[00:00:02.000] Welcome to your Gale training for tech share. Today's training is, get the word out Gale promotional materials and ideas for tech share resources. [00:00:11.000] My name is Tammi Burke, and I'm your Gale trainer at any questions that you have throughout the session. [00:00:17.000] Please feel free to use the Q&A box. Today, session is focusing on the promotional materials you have available, and I'll also be sharing some ideas ideas that we've received during our trainings when we're working with other libraries and also some ideas. [00:00:33.000] For maybe programming some cool new ideas that that we've received, that you maybe want to work in with your promotional when you're promoting these new resources, you may want to work it into your your programming, that you have or maybe you're looking for new ideas so that's what this [00:00:48.000] session is all about everything that we have available for you in our on our support site and discussing some of those ideas, promotional ideas and programming ideas. [00:01:04.000] Our agenda today is first starting. I always start with access to the texture, Gale resources, and we'll cover this again. [00:01:11.000] Live, I do have a couple of screenshots for you. [00:01:12.000] Of that. But to really talking about access, because that really is a key part of when you're promoting that clear access point. [00:01:22.000] And then we'll spend the majority of our time talking about promotional ideas, and I will share with you the support support materials we already have available that have been created by our marketing department, and I will leave you today with where you can go for additional training support and contact information both my contact information and then contact information [00:01:43.000] of your Gale customer, success manager. And again, they are your one on one support, and all things scale. [00:01:50.000] So first, access to your tech share resources, you can go to the tech share support site that we've created when you access this site. [00:02:01.000] And I. This link will also be available in the follow-up email. [00:02:05.000] But let me add it real quick into the chat for you all. [00:02:12.000] And this is a really good site to bookmark, and I'll come back to it again if just for folks that are watching, the recording, I'll show it again towards the end of the session. [00:02:22.000] But when you do access this link you'll be taken to this page at this point, as where you'll want to enter in your library name. [00:02:29.000] Once you enter in the name of your library, you can it? [00:02:30.000] You'll see the drop- menu here, search assistance will pop up. Click on your library, click! [00:02:32.000] Proceed, and it will take you to all of your links, not only that you're going to find your ebook information here, so you do actually have direct Urls for your ebooks, and you can get your mark records, training materials that includes all of our upcoming webinars and all of our [00:02:56.000] recordings live there, too, plus. There's additional training materials. [00:03:00.000] I's at the bottom of that page. Marketing materials which we're going to cover today. [00:03:04.000] And then you can see state links, technical documents and Vpad information. [00:03:08.000] So that's all available on the text share support site that we've created for you. [00:03:16.000] The promotional materials that we have, and we're going to talk about a few different options today. [00:03:22.000] But let me just share with you the quick, easy way to get directly to all of the marketing materials. [00:03:23.000] Now you don't necessarily have to sign in to access all of the marketing materials. [00:03:28.000] If you don't sign in, though, you will see all of the gale resources and all of the marketing materials we have so if you don't sign in with your library, name, then you will see everything I just want to prepare you for that if you do sign in then you'll be taken to the [00:03:47.000] marketing materials, just for the resources that you have access to, and that would include everything that you now receive from texture, but also any resources that you have from Gale, that your library purchases on their own. [00:04:00.000] It all lives in one spot in our marketing materials on the gale support site. [00:04:04.000] When you are in that marketing material section you have a couple options. [00:04:05.000] You can browse by type. So we have all kinds of different types of marketing materials available. [00:04:14.000] You can see a few here like blog templates. [00:04:16.000] There's product descriptions. You're going to find press release templates, but also flyers, postcards, bookmarks, all available on the support site. [00:04:27.000] Or you can browse by product. I like to browse by product. [00:04:31.000] That's my personal personal preference. But if you're specifically looking for any press releases or any press release templates related to your products, then you may want to go in and browse by type, and we're gonna explore both these options today, and then a couple, others [00:04:47.000] I'm gonna share with you. [00:04:50.000] Let's talk about different promotion, ideas, and I want you to think about these ideas as we're working through the tools that we have available or the materials we have available on the support site because we do have a lot to support these ideas. [00:05:05.000] So here's some promotional ideas and programming. [00:05:06.000] First and foremost simple access to all of your digital holdings, make them discoverable, utilize the Widgets that we have available on the gale, support site, having that clear path to your digital resources is going to ensure that your users coming into your library either your public library or academic library can get [00:05:28.000] directly to that information. Now, if you would like some support. With that we do have our Gale customer success managers, and they can help you with that one-on-one support, they can take a look at your what library website and give you some suggestions, so keep that in mind that you also have a person at [00:05:45.000] Gale, that's willing to help you look at your site and and help you with some decisions. [00:05:52.000] Strategize, set objectives and review usage to target resource, promotion. [00:05:57.000] So you now have this great collection of resources. It's they just started in October. [00:05:59.000] And maybe you're just getting to that point of promoting. [00:06:07.000] So maybe this is something that you're looking at for next year, putting it on your list, looking at usage. [00:06:08.000] But you can pull that usage, report and take. Excuse me, take a look every single month. [00:06:15.000] Strategize, what resources are business resources getting some attention? Or maybe they're not. [00:06:22.000] Maybe our health resources could use a boost. We have programming coming up for our small businesses. [00:06:27.000] What resources do we have available? How can we connect them? [00:06:32.000] Use social media and multi channel materials. We have had it so many libraries share their successes when they're using all the different multi. [00:06:39.000] When I say multi-channel, I mean with social media, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. [00:06:45.000] And they're having a lot of success with promoting anything that's happening at the library. [00:06:51.000] But today we're talking about your digital resources that you have from Tex. Share your kill. [00:06:52.000] Resources. So consider using social media and we have a great materials to go along with all of those different channels already created for you. [00:07:06.000] For each product that you have, or for each resource that you have available. [00:07:11.000] So everything's done for you. You just have to create the post. [00:07:13.000] We even have some sample templates available for social media posts. [00:07:20.000] This is an old one, but a good one. Post QR. [00:07:23.000] Code in the stacks around subjects that coordinate with the resources. [00:07:24.000] So, if you have those stacks available, why not post a QR code directly into one of the resources? [00:07:34.000] So I've used health and business, for example, but what if you're your children's library? [00:07:42.000] You have Gale in context, elementary. Why not utilize that resource? [00:07:45.000] Post a QR code. So students can, or your younger users can scan that. [00:07:50.000] Or you're at an academic library, and you have specific subjects, you know, that are being taught in different courses. [00:07:56.000] And you know there certain times a year that projects are really especially this time of year. [00:08:03.000] Projects are happening all over campus. Why not? Post QR. [00:08:06.000] Codes to help support those students directly to your resource, or maybe to a lip guide, and that takes us to our next one. Why not? [00:08:16.000] You can connect those. QR codes to your again the direct URL directly into the resource or maybe you have all of those direct Urls living in a libguide. [00:08:27.000] You have guides and tutorials. Maybe you have those guides for a course or a class research class guides, guides by subject or even modules this is a new one that I had heard about where libraries are using module short videos, with quizzes to take students through the basics of starting a [00:08:46.000] research project. So this is really good, for, like the beginning of the year. [00:08:49.000] But you may have students now who need that information at the academic level and helping them identify different types of resources, and that can be done in your public libraries, too, because we all know our public librarians. [00:08:57.000] We're just about every hat that there is. So you have a higher Ed students coming into your library. [00:09:06.000] You have your public library patrons, you have students looking for homework, help. [00:09:10.000] So you really have everybody coming into your library. Why not utilize some of these tools to promote those resources? [00:09:18.000] So keep that in mind and we have one more I want to share, and the last one is share print materials such as bookmarks and flyers with the resource act information, and we have created those for you, and they do live on our Gale support site. [00:09:33.000] So since we talked about some of that information I want to share with you what we have available for you all. [00:09:40.000] A few programming ideas before I jump into the materials, and these are a couple of them are brand new that I just heard about this week. [00:09:48.000] So we have a library that has a special business resource library card, and they place the schedule. [00:09:49.000] The, it's one to one time with a business librarian, and they bring in their business resources into that group. [00:09:58.000] Our children's library programming we have now you have access to Miss Humble Bees Academy, and using there's a lot of printable activities in that resource. [00:10:08.000] Miss Humble Bees Academy. So printing those activities off for your younger learners. [00:10:18.000] Maybe you have a family early literacy classes happening in your library, and you can use those principal materials when you're working with your groups or during your programming in Louisiana. [00:10:30.000] They have groups coming in to their public library that are taking you to me, classes together. [00:10:36.000] So it's like a study group, because our public libraries have access to Udemy. [00:10:41.000] So they are utilizing the that resource and they're taking classes together like a study group. [00:10:50.000] And then the what's your opinion? So develop? And this can be at the public library or higher. Ed. [00:10:55.000] Developing a deeper understanding of current events, so sharing your ideas, opinions, expanding your worldview. [00:11:04.000] There's topics that are shared 2 to 3 days before the meeting so you have a lot of groups on campus. [00:11:10.000] This is utilize the resources that you have available. Maybe it's a virtual event. [00:11:14.000] Maybe it's an onsite event where they're doing additional research. [00:11:15.000] They're encouraged to do that, to prepare for the discussions. [00:11:21.000] So just some ideas. It looks like I have some that came in. [00:11:28.000] Okay, so, yes. Sally, there's a lot of great training materials available. [00:11:32.000] And I'll briefly touch into those at the end of this session. But you do. [00:11:33.000] There are video tutorials there are 2 to 3 min long available that you can share with your students. [00:11:41.000] And there's there's some are focused on resources, some are focused on the tools within the resources. [00:11:47.000] And then we have just about everything else under the sun. There to Dallas, public libraries in text share lists. [00:11:55.000] Oh! Which one! [00:11:58.000] Gale, I'm gonna have to dig in a little deep. [00:11:59.000] Oh, you figured it out. Okay, there we go. [00:12:03.000] Yeah, so if you have any questions about, you can't find your library on that site, just let me know in that. [00:12:11.000] And I will dig into a little deeper after the session. [00:12:15.000] Alright. So with that, let's dive in to our Gale support site. [00:12:25.000] Now I'm going to share with you another link. This I took you first to the texture link, but if by chance you just want to go to the general support site, you just remove the text share part, I'll put that in the chat that just so you have it. [00:12:41.000] You can. You can do that, too. I mean both work that we like you to go to the texture site. [00:12:45.000] You can still get to this site from the text share site. [00:12:48.000] But I'm gonna start here today because there's a few items I want to share with you that are very visible from this page. [00:12:51.000] Now you can enter in. Enter in your location. Id. If you're not sure what that is. [00:12:57.000] A lot of people aren't really sure what they're location ideas. [00:13:03.000] You can find your location. Same idea with the utilizing that texture site. [00:13:08.000] The differences, the texture site has all of you loaded in and related to them. [00:13:14.000] If you think about it that way right? You're all underneath texture. [00:13:15.000] So it's a little bit easier to find your location either way. [00:13:20.000] It's a really quick process I'm going to use 2 textures site. [00:13:26.000] They're public site, which it's same across the board and I'm gonna log in as if I were tech share today. [00:13:36.000] And once I do log in, you can see I can connect directly with my customer success manager, Kevin Teller is my customer. [00:13:40.000] Success manager. He's there for my one-on-one support. [00:13:48.000] I can send him an email, or I can make an appointment directly on his calendar. [00:13:52.000] And Kevin's a great person to talk about access. [00:13:53.000] Remember I mentioned having that clear access point for your users. [00:13:59.000] He can help with that process, and you'll always differ. [00:14:04.000] A different library, like an academic library. You'll have a different customer. [00:14:05.000] Success manager listed here now we're going to actually start in product support. [00:14:13.000] And there's a reason why we're going to do this. [00:14:14.000] So again I logged in as my account. I can go to product support, and I'm going to go into browse products. [00:14:23.000] But you can see all the things that are listed here. [00:14:25.000] I have all of my ebooks. If I want update information or direct urls, icons, mark records, title lists, Vpats. [00:14:34.000] My widgets are here. If I go to browsse products, though I can go to a page for each of my resources. [00:14:42.000] And let's see. [00:14:48.000] Let's go into health and wellness. [00:14:55.000] The reason why I took you through product support, browse products. [00:14:59.000] I selected gale. Health and wellness is because everything I need for this resource is on this page, and there's a link for it. [00:15:09.000] So if I'm working with another colleague, or I need to work with my tech team, I can just share this link directly with them and get these resources on my library website, you can see your direct URL is right here. [00:15:20.000] What I really wanna point out, are these the you have these individual database icons, even a thumbnail available? [00:15:30.000] Your mark. Records are here. And then here's that Widget. [00:15:34.000] I had mentioned that as an option for promotion, promoting your resources. [00:15:38.000] So think about that here's the widget, the I frame code or the link, or you can customize it are all right here and then, as I scroll down everything related to Gale, health and wellness, including training, and below my training section are all of my marketing materials on the right hand, side I [00:15:57.000] can see what type of material it is. So I have quite a few email templates, and this is going to be by product. [00:16:04.000] We may have more. So. For example, our in context, resources may have more projects related to them great, for that homework help that's happening in your library. [00:16:15.000] And then we have here below all of the banners, social media posts. [00:16:20.000] And you can see Facebook Linkedin Twitter. We have Twitter cards, Instagram. [00:16:28.000] So we have, and when there's more than one you have, this one has 5 different options available and they're different images. [00:16:37.000] So one through 5 are all different images. If I keep scrolling, you can see all of the information that we have social media image for Twitter. [00:16:45.000] So we have another one. And this is a social media post, too, at the very bottom. [00:16:50.000] This one has a bookmark and a flyer. As I said, it's gonna vary by product. [00:16:54.000] But if you wanted to print off this information, we do give you the opportunity. [00:16:59.000] Let me see, I think it's on this bookmark. [00:17:05.000] You can add your logo before you print, and then here you can add in your access to your access information, and the same happens on the flyer, so you can customize these bookmarks before you print them off. [00:17:25.000] Okay. I didn't want to dive too deep into all the marketing materials, because I want to show you another path. [00:17:27.000] So I want into the gale support site. [00:17:36.000] And the question about the tutorials. You'll always see them in the training center and the type is tutorial. [00:17:43.000] So you can see we have them for a lot of our tools here on health and wellness. [00:17:50.000] But we have quite a few training materials. If I wanted to jump to another section, I do have this navigation here at the top for example, I wanted to go into marketing, and I wanted to go to all my communication, templates, I could do that so the path. [00:18:04.000] I took you in again. Product, support, browse, products. And I'm going into one individual product and searching for everything. [00:18:12.000] Let me show you another path. We go to training or marketing materials, home. [00:18:18.000] We're going to start there, and then we'll talk about browse. [00:18:19.000] By type, browse byproduct, and I mentioned that briefly in our and the opening of our training today in the Powerpoint. [00:18:25.000] So the homepage also gives you the option to jump, to browse by product or browse by type. [00:18:31.000] Here. It's also in this quick, drop-down menu. [00:18:33.000] My process is to usually go in this way, but this will take you to just the marketing materials, so you won't have the icons, the widgets, all the training materials. [00:18:45.000] It's just marketing. So you're looking for all those promotional materials. [00:18:51.000] You want to quickly come in and grab that information. This is the path I would suggest. [00:18:55.000] You take now. Maybe you are looking for your browsing by type, because, as one of your strategies, you are going to do some outreach for all of your new resources and you're thinking about press releases. [00:19:10.000] Or maybe you're looking at. You just want social media posts. [00:19:14.000] So this is a route you can take to look at individual, the the type of the the marketing material blog templates, bookmarks, brochure. [00:19:26.000] So you could see all that you have available for those products. [00:19:29.000] Let's go into social media posts. [00:19:35.000] And again, because I'm logged in. I am only going to see social media posts for the resources that I have access to. [00:19:38.000] But you can see there's quite a few. [00:19:48.000] What I do suggest that you do is you can filter down so I can filter by new or updated. [00:19:54.000] I can filter by library type some times, though, I will say library type. [00:19:57.000] You might want to explore other types or leave it open but let's filter by. [00:20:07.000] Let's filter by public, and when I do, you can see here is the information that I have available. [00:20:16.000] But the thing is when it filters bypublic. [00:20:17.000] I'm only seeing you to me, Miss Humble Bees and Gale books and authors, so I don't necessarily prefer library types within your marketing materials. [00:20:25.000] I actually, I think, library type supply mortgage training materials. [00:20:31.000] So I wouldn't necessarily check that. So just keep that in mind. [00:20:38.000] What if I was looking for an individual product like I'm interested in? [00:20:45.000] We talked about business. We talked about you to me. Let's talk about academic one file. [00:20:52.000] Oh, it's not cleared. Hold on a second. Let me see if I can clear this out. [00:20:57.000] There we go hopefully. That did it. No, that's interesting. [00:21:01.000] I'm getting a little bit of a glitch here, so I know I have social media. [00:21:02.000] Posts for everything, but for some reason I'm getting a bit of a glitch. [00:21:10.000] Let me go in by product. [00:21:15.000] And then I'll come back and try a different type. [00:21:17.000] I think it might be cooking my information. Yeah, everything's here. [00:21:21.000] Okay, so, let's say, I want academic one file. [00:21:23.000] So this is another path I can take so you can browse by type. [00:21:27.000] You can see some of the limitations to that, or browse by product and browse by product, academic. [00:21:34.000] One file. [00:21:37.000] Here you can see here all the communication templates, all the digital assets. [00:21:44.000] So we have some banners and social media posts, and any printable materials, flyers and bookmarks. [00:21:57.000] Maybe I want to browse by a different product. Maybe I'm looking at. [00:22:04.000] Let's go into. Let's go into contacts. Elementary. [00:22:11.000] And this is for your children's library. You can see I have a homework help E-newsletter, that I can use. [00:22:18.000] Here's a homework help email from the librarian to the patrons. [00:22:24.000] We have something for teachers. Also, we have librarians to educators. [00:22:29.000] So we have those types of email templates. We also have a blog template. [00:22:34.000] There's your product. Description is here, and here's a few other email templates. [00:22:39.000] There's even 1. 2 parents below is where we have, and let me click into some of these. [00:22:41.000] Our social media. We have a homework help, digital signage available. [00:22:43.000] Let me scroll down. I always enjoy the twitter ones. [00:22:55.000] But option number one, and Twitter is going to be the same as option. [00:22:59.000] Number one in Facebook or option number one in Instagram. [00:23:03.000] It's just designed differently for that channel, that social media channel. [00:23:08.000] So if you're looking at all option number ones, and you wanna post that option across all of your social media channels that you have, then you that in mind option one is going to be the same across the board okay, let me know if there are any questions about that so here's one that we have [00:23:23.000] available, and you can easily view the fuel full image. You can copy that image and then that get started. [00:23:30.000] Button. If you hyperlink out Gale in context, elementary, then you're users, or anyone that access this information can click on that image and be taken directly into your resources. [00:23:37.000] So you can see. Not only can you promote, but you can make that direct connection. [00:23:41.000] Into your content, or directly into the resource which will help boost usage. [00:23:58.000] If I go back we do this one actually happens to have a overview video, a promotional video also available. [00:24:04.000] So if that's something you want to post, I haven't viewed this before. [00:24:09.000] Let me click into it. [00:24:13.000] Nope, and I'm not seeing what I would expect to see. [00:24:21.000] Yeah. Well, for some reason that's not showing up. Of course it's something new. [00:24:27.000] So maybe it isn't linked out correctly today. [00:24:28.000] Homework, help, bookmark. We have bookmark and color. [00:24:33.000] Here's a guide for public libraries. We have some items in Spanish, also available. [00:24:43.000] There we go. So here's a flyer that we have available in Spanish. [00:24:51.000] So you'll find all kinds of different information available on this site again. [00:24:56.000] I went in a couple different paths. I can go into product, browse, product. [00:25:03.000] I can go into the marketing materials, browse by type or browse, bypass. [00:25:09.000] Let me know if there are any questions about any of the information that I went over today. [00:25:16.000] Let me go back to our Powerpoint. I just have a few slides here to finish up again that Gale support site. [00:25:24.000] Now I covered mainly marketing materials, but all the items that you'll find are in here. [00:25:29.000] You'll find all those access Urls. And we talked about that under the Browse Products section so title list mark records there's also great technical documents available. [00:25:35.000] So if you are looking for proxy, information, or you're coming to us from an academic library. [00:25:46.000] And there's technical documents you need to support your library. [00:25:49.000] You're going to find them such as anything related to discovery. [00:25:54.000] You'll find them available on the Gale support site. [00:25:57.000] We also have some of those tech documents that we're hearing. [00:26:00.000] A lot are needed from our academic team and from our tech folks here at Gale that they are already linked on the text share site under the technical documents. [00:26:11.000] So we've curated a small collection there for you. [00:26:14.000] Database, icons, widgets again remember widgets are a great way to set that clear point of access. [00:26:20.000] The training center is where you're going to find tip sheets and tutorials. [00:26:24.000] There's recorded webinars and training decks. [00:26:26.000] We have some great Powerpoints with our notes, our training notes attached to them. [00:26:31.000] We also have resource guides and any of our upcoming or recorded webinars, and then marketing materials. [00:26:38.000] We covered all of that already today. So we don't need to go into that again. [00:26:46.000] So that wraps our session. If there's any questions you have or would like me to go over anything again, please let me know in that box. [00:26:55.000] You're one on one support. As I shared with you during the live demonstration today. [00:27:01.000] If you go into the support site and log in, then you'll be taken directly to your customer. [00:27:05.000] Success, manager. If you would like to send an email to the general emailbox, you can reach out using this email address. [00:27:13.000] It's also going to be in your follow-up email. [00:27:17.000] But that just let us know what library you're coming from, and we'll make sure that the right customer success manager reach out, reaches out to you. [00:27:19.000] So you have both options available again. My name is Tammi Burke. [00:27:26.000] I'm your senior trainer at Gale. I'd love to get your feedback. [00:27:31.000] There's a training survey. It should pop up when you leave this session. [00:27:35.000] But if you would prefer to do this on your phone, there's a Q&A QR. [00:27:39.000] Code there, and we'd love to get your feedback. [00:27:41.000] And also the the State libraries have some questions that they like us to ask, and it helps them as they are doing. [00:27:45.000] Their reporting at end of year. So keep that in mind. [00:27:51.000] If you'd like to fill that out in the Comments section, feel free to add in any information of support you're looking for regarding training because I do share that information with our contact at the State Library and he and I work closely together and talk about these things. [00:28:07.000] So anything you'd like to share. Please feel free to do so. [00:28:09.000] We'd love to hear your feedback. [00:28:15.000] And with that that reps our session today. Thank you so much for your time. [00:28:19.000] I look forward to seeing you on our next session. [00:28:20.000] We have one coming up next month on our business resources. So I hope you can join me next month in April. [00:28:29.000] But thank you all for your time. Today I will stay on the line. [00:28:32.000] If there's any additional questions, I have a great rest of your day.