[00:00:02.250] Amber Winters: Okay, so our webinar is being recorded now, so you will get a copy of the recording via email, if you want to ever take a look back or share it with your colleagues. [00:00:13.740] Amber Winters: So let's go ahead and get started so young context environmental studies as a resource that we've really developed for grades nine through 12. [00:00:21.900] Amber Winters: And I will mention here that's quite a few middle schools have found success with those resources as well. [00:00:28.020] Amber Winters: So while we have targeted towards that high school level students, if you work with the middle school feel free to take a look and see if it will be appropriate for your students, of course, you know them. [00:00:38.340] Amber Winters: better than we do so, do you think they will thrive in this resource, please feel free to have your middle school students use it. [00:00:46.020] Amber Winters: Within the resource they're going to find reference works newspaper and magazine articles multimedia content so things like images videos. [00:00:55.440] Amber Winters: podcasts other audio files statistics things of that nature, we also have information on different con conferences surrounding the environmental studies kind of topic as a whole you'll be able to find those. [00:01:11.490] Amber Winters: And what's great is is not just looking at the science behind environmental studies of course that's pretty heavily involved in this resource. [00:01:19.740] Amber Winters: But it's also taking a look at the legislation that's being passed kind of surrounding environmental topics. [00:01:27.540] Amber Winters: The key players, as well as how different countries are handling different environmental issues that are popping up so it's really well rounded and diverse platform. [00:01:36.960] Amber Winters: Your students are going to kind of get the background on some of the scientific aspects of some different environmental issues. [00:01:44.370] Amber Winters: Thank you know water pollution and you'll see on my screenshot here we have coral reefs so things of that nature. [00:01:50.640] Amber Winters: But also going to be go a little bit deeper to find the politics behind what's going on and see some of the different legislation. [00:01:57.870] Amber Winters: that's being passed and how we're all kind of dealing with these issues. [00:02:01.290] Amber Winters: And within the platform, we have a lot of great research tools that are going to help your students things like highlights and notes are great topic pages that pull together. [00:02:10.770] Amber Winters: All of the content to make a nice clean page for students, we are integrated with both Google and Microsoft drive so they can send documents to either of those. [00:02:20.310] Amber Winters: We have a translation feature, so they can translate any article they need, in addition to translation, we have a read speaker for each article, so instead of reading the article, they could have. [00:02:30.270] Amber Winters: that's article read to them, and there are of course many more tools available that we're going to try to take a look at today. [00:02:40.620] Amber Winters: Do we have any more questions or can we just dive right into the resource. [00:02:49.410] Amber Winters: All right, I don't see any questions so let's go ahead and jump over. [00:02:56.460] Amber Winters: Okay, here we go, so this is the homepage of galen contacts environmental studies, I just want to point out a few things for you, so you can kind of notice where everything is. [00:03:05.190] Amber Winters: So first both our advanced search and our basic search, I found up top here, and this nice colorful banner so they'll be able to run their search up top here. [00:03:15.840] Amber Winters: On the right hand side, we have a few tools you'll see we can browse issues which you're going to take a look at and just a second if you as library staff wants to take a look at the title list you can click through it here, we have our search history. [00:03:31.320] Amber Winters: This link button is going to follow us around whenever you see this little toolbar this link is going to be there. [00:03:37.890] Amber Winters: This is a persistent URL that's going to take you to the specific page you click that link on. [00:03:44.490] Amber Winters: So if you find some really great content that you want to share out with your learning community, you can hit that get link copy and paste this wherever you want it to go. [00:03:52.440] Amber Winters: And they'll be able to click and take a look at that content and what's great is no matter what they'll be able to click into this one article page whatever you. [00:04:01.980] Amber Winters: bookmarked and be able to take a look at that Content Without authenticating if they decide to move forward within the platform at that point, they will need to authenticate using whatever authentication type. [00:04:13.770] Amber Winters: They utilize a lot of times you'll be GEO located so as long as they're in California little bit automatically signed in if you're not you may be using passwords however you use it that's what they'll need to do to authenticate moving forward from this get. [00:04:31.320] Amber Winters: Now scrolling down here on this homepage we include our issues of interest up top here. [00:04:36.300] Amber Winters: So you see we've just pulled out three this month and it changes periodically kind of depending on what's going on. [00:04:42.570] Amber Winters: So you see here glaciers Silent Spring, which is of course a book as opposed to a specific issue that's going on and then wildfires listed here as well. [00:04:53.430] Amber Winters: So, if your students are just kind of browsing not sure what they want to take a look at these issues of interest may kind of get them started on their research. [00:05:04.050] Amber Winters: Know down below that we have the option of browse issues and you'll see they're broken up here into nine different categories, as we can easily click into just one category or if we find something interesting here that wants to take a look at, we can click into the article itself. [00:05:20.160] Amber Winters: This blue box, we could just choose to browse all 446 issues so let's do that. [00:05:28.260] Amber Winters: No, an issue here in this list is going to be an issue that is fast searched frequently used frequently and research. [00:05:35.430] Amber Winters: And it's going to have a created topic page that we're just going to look at in one quick second So if you don't see what you're looking for here of course it's. [00:05:43.500] Amber Winters: A long list so if you don't see what you're looking for here, you can have students or you yourself can just run a search instead of clicking through this. [00:05:51.540] Amber Winters: And most likely just means that there isn't a topic page created for that specific topic, but running a search is still going to pull up quite a bit of great information they just don't have that curated page that will take a look at that in one second. [00:06:07.890] Amber Winters: On the left hand side, I also want to point out that, while I selected browse all issues, I can narrow down my topic here on this page So if I realized this is, you know this is way too much, I actually want to take a look at. [00:06:20.220] Amber Winters: The legislation and organization around environmental studies, I can click into that and you'll see now we've shortened my list quite a bit, so this can kind of movie forward that way. [00:06:31.770] Amber Winters: But let's jump back to home here. [00:06:37.050] Amber Winters: We go, so now we're on our homepage and i'm going to run a search, as opposed to browsing, this is what a lot of students, do you know they know what they want, so they just type it in hit search so let's take a look at air pollution today. [00:06:52.110] Amber Winters: So, as I start to type in you'll see, I have predictive text here and you'll notice a few at the top, are bolted anything that is. [00:07:01.800] Amber Winters: In bold here is going to be one of those curated topic pages so they're not going to get into a basic search page they're actually going to get into something we've built for them. [00:07:12.150] Amber Winters: Anything that's not bolted underneath here that is going to bring back a basic search results so let's click we see that air pollution as bolted here let's click into this. [00:07:25.500] Amber Winters: And now i'm pulled forward here into a topic page so at the very top, I have my overview here. [00:07:33.330] Amber Winters: And I will also point out my get link is still following me so if I think this page is really great to share out I can hit that link here. [00:07:41.850] Amber Winters: Now underneath the overview you'll see all of the different types of content on this page So you see, we have some case studies reference materials audio files conferences stats magazines. [00:07:52.860] Amber Winters: Sometimes will link to external websites if they're related to the topic images quite a bit of news here. [00:08:00.090] Amber Winters: I also want to point out that we have academic journals so if your students are ready to dig into the academic level research, they can do it right here on this platform. [00:08:09.270] Amber Winters: And what's great is if they get a little bit overwhelmed. [00:08:11.970] Amber Winters: By going through this really high level content they can jump back to the platform and maybe take a look at one of our reference works which are going to be at a bit of a lower level or they can jump into news or magazines to get that just slightly lower level of content. [00:08:27.810] Amber Winters: Now scrolling down on this page you'll see we can search within if you want to narrow down our results on the page. [00:08:34.020] Amber Winters: or underneath you'll see the different content buckets so as I mentioned in this Gray bar all of these different content types you'll see they're broken out here so case studies references. [00:08:45.180] Amber Winters: Images statistics again it goes on and on, but we've pulled them into these separate content buckets just to make it a little bit easier for students to go through. [00:08:54.450] Amber Winters: So if they don't want to take a look at any of these conferences, they don't even need to click into this category at all it's not going to be in their search results are there filter or anything like that. [00:09:05.190] Amber Winters: Again, as I mentioned, sometimes we will list to websites, these are external websites, just so you're aware there are safe and vetted by us, but I do just like to mention that it will be taking them out of the Platform. [00:09:19.200] Amber Winters: And then, at the very bottom of this topic page here you'll see we have some related topics so as we move forward for research, maybe now we wants to take a look at fossil fuels, of how they're. [00:09:30.600] Amber Winters: Related to air pollution, how they may be causing air pollution, we can click into fossil fuels and read kind of forward from there, and these are all topic pages as well, so it's great, as you can really kind of jump from topic to topic page, so your students are never. [00:09:47.250] Amber Winters: running through a basic search at all they're never kind of pleased that way they're really just cooking back and forth, and these curated pages that we've made for them. [00:09:55.110] Amber Winters: which I personally think is really useful it's nice to have this organized list of content, as opposed to getting just that basic search. [00:10:03.600] Amber Winters: But now let's say I want to take a look at the reference works, I have available here, so I have my reference work content bucket let's click into the title here. [00:10:18.300] Amber Winters: There we go now my Gray bar at the top here you'll see it has underlying that I am in reference at any point I could change to any of the other content types available here if I really wanted to but we'll say on reference. [00:10:34.290] Amber Winters: Excuse me scrolling down, we always default the sorting by relevance, we can change to sort sort by newest document title or contact level i'm going to leave at irrelevance today. [00:10:47.370] Amber Winters: And this right hand side we have quite a few different filters which really come in handy so you'll see here, we do have a publication date if he wants to narrow that down. [00:10:55.710] Amber Winters: We can also narrow down by subject so in our topic of air pollution, you see, we have some different subjects we can click into greenhouse gases air quality, environmental law, so these can kind of fine tune the bits of information that we pull forward. [00:11:12.780] Amber Winters: We can also narrow down the document type so remember, we are in reference materials, but maybe we just want our brief article you'll see there's something that's a disease overview, maybe that's about asthma, or something related to air pollution, maybe we want to take a look at that. [00:11:27.570] Amber Winters: We have overviews about different states case overviews The list goes on, so these are again are just helping us narrow down to exactly what we're looking for. [00:11:39.030] Amber Winters: We are lexile, of course, this is a higher level resource, so I know most middle and high school level educators aren't using luck files, if you are this resource is lexile so you can narrow it down of course you're mostly going to see a high school level in the bub information. [00:11:59.850] Amber Winters: You also see, we have a topic Finder here i'm going to save that to the end of our session because it is a really cool tool take a look at. [00:12:07.140] Amber Winters: let's look at our reference materials here so you'll see they're all listed with the editor or author where it's from when it was published how long it is the. [00:12:21.930] Amber Winters: document type and again it is lacks out so what's great is before students even click into one of these that kind of know what they're going to see here, so this is an overview it's about 900 words you'll see it's pretty new came out two months ago, so let's click into it. [00:12:42.330] Amber Winters: Okay now we're at this article level here again we're giving information about the article up top here, this is great for student researchers to make sure. [00:12:50.820] Amber Winters: You know they're getting a newer relevance that piece of text if they don't want anything that's too old to filmmaking for via the most recent they'll have that date here still. [00:13:04.050] Amber Winters: scrolling down, of course, the text of the document is always going to be on the left hand side, but on this right hand side. [00:13:10.410] Amber Winters: We have a really nice explore panel that can give us more like this, so this is going to be articles. [00:13:15.720] Amber Winters: That have similar content, as well as similar format so more reference works, we have those here and we have related subjects, so this is actually moving forward from air pollution we specifically maybe want to take a look at spa we can go forward from there. [00:13:34.200] Amber Winters: down to the very bottom of the page I also like to point out, we have our citation pulled out at the bottom here. [00:13:41.100] Amber Winters: you'll see we have Emily APA Chicago and Harvard we can click into any of those at any time, we can download it, we can just copy it and paste it on a reference page or you'll see we can send it over to new tools easy bib any of our drives because send it right over Nice and easy. [00:13:59.400] Amber Winters: Which is great for getting students by it, you know they don't have to build their own citations it's ready to go right in the article so much easier than you know finding a random article maybe on Google and having to build your own citation we've done it for them. [00:14:13.920] Amber Winters: citation is also found in my toolbar here at the very top you'll see my little site button. [00:14:19.770] Amber Winters: This is giving the same information as they saw as you saw that at the very bottom of the article. [00:14:24.540] Amber Winters: But this is really nice if students don't you know travel, all the way down, maybe they found the information they need in the second paragraph, and they don't want to read the rest of the article. [00:14:33.510] Amber Winters: they'll miss that citation at the very end so we've pulled it out to its own separate button so, even if the students don't read all the way through the article, they can still pull that citation and get it to where it needs to be. [00:14:47.100] Amber Winters: Moving forward from our citation tool we also have a sent to option. [00:14:51.240] Amber Winters: that's where students will be able to send the documents to their Google drive to the one drive or they can email it to themselves or to others, this is also great for educators. [00:15:01.020] Amber Winters: Or if you're in the public library pulling content ready for program you're going to be running. [00:15:06.300] Amber Winters: You can save this content wherever you want it and kind of use it as needed it's never going to disappear out of your drive I like to say once it's there it's pretty much yours, you can click through it it'll have a hyperlink back to the resource, you can. [00:15:21.150] Amber Winters: lay it all over it, you could send it over to your colleagues it's yours to use. [00:15:27.540] Amber Winters: In addition to send to, we can also download this to our desktop as a PDF we can print it out again here's my get link button. [00:15:35.430] Amber Winters: And you'll notice now and might get link here, this is fairly short URL if you take a look at what's in the address bar. [00:15:42.360] Amber Winters: It kind of just goes on and on, so we always recommend using this got link because one it's shorter and easy to you know post wherever but to it's persistent so it's not going to break so if we update the platform this this URL within the address bar could potentially change. [00:16:00.510] Amber Winters: But if I stay here and use the scout link, this is not going to change, you will get a broken link on your syllabus or whatever the the link is you can always click back into it. [00:16:14.040] Amber Winters: we'll take a look at highlights notes in a second and once I do start highlighting the article. [00:16:18.810] Amber Winters: Now don't don't under the title here you'll see, we have a few other tool options so on this left hand side, the first option is our translate. [00:16:26.910] Amber Winters: So we can translate both the article and we consent set interface language so an interface language is going to change all of the tools that you see into whatever language I choose translating the article is going to do just that translates the text of the article itself. [00:16:44.760] Amber Winters: You see, I can increase or decrease the font size is needed. [00:16:48.540] Amber Winters: A tool we recently added is this displays option tool which I think is just great I could choose a color from my background, if I want to change that up you'll see, I have different fonts we do include a dyslexia font. [00:17:01.470] Amber Winters: And then I can change my line spacing and letter word spacing as well, so this is really trying to make this resource as accessible as it can possibly be for students and, of course, for their screen readers these are. [00:17:15.840] Amber Winters: accessible to those, but we can make this as clear as it needs to be i'm going to go back to my default settings though just because this is the easiest for me to to read through i'll hit done, and now I have that here. [00:17:29.640] Amber Winters: Finally, the last button on this little left hand side here is our listen button. [00:17:34.440] Amber Winters: i'm not going to play it for you today, but I just want to populate it so you can take a look, it will read through the entire article. [00:17:40.920] Amber Winters: And it reads in whatever language your article is translated to So if you translate it this article into Spanish and you hit your listen button it's going to read this all the way down in Spanish. [00:17:51.960] Amber Winters: You can download this APP MP3 file, if you want to you know take it with you, maybe students are going to listen to it on the bus on the way home instead of reading through it, they can do that. [00:18:02.640] Amber Winters: But this little gear, we have quite a few interesting settings so they can click through they can change their what word color it automatically defaults to highlighting the text it's reading begin turn it off, they can choose what's being highlighted. [00:18:17.460] Amber Winters: And a few different options down here as well, so again trying to increase that accessibility, as much as possible for all of your learners. [00:18:27.360] Amber Winters: i'm going to close this up now. [00:18:30.060] Amber Winters: There we go. [00:18:32.010] Amber Winters: On this right hand side, we have the same tools that we saw up here so sending over to our drives emailing downloading and printing. [00:18:40.950] Amber Winters: They do the same exact thing we have just chosen to include them to different places in the resource. [00:18:46.560] Amber Winters: You know, just in case you don't see it up top you're going to see it here, and maybe you didn't see it here, and you might see it up top so we've had a just a little bit of redundancy just to make sure everyone can find what they're looking for. [00:18:58.860] Amber Winters: Now let's talk about highlights notes a little bit so what's great within our resource, I can click and highlight over anything I think is important so let's say the second paragraph is really given me a lot of information, I need. [00:19:10.200] Amber Winters: I could choose a highlight color if I want to add a note I can. [00:19:17.580] Amber Winters: hit SAVE I can tell it as much as I wanted this I don't have to add notes, if I don't want to. [00:19:26.340] Amber Winters: And really just kind of pick apart everything I need. [00:19:30.930] Amber Winters: And all of these highlights and notes are session based I want to point that out to everyone what that means is if I close, out of my browser if I close, out of the tab. [00:19:40.620] Amber Winters: If i'm signed out due to an activity it doesn't recognize me as the same user so it's not going to populate these highlights and notes so anything I did within the resource at that point will be gone. [00:19:52.290] Amber Winters: So make sure if your users are going to be utilizing that highlights and notes option, they need to get this article out of the Platform before they sign off. [00:20:01.410] Amber Winters: And they can do that with any of these tools, the highlights will follow along if they decide to use any of these they want to get it over to Dr if they just decide they want to print it out and have a physical copy they're going to keep those highlights and those notes. [00:20:16.890] Amber Winters: And we do store them in another place while we're on the one session to see know my highlights and notes button up top here has three. [00:20:25.620] Amber Winters: clicking into this is going to show me what i've highlighted with the notes, as well as the highlight colors and it gives me an option to view all highlights and notes. [00:20:36.840] Amber Winters: So i'll point out at the very top you'll see, I have a save warning here so make sure you save it before you sign off of the product or you're going to lose it. [00:20:44.820] Amber Winters: So just another reminder here for them and then scrolling down you're going to see the article but i've highlighted in. [00:20:51.240] Amber Winters: All of the different highlights the highlight colors notes, I can add notes here. [00:20:56.610] Amber Winters: And what's great is this going to keep all of the articles that you highlighted so if you have a student who highlighted in four different articles they're all going to appear here they'll have the link to get back to that article. [00:21:08.250] Amber Winters: And you'll see, we have a bibliography running down here at the bottom. [00:21:14.340] Amber Winters: And this page itself can also be sent over to either Google drive onedrive or email, so if they don't want the full article, they just want these pieces They highlighted as important, they can just send those directly over. [00:21:28.380] Amber Winters: But we can easily get back to our article here and you'll see my highlights remain because I didn't sign off I didn't close out off my browser I stayed in the same session, even though i've cooked into a different article I haven't signed off at all, so I keep my notes. [00:21:46.050] Amber Winters: here before we're done for the day I do just have one more tool that I want to take a look at i'm going to go under my advanced search up top here. [00:21:57.030] Amber Winters: Because I want to take a look at topic Finder. [00:22:00.900] Amber Winters: You see my great search options button topic Finder is that third option. [00:22:07.440] Amber Winters: And this is great if you know your researchers come to you and have this really, really vague. [00:22:14.520] Amber Winters: search that they're trying to do, and you know what's going to pull so much content that may not actually be what they're looking for. [00:22:20.760] Amber Winters: With this, you can really kind of narrow down to make sure you're getting the access the information that you need so let's take a look at water pollution, now we took a look at air pollution earlier. [00:22:32.250] Amber Winters: But let's know jump the water pollution so i'm going to search that into my search after that into my search. [00:22:40.200] Amber Winters: Now scrolling down here you'll see you have a few different options for visualization I have a tile option. [00:22:46.410] Amber Winters: And I have a real option, they do the same thing it's just really user preference I like to use the tiles so i'm going to keep doing that. [00:22:54.510] Amber Winters: And the larger the tile the darker the color the more content we have related to kind of that sub topic here so remember our initial search was water pollution. [00:23:04.680] Amber Winters: Maybe we want to take a look at water treatment, we can click into that you'll see on my right hand side, here we have 41 results related to water treatment which is great, but let's say maybe we want to narrow down even further, maybe once for a bed to industry. [00:23:22.890] Amber Winters: Now we're down to 11 articles so much easier to click through than running a search for water pollution which may have pulled. [00:23:31.380] Amber Winters: will most likely have bought thousands and thousands of results we've narrowed it right down to 11 so we'll be able to click into those and pull the content, we can easily reset this at any point as well. [00:23:43.710] Amber Winters: and get back to that initial initial search, so this is a really cool way to find that content you'll see it's visual as interactive. [00:23:50.760] Amber Winters: Sometimes it's a little bit easier than trying to navigate through the platform so i've had lots of Librarians tell me, you know actually direct my students right the topic fighter Finder at the beginning of the research. [00:24:01.170] Amber Winters: We just start from there and find it a lot easier for them to do then run their search and that's maybe something that you want to do is just start off with topic binder again it's just whatever you think your students will prefer, they have the option in the platform. [00:24:17.280] Amber Winters: Now, do we have any questions about the resource tools content available anything like that. [00:24:27.690] Amber Winters: Okay, I haven't gotten any. [00:24:31.410] Amber Winters: So I do have just a little bit of contact information for you, before we're done with our session today, so you have access to a customer success manager through gail So if you wanted to talk more about this resource, maybe marketing to your school. [00:24:46.770] Amber Winters: discuss usage best practices for the resource, you know success stories from other schools other public libraries. [00:24:54.240] Amber Winters: You can access them if you don't know who your customer success manager is just send an email to gail that customer success at engaged calm and integrating to be directed to the correct individual. [00:25:05.310] Amber Winters: If you want to speak with your sales consultant about anything and you don't know who, that is, you can reach out to support Dell COM forward slash REP Finder and you'll be able to find your consultants up through that Program. [00:25:17.700] Amber Winters: And finally, you do have my contact information your training consultant for the day amber winters is amber winters at cengage COM. [00:25:27.990] Amber Winters: hi Emily we do have a support page for you so again if you're looking for more information. [00:25:33.780] Amber Winters: You want training materials marketing materials things like that support that gail.com is where you're going to want to go in and pull some great content related to this resource, as well as your other good resources so great place to kind of explore. [00:25:50.340] Amber Winters: And it looks like we haven't gotten any questions on the line at all. [00:25:55.950] Amber Winters: So so i'm going to leave you for the day I do appreciate everyone being here, hopefully, you enjoyed that extra two minutes we got back in our day. [00:26:05.340] Amber Winters: Again, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me again amber winters at cengage calm and please have a great rest of your day.