a search. They'll be able to access that content [00:09:30.830] of course we have our search bar up top. [00:09:33.080] But today I want to show you how you can click through [00:09:35.278] using our browse topics option. [00:09:37.677] And this is really great if your patron doesn't know exactly [00:09:40.427] what they want to search. [00:09:42.489] We have this access here. So [00:09:44.908] two sections I want to point out today, since we're talking [00:09:47.250] about healthy living are going to be [00:09:49.469] the therapies, treatments and surgery [00:09:51.729] section. [00:09:53.619] because the treatments is going to [00:09:55.820] include things like exercise, [00:09:58.557] like diets, um, weight [00:10:00.969] loss, things like that. It's going to show [00:10:02.979] different treatments for those things and a lot [00:10:05.028] of those treatments are going to be individual [00:10:07.219] driven, not necessarily going out to the doctor [00:10:10.200] So this therapy treatments and surgeries section [00:10:12.427] is really great to find content. [00:10:14.469] And then our mental health section, we've pulled [00:10:16.700] forward as well. So all of our mental health [00:10:18.849] information, we've pulled to this one [00:10:21.070] page here. You'll see. We've pulled out and highlighted [00:10:23.149] 56 topics that [00:10:25.210] are most used and most searched within [00:10:27.389] this platform. So they can access this directly [00:10:29.690] here. See if they can find exactly what they're [00:10:31.739] looking for. [00:10:33.788] So let's click now into just this [00:10:35.859] therapy treatments and surgeries options. [00:10:39.278] and you'll see listed. [00:10:41.528] Let me jump back quickly right next to the title. [00:10:43.710] There were 81 topics listed [00:10:45.927] here and of course these 81 are not [00:10:48.460] the only topics we have available, [00:10:50.619] but we do choose to pull forward into these categories. [00:10:53.489] The most searched and the most used. [00:10:55.690] So this is for the most part what your users, [00:10:58.099] your patrons are looking for. Of course, [00:11:00.177] if they can't find what they're looking for, they [00:11:02.190] can run a search and they'll still pull great contents. [00:11:04.840] It's just sometimes we don't have them listed [00:11:06.859] here and you'll [00:11:08.960] notice a lot of these have either updated [00:11:11.210] or new flags attached to them. So, [00:11:13.548] new means we've just added and highlighted [00:11:15.590] this topic to this section. So [00:11:17.629] running and jogging is something that's [00:11:19.769] must be gaining [00:11:21.788] in popularity. So we've started to include [00:11:23.908] that here. If it's listed as updated, [00:11:26.418] that means we've changed they featured content [00:11:28.830] in it within the [00:11:31.080] Excuse me, the last few months. [00:11:33.259] So you'll see these flags listed here. [00:11:36.109] and what's great is on this topic page. [00:11:38.269] I can choose to look at different sections here. [00:11:40.940] I can choose using this strap down just to [00:11:42.969] take a look at those new or updated options. [00:11:45.820] Maybe I just want to take a look at what [00:11:48.177] what people are currently looking for. Of course R. [00:11:50.200] S. B. has been really pulled [00:11:52.590] forward recently. So if they're looking for information [00:11:54.927] there, they can simply take a look at that. [00:11:58.158] if I clicked into this therapies option. [00:12:00.379] But I actually want to take a look at mental [00:12:02.658] health. I can click into that section [00:12:04.849] here or [00:12:08.038] maybe I'm looking for drugs. You know, I [00:12:10.307] am looking specifically for a weight loss drug. [00:12:12.807] I can take a look here and kind of start [00:12:14.849] to move forward. [00:12:17.590] But we'll stick here with therapies, treatments [00:12:19.778] and surgeries today. I'm gonna [00:12:21.889] scroll down, I'm going to look at diets because [00:12:24.239] again, it's the start of the new year [00:12:26.408] at the time where this is being recorded. Maybe [00:12:28.538] not whoever is watching this, but as [00:12:30.710] this is recorded, it's the start to a new year. [00:12:32.960] So we'll click into diets because again this is [00:12:35.109] probably where a lot of patrons are trying to [00:12:37.149] get to [00:12:39.019] And now we're on our topic page here. So again we [00:12:41.168] have our overview at the very top [00:12:43.298] and then scrolling down, we have these different content [00:12:45.759] buckets that are going to include the different content [00:12:48.070] types. So we've pulled reference [00:12:50.119] works out separately from magazines. [00:12:52.759] We have our images listed here again, as I mentioned [00:12:55.038] a lot of times, we have some great statistics [00:12:57.639] or different kind of bits of information [00:13:00.019] like infographics and things like that. [00:13:02.820] down further. You'll see. We do have [00:13:05.080] our academic journals pulled out here as well. [00:13:07.500] You'll see these are listed as peer reviewed. [00:13:09.778] So if you have students coming in [00:13:11.840] again, maybe from the local community college [00:13:14.119] or maybe if you're with a school on the line with [00:13:16.259] us today we do label things [00:13:18.460] that are peer reviewed as peer reviewed. So if they [00:13:20.479] need that content, they'll be able to easily find [00:13:22.619] that Let's [00:13:25.139] scroll back up here. [00:13:26.940] So while I'm on this topic page, maybe you as a librarian [00:13:29.479] found this you have a lot of [00:13:31.807] individuals coming in wanting information [00:13:34.139] about different diets. You can use [00:13:36.269] this get link button at the very top here [00:13:39.820] and you can copy and paste this and send [00:13:42.019] it wherever you want it to go. So maybe you want to [00:13:44.219] forward along. Maybe you have a a list serve for [00:13:46.557] for patrons. You can forward it along that way. [00:13:48.599] Maybe you want to put it on your library's web [00:13:50.658] page, you want to send it out in [00:13:52.899] a social media post. This is a persistent [00:13:55.359] URL that's not going to break. So any of [00:13:57.408] your patrons will be able to click in and [00:13:59.778] look at this topic page and then they can move forward [00:14:02.177] with their own research. So this is still [00:14:04.359] giving them a pretty broad [00:14:06.788] set of content. You're not narrowing it down [00:14:08.979] too much for them, but you're still helping [00:14:11.038] them navigate to exactly what they need. [00:14:14.759] and this get link feature does actually follow [00:14:16.849] us around on almost all pages. [00:14:19.278] So you or your patrons can really [00:14:21.330] get a link to any page. You want to be an [00:14:23.469] article. Maybe a list of [00:14:25.580] search results. You can use your get link [00:14:29.729] today. I'm going to click to click into all [00:14:31.739] of my reference works here because again, that's kind [00:14:33.859] of our basic content and that's [00:14:36.009] where I want to be as a patron. I'm just starting [00:14:38.177] off learning. I want to take a look at my reference here. [00:14:42.899] on this right hand side. I first want to show [00:14:44.918] some of our different filters and you'll notice [00:14:47.219] we have the option to narrow down to just [00:14:49.418] spanish content. [00:14:51.139] And this is native spanish content. This isn't [00:14:53.418] content that has been translated into spanish. [00:14:56.129] this is written in spanish. [00:14:58.440] Generally the publication is going to be spanish. [00:15:01.979] So you'll see. We can pull that forward here. [00:15:04.278] So if you do have patrons looking for spanish [00:15:06.379] content they can narrow it down. [00:15:08.389] If they run a search, they can also go [00:15:10.500] onto our advanced search and there's a filter [00:15:12.700] for just spanish content there as well. [00:15:14.739] So they can actually begin their search [00:15:17.080] in spanish [00:15:19.239] I'm not going to turn that on today though. [00:15:21.288] We'll leave that off. I can also narrow [00:15:23.408] it down to consumer health. So this is going [00:15:25.519] to make sure I'm not getting a lot of that. [00:15:27.609] really advanced medical journal [00:15:29.619] content. If I really just need the more basic [00:15:31.889] level I can choose just to narrow that down [00:15:34.149] here. [00:15:35.109] I can also choose different subjects [00:15:39.219] see I have different subjects tagged here [00:15:41.509] and I can also choose a publication title if [00:15:43.649] I want [00:15:45.460] I'm going to leave those blank today though and [00:15:47.609] you'll see as I start start to scroll down here in [00:15:49.639] this left hand side, you'll see we have a lot of [00:15:51.899] information on fad diets. A lot of [00:15:54.000] different types of diets here. [00:15:56.710] I can click into any of these. let's go [00:15:58.918] ahead and click into a keto diet. [00:16:01.080] Of course a lot of individuals are on [00:16:03.099] keto diets. So if someone's interested, [00:16:05.580] we can click into this now. [00:16:08.080] Again, as I mentioned, get link has followed [00:16:10.177] me along. So if I found this really interesting, [00:16:12.619] maybe I want to share it with someone. I can [00:16:14.759] do that with my get link. [00:16:17.908] I can start to scroll down here and you'll see I have [00:16:20.028] my full text but on this right hand [00:16:22.099] side I also have an explorer option [00:16:24.298] that's going to give me some additional information. [00:16:26.969] So this is really great to move them forward if [00:16:29.019] they learned a bit about keto diet, they [00:16:31.139] want to learn more. [00:16:33.219] They can take a look at that here. You see this [00:16:35.379] related subjects is often times really helpful. [00:16:37.548] Maybe they now want to take a look at the Atkins [00:16:39.889] diet or something like that. [00:16:43.278] scrolling down here. I also want to point [00:16:45.298] out, we have our citation included. [00:16:47.629] So if you're a student coming into the library [00:16:49.778] using this for a project, [00:16:52.080] we do have our source citation built in right [00:16:54.330] there for them. [00:16:57.090] You'll notice a lot of these have these blue [00:16:59.408] sidebars. This one here, the questions to [00:17:01.418] ask your do doctor I think is really important [00:17:04.180] because of course this platform isn't going to [00:17:06.670] replace a doctor but it could certainly [00:17:08.979] help spark conversation [00:17:11.107] spark. Um [00:17:12.979] some different ideas that your patrons can [00:17:15.140] bring to their doctor. So if they are planning on getting [00:17:17.308] healthy and want to discuss they [00:17:19.420] could pull these questions and have that ready [00:17:21.630] to go so they don't get into the situation where they [00:17:23.640] get home from the doctor and say, [00:17:25.567] you know dang, I wish I would have asked blah blah [00:17:27.680] blah while I was there, they can pull these questions [00:17:30.058] right here on our platform, you'll see those in a lot [00:17:32.180] of different [00:17:33.548] articles. You'll see this one's also got [00:17:35.607] some key terms here. You'll see some of them look [00:17:37.709] fairly um [00:17:39.680] complicated in my opinion. [00:17:41.729] So we'll give definitions for all that good stuff [00:17:44.558] and again, they can pull this forward here. [00:17:47.880] and keep it with them. [00:17:49.439] And not only can they get [00:17:51.459] a link of this document if they want to, they can [00:17:53.660] print it out, they can download it to their computer [00:17:56.367] or they can send it in a few different [00:17:58.420] in kind of tech ways, [00:18:00.739] they can send it over to their drives if [00:18:02.798] they're using google drive or [00:18:04.827] one drive or integrated with both. [00:18:07.087] So they can choose these different bits of content [00:18:09.367] and send them over to those drives to save for later. [00:18:11.759] Or they can email to themselves or to [00:18:13.788] someone else [00:18:16.140] So again, if they find something really great, [00:18:18.150] maybe they want to send it over to their kids or [00:18:20.199] their parents or wherever they want [00:18:22.269] it to go. They can do that in quite a few different ways. [00:18:25.837] They can also edit how they see this text [00:18:28.180] here. So if you have patrons coming in. [00:18:30.337] maybe they want this text in spanish, [00:18:32.880] Maybe we don't have a spanish version of this. [00:18:35.278] They can translate this english article [00:18:37.519] using our translate button here [00:18:40.048] They could click pull it down and [00:18:42.067] choose whatever language they need. [00:18:45.180] We also have the ability to increase or decrease [00:18:47.558] the font size. So if you have patrons [00:18:49.689] who are visually impaired, who need [00:18:51.798] that larger text, they can change any of those [00:18:54.140] right here. [00:18:55.729] We can also change how the text [00:18:57.910] is displayed to make it as easy as possible [00:19:00.107] to see if you have patrons coming in [00:19:02.250] who are dyslexic. We do have a dyslexia [00:19:05.028] font available for them [00:19:06.709] and we can also change the line letter and word [00:19:08.729] spacing. Again, trying to [00:19:10.847] keep it as customizable [00:19:13.538] as possible to make sure your patrons [00:19:15.617] are getting exactly what they need [00:19:18.209] I'm going to leave this, I'm gonna go back to my default [00:19:20.380] here though, [00:19:21.170] but I can change this at any time [00:19:23.597] Your patrons can also listen to this content. [00:19:26.019] So again, if they find something really helpful [00:19:28.199] and maybe they're struggling readers a little bit, [00:19:30.298] they can have this full article read to them. [00:19:32.890] I'm just going to pause it here. I'm not going to play [00:19:34.920] it because you can see here when I hit that play [00:19:37.140] button and pulls forward this option here, [00:19:39.367] I can actually download this as an mp3. [00:19:41.597] So if I want to take this with me and maybe listen [00:19:43.719] to it later, [00:19:44.817] I can do that. As opposed to sending over the [00:19:46.857] text, I can send over the actual [00:19:49.219] recording of what's being read to [00:19:51.288] me And [00:19:54.817] I do have another way to find some content that [00:19:56.837] I want to take a look at before we leave [00:19:58.949] today, we've got about 10 minutes left [00:20:01.189] before I do that, does anyone have any questions [00:20:03.650] about what we went through browsing through? [00:20:05.689] Topic pages, filtering anything [00:20:07.778] like that [00:20:12.739] Ok? I don't see any. So the last thing [00:20:14.750] I want to show you before we're done with the day is our topic [00:20:16.989] finder. This is really great. If your patrons [00:20:19.298] have a really broad topic that maybe [00:20:21.308] they're trying to narrow down when they run the search, [00:20:23.519] they're just pulling way too much content. [00:20:25.617] I just click into my advanced search [00:20:28.317] And when I click in here, you'll see. Topic finder is listed [00:20:30.680] as one of my options in this gray bar at the [00:20:32.729] very top. So I'll click into that. [00:20:35.989] and what I do. I'm going to be able to run a search [00:20:38.087] for whatever I'm interested in. Let's just do [00:20:40.097] mental health. [00:20:43.130] So when I run my search, I'm going to get this nice [00:20:45.229] little interactive [00:20:47.459] chart here, we'll be able to click [00:20:49.538] into a specific subsection [00:20:52.199] of mental health. So maybe I'm specifically [00:20:54.719] looking for information on college [00:20:56.739] students. You know, maybe I'm a concerned parent coming [00:20:59.107] in whose student may be struggling a bit [00:21:01.390] with some mental health issues. I can click [00:21:03.459] in there [00:21:04.327] and you'll see now we've narrowed it down to 34 [00:21:06.469] results here on this right hand side for [00:21:08.500] patrons to click through [00:21:10.150] So this is starting to narrow down exactly what [00:21:12.259] they're seeing [00:21:13.837] and they can go down a step further. So [00:21:15.900] maybe they want to take a look at mental health [00:21:17.920] services, [00:21:19.798] And you'll see now we've narrowed down to 10 results. [00:21:22.890] So this is a really nice way for them to drill [00:21:24.969] down to exactly what they need without [00:21:27.199] having to run a lot of searches or without having [00:21:29.509] to tailor an advanced search to [00:21:31.558] what they're looking for. They can just type in their [00:21:33.567] search and narrow down all on their own and [00:21:35.939] then they'll be able to click directly into whatever piece of [00:21:38.019] text they think is going to be most [00:21:40.087] beneficial for them. [00:21:42.410] when they do that, you'll see it looks just [00:21:44.459] like it did previously. If they were to just navigate [00:21:47.087] by running a search. And [00:21:49.140] then again, they have all of those same different tools [00:21:51.390] if they want to send this somewhere, if [00:21:53.420] they want to print it out for later, they [00:21:55.528] can do that on this page as well. [00:22:01.410] now, I do have some wrap up information for [00:22:03.587] you while I'm switching over that. I'll ask [00:22:05.709] again if we have any questions, [00:22:08.000] I haven't seen any pop up but I don't want [00:22:10.009] to miss any. [00:22:11.317] so go ahead and put them into the Q. And A. And [00:22:13.449] I can go over some quick contact [00:22:15.587] information with you. So you'll have access [00:22:17.867] to a customer success manager. So if you [00:22:19.959] want to go over this resource a little bit more, [00:22:22.390] maybe take a deeper dive into the different [00:22:24.509] tools. I just mentioned that we could and go all the way [00:22:26.597] through today. Or maybe you want to talk about usage [00:22:29.058] or resource promotion. Your customer [00:22:31.199] success manager is going to be able to help [00:22:33.278] you out with all of those things if you haven't [00:22:35.420] worked with them yet, I would suggest reaching out to [00:22:37.519] them. If you don't know who it is, you can send [00:22:39.630] an email to gale at customer success [00:22:41.729] at dot com and you'll be forwarded [00:22:43.857] to the correct individual and you can set [00:22:45.969] an appointment with them and really go over anything [00:22:48.180] you need to regarding your resources. [00:22:51.538] if you don't have gale health and wellness and you want to [00:22:53.567] talk about it, you can reach out to your sales consultant [00:22:56.199] if you haven't been in contact with them yet, [00:22:58.239] you can find them using support that. Gale dot com [00:23:00.640] forward slash finder and I'll forward you to the correct [00:23:02.808] person. [00:23:04.219] and if you want some more training materials, [00:23:06.699] so we'll have additional [00:23:08.028] wears like you saw today or if you're [00:23:10.058] looking for um [00:23:12.180] tutorials, resource guides, flyers, [00:23:14.630] tips sheets social media posts, [00:23:17.199] you'll find all of that great content on our support [00:23:19.558] site, which is support that Gale dot com [00:23:22.097] and we've created this stuff. It's ready, It's free [00:23:24.390] for you all to use. So don't feel like you need to reinvent [00:23:26.857] the wheel. If you're planning on promoting [00:23:29.160] or using any of your Gale resources, [00:23:31.239] take a look at this at this support [00:23:33.660] site before you build your own content because [00:23:35.837] we might have something that'll make your life just a little bit [00:23:37.920] easier. [00:23:39.709] and finally, I do have a training session [00:23:41.969] survey. I would love for you all to take. If you have [00:23:44.130] the time. If you want to scan this [00:23:46.150] QR code, it's going to launch you right into [00:23:48.430] the survey [00:23:49.808] the URL is bit dot forward [00:23:51.989] slash G training email and I believe [00:23:54.019] it's also going to pop up into your browser once [00:23:56.130] we're done with our session today. so [00:23:58.390] I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of bombarding you just [00:24:00.469] a little bit with the link to the training [00:24:02.739] session survey, but we want to make sure [00:24:05.028] that we're hitting everything you all are looking for [00:24:07.209] when you register. So please go ahead [00:24:09.327] and take that if you have the time [00:24:12.357] and again, I haven't seen any questions [00:24:14.439] pop up on the line. So I'm going to [00:24:16.489] go ahead and end our session for the day. If [00:24:18.798] you do have questions feel free to reach out [00:24:20.880] to me or you can reach out using any [00:24:23.140] of these contacts I've listed here, [00:24:25.288] but please enjoy the rest of your day and hopefully [00:24:27.558] we'll see you on future sessions