[00:00:01.800] Hello folks. I'm Stacey Knibloe [00:00:03.859] Gale trainer for California. Thanks [00:00:06.200] for joining me to take a look at [00:00:08.289] our webinar stem resources [00:00:10.320] from Gale uh in the classroom in [00:00:12.410] the library. What we want [00:00:14.550] to do with this session is just provide an [00:00:16.640] overview of the Gale resources [00:00:18.829] that come to you through the California K [00:00:21.079] 12 online project. [00:00:23.760] And I wanted to let you know we've got [00:00:25.829] a couple other sessions coming up or actually [00:00:28.039] three more sessions coming up that will dive [00:00:30.250] deeper into each of the resources we're [00:00:32.340] gonna given over to overview to [00:00:34.630] in this session. Uh So if you're [00:00:36.729] interested in attending any of those, I'm [00:00:38.759] gonna be sharing the link for our [00:00:41.240] our calendar for these sessions. You [00:00:43.280] can also of course find them in all the all the California [00:00:45.530] calendars. Um but you can [00:00:47.759] feel free to register for those too if you'd like to dive [00:00:49.850] a little bit deeper into one of these resources [00:00:52.130] or of course all three. [00:00:53.979] What we're gonna do during the session [00:00:56.030] though is give you some an overview of [00:00:58.149] the content and some best practices for [00:01:00.229] each of the resources that are available [00:01:02.520] through the statewide program. [00:01:05.420] And up first we're gonna be taking a look at National [00:01:07.750] Geographic Kids. Then [00:01:09.959] we'll take a look at Gale Interactive science [00:01:12.659] and then lastly Gale in context, [00:01:14.930] environmental studies and as [00:01:16.950] always we wrap up our sessions with [00:01:19.239] a little bit of info about the Gale support [00:01:21.280] site and how you can get in touch with your Gale team [00:01:23.859] so that we can help you with any, anything [00:01:26.000] you might need having to do with your Gale resources. [00:01:30.060] So before I kind of dive in [00:01:32.280] um I do want to make sure that I cover your [00:01:34.500] needs during the session so feel free to [00:01:36.510] share in the chat if there's [00:01:38.510] anything in particular you want to be sure [00:01:40.590] I'm gonna cover during the session, you [00:01:42.590] know any particular feature [00:01:44.629] or tool or you know a bit of content, [00:01:47.209] anything like that. I'll keep my eye on [00:01:49.260] that so I can make sure to add it to [00:01:51.519] the session if it isn't something I was already gonna cover. [00:01:54.049] So I really want this to be your session, [00:01:56.640] you let me know what you need out of it. [00:02:00.569] So again these resources come to you through [00:02:02.739] the California K-12 online content [00:02:05.120] project. And you can actually see the Gale databases [00:02:07.409] are just over there on the right hand side. [00:02:09.419] They were a more recent edition than some of the [00:02:11.469] other databases. So I would just like [00:02:13.500] to remind folks that they're there you can have [00:02:15.625] of course access them through the site. But [00:02:18.064] again I'm gonna be sharing our support site later [00:02:20.064] and you can actually get all of your access information [00:02:22.094] there too. And what's great about [00:02:24.525] the databases is their geo authenticated. [00:02:26.854] So as long as you're in California and [00:02:29.155] you use one of the resources, no [00:02:31.194] password required, no other form of authentication [00:02:34.194] you're in which is always great. [00:02:37.729] So let's go ahead and dive [00:02:39.969] in and again give you an overview of these resources [00:02:42.259] and share some best practices along the way. [00:02:45.229] So at first I'm gonna start with National Geographic [00:02:47.610] Kids. This is a resource I [00:02:49.689] think people never outgrow. It's probably [00:02:51.800] mostly used by elementary [00:02:54.060] middle aged middle school aged students. [00:02:56.849] But the content there is [00:02:59.319] I think well loved by everybody. Let's [00:03:01.560] go ahead and dive in. [00:03:03.759] Now. I have um [00:03:06.939] again, I'm the library source here. [00:03:09.210] So you see something on the screen [00:03:11.289] you have a question about or uh [00:03:14.060] want me to click on and show you what it does, just [00:03:16.210] let me know at any point. [00:03:17.930] So, National Geographic Kids [00:03:19.990] actually got a little interface update [00:03:22.069] this summer. Uh so if [00:03:24.069] you had used the resource [00:03:26.069] prior to I think this launched [00:03:28.080] at the beginning of [00:03:30.090] august, you would have seen a slightly [00:03:32.520] different look and feel we've updated, I think [00:03:34.710] made it more modern. I think it's a little easier [00:03:37.550] on the eyes. We've added some new tools [00:03:40.340] and have raised the level of [00:03:42.379] accessibility in the resource as well. [00:03:45.250] So hopefully this is your first [00:03:47.400] look at it. You'll be pleased with the result [00:03:50.030] of that release. There's nothing you [00:03:52.030] needed to do to get these updates. It just [00:03:54.120] happens automatically. So no changes [00:03:56.569] on your end need to be made. Uh [00:03:58.960] so the homepage, like most of our homepages [00:04:01.840] offer a way to kind of browse [00:04:04.080] around the content and discover what's here [00:04:06.550] and with National Geographic Kids, [00:04:08.710] you have the kids magazine of course, [00:04:10.900] it's namesake publication. [00:04:13.189] We are, I'm gonna show you later [00:04:15.270] how you can kinda browse the issues and we can talk about [00:04:17.329] how far back it goes and things like that. [00:04:19.360] But we also have a good bit of content [00:04:21.769] from National Geographic in [00:04:24.250] book form or a book form I guess I should [00:04:26.410] say. Uh these are collection [00:04:28.829] of titles that um [00:04:31.069] we can recover to cover no special [00:04:33.139] viewers required. We [00:04:35.269] have um a good number of these. I'm gonna [00:04:37.269] share the title list when we look at these a little bit closer [00:04:39.509] later. [00:04:40.759] And then we also receive some multimedia [00:04:42.810] content working with that geo. So they've got [00:04:44.860] lots of great videos and images that [00:04:47.079] are downloadable, which is great. Um [00:04:49.439] Of course you want a site where you got them. But we'll talk more [00:04:51.540] about that when we get into the resource. But [00:04:53.870] the home page just kind of gives you a scope of what's [00:04:55.949] here. [00:04:57.560] And then of course you've got the option as [00:04:59.639] always with our resources [00:05:03.040] to send off a search. And since that's what [00:05:05.089] most users do when they get started [00:05:07.149] in this resource, that's what I'm gonna do too. [00:05:09.290] And we'll just dive in. As you [00:05:11.310] can imagine tons of animal [00:05:13.600] searches in this database. So I'm gonna go ahead [00:05:15.649] and look up Sharks, my niece's [00:05:17.990] favorite animal. [00:05:19.910] And when you bring back results, [00:05:21.980] you know, our databases are [00:05:25.009] built for kids certainly to find [00:05:27.250] information and use it [00:05:29.360] to support research and the like we [00:05:31.459] also don't want to kind of in this, [00:05:33.790] you know, kind of subtle way help grow [00:05:35.889] their information literacy skills too. So [00:05:38.189] a lot of the things we do on these pages [00:05:40.410] are to reinforce what they're working [00:05:42.649] with here and how information gets organized. [00:05:44.769] You'll see across the top here. [00:05:46.870] It's telling us where our hits are coming from. We've [00:05:48.970] got hits from the magazines from the book, [00:05:51.089] from the videos, from some magazine [00:05:53.610] covers, which actually gonna go ahead and scroll [00:05:55.800] down and just mentioned that briefly. So [00:05:57.850] one of the things we do with the content [00:06:00.230] from Nat Geo is actually index the images [00:06:02.610] that are on the covers. So I searched for [00:06:04.699] sharks. It's gonna bring me back the [00:06:06.779] page or sorry, the covers that [00:06:08.899] have sharks on them. So you know, [00:06:10.980] Nat Geo content is often recognize visible [00:06:13.089] by its cover. So just a way for you to kind [00:06:15.170] of easily identify those if they remember, [00:06:17.389] oh, I want that issue with that have the big shark [00:06:19.500] on it. Boom, we've got it. But [00:06:22.129] say were you know, writing a report about [00:06:24.139] sharks. We probably are going to be more interested in the [00:06:26.230] content that comes up top. And if you [00:06:28.300] look over to the right, you can filter results, [00:06:30.899] you can narrow down your results maybe [00:06:33.300] isolate by subject. Um [00:06:35.689] you have [00:06:37.209] the ability to search within. So if [00:06:39.209] I wanted to specifically know about, you [00:06:41.269] know what sharks are found and say the Atlantic [00:06:43.379] ocean or something. I could search within and look [00:06:45.410] for Atlantic ocean. Uh, [00:06:47.519] just ways to work with the content. [00:06:49.819] So you'll see that really in most of our databases [00:06:52.470] when you have a search result in front of you. [00:06:55.279] But let's go ahead and examine our results a little more [00:06:57.360] closely here. So we've got some hits from the [00:06:59.360] magazine and we're getting a little thumbnail view [00:07:01.629] of the article. Um, and [00:07:04.100] looking here at these first few pages, funky [00:07:06.480] fish science bloopers help [00:07:09.000] for sea otters, basically, we're getting the [00:07:11.029] most recent articles that mentioned [00:07:13.079] that mentioned sharks. If I go into view all [00:07:15.259] of the results. Just a little more kids magazine [00:07:17.589] link here, I can [00:07:19.740] actually change the sort [00:07:24.180] to uh, relevance, [00:07:26.870] which I prefer in this case. [00:07:29.009] You know, this I think [00:07:31.240] is [00:07:33.319] it's gonna be a great option to kind of zero [00:07:35.529] in on the shark article. So here we [00:07:37.680] have, you know, I think articles [00:07:39.759] that look a little more relevant to our topic. [00:07:41.810] Um, but currency is always important. [00:07:44.120] So that's why they sort [00:07:46.240] by date, particularly when, you know, we're talking [00:07:48.389] about something science related. So [00:07:51.269] we are certainly eager to hear [00:07:53.379] feedback, you know, if you, if you'd rather see [00:07:55.459] a different type of store it there, but you can always make the change. [00:07:58.790] And again, we've got a little thumbnail view [00:08:00.959] here of every article I'm thinking the [00:08:02.990] shark fest one looks good, so I'm gonna click [00:08:05.250] in. We did upgrade the viewer [00:08:07.689] that we're using here, it is still kind of [00:08:09.750] a pseudo pdf viewer, but [00:08:12.199] we added a few things just to make it a little [00:08:14.319] easier to use and to make it, I [00:08:16.329] think a little more familiar to kind of mimic [00:08:18.509] what kids would see, say [00:08:20.550] with e book viewers or other [00:08:22.600] tools like that. [00:08:24.139] And one of those features is just [00:08:26.230] putting the next page icons just [00:08:28.319] here to the left and right rather than kind of before [00:08:30.600] they were up in the [00:08:32.940] toolbar of the article, that's just, [00:08:35.190] you know, you can see them a little easier and actually [00:08:37.539] if you were on a touch screen you can swipe [00:08:39.720] to turn in the pages, which is nice. And [00:08:42.149] then we've added the tools if you want to zoom in [00:08:44.809] right here in the [00:08:47.110] article rather than again kind of pushing them [00:08:49.179] off to a toolbar so and you can [00:08:51.240] of course lift and move the content around [00:08:53.789] and they've done um [00:08:56.559] really nice scans of the articles, [00:08:59.450] so you know, so you're looking at an image [00:09:01.450] that maybe has a map or something on it, you can, [00:09:03.549] you can zoom in really closely without it getting too stored [00:09:05.919] it. However, what I like to do [00:09:08.149] with this content because we're kind of in the [00:09:10.190] magazine here is really immerse [00:09:12.259] in it and you'll see there's an icon, [00:09:14.470] this one with a little four corners that [00:09:16.679] will put the magazine into a full [00:09:18.779] screen view and just let it take [00:09:20.830] over my screen. So actually now I [00:09:22.870] can kind of shrink it back down to the two [00:09:25.000] page view [00:09:27.139] and just work through this article, [00:09:29.759] you know, as needed. [00:09:33.149] And again can kind of go through these [00:09:35.289] facts, we've got a little game over on [00:09:37.429] the right. [00:09:39.090] You know, you can get lots of good info here for my animal [00:09:41.289] report. [00:09:42.350] Let me go ahead and leave that full screen and we'll talk [00:09:44.350] about some of the other features. Now in [00:09:46.450] our agreement with Nat Geo, we don't [00:09:48.539] have the option to download the [00:09:50.549] magazine content or [00:09:52.740] um, email it or anything, but you will [00:09:54.830] see there's a print option. So if there's content [00:09:57.049] you want to share, say for example, [00:09:59.549] you know, we want to use this game or something [00:10:01.559] in the classroom or maybe a little activity in the library, [00:10:04.340] you can always print the content. [00:10:06.509] Just note that you have to choose [00:10:08.649] the pages you want to print. It does default [00:10:10.909] the entire issue [00:10:13.029] right now. Hopefully we can change that down the road. [00:10:15.440] But for right now you would want to choose the pages [00:10:17.500] you want and you can see of course the page [00:10:19.529] numbers just right here at the lower portion of the screen [00:10:21.649] so we can print those out easily. [00:10:24.889] Again, if students are using this to [00:10:27.169] write a research report, you've got [00:10:29.389] the option to site and [00:10:31.440] basically this build your citation for [00:10:33.440] using a p a M L a Chicago [00:10:36.059] or Harvard and then I can just copy [00:10:38.389] that, put it right in my bibliography. [00:10:40.500] I'm good to go or I can actually export [00:10:42.980] the citation out to any of these tools as well. [00:10:48.470] So let's go ahead and take a look at some of the other [00:10:50.580] content. I'm going to jump back to our [00:10:52.720] list of results and we're going to [00:10:54.750] talk about some of these other features so we can go ahead and pop [00:10:56.889] into another article here. So Sam [00:10:58.940] Sand Tiger Shark Rescue sounds [00:11:00.940] kind of interesting [00:11:03.250] for me. Maybe starting to think [00:11:05.389] up here. Um [00:11:07.789] Here we have again same layout, [00:11:09.799] all the same tools. You notice over [00:11:11.909] on the left hand side though we've got a [00:11:14.639] menu of items. We can [00:11:16.639] search within the issue because [00:11:19.429] if I click the button above that, the three lines [00:11:21.710] that we got a little hamburger menu, we [00:11:24.070] actually can browse the entire issue. [00:11:26.149] Again, Part of our agreement with Nat Geo [00:11:28.500] is that we really treat the content [00:11:30.899] like its print. So that's why it [00:11:33.000] always opens to the two page view. You know [00:11:35.090] like we've got it open on the table and really [00:11:37.179] we have access to the entire issue so [00:11:39.559] I can jump around in here. We have [00:11:42.029] everything. You know, you'll see the opening [00:11:44.210] pages where we've got the table of contents. [00:11:46.809] You'll see the end where they've always got, you know, [00:11:48.870] the games and stuff. Say this funny fill in [00:11:51.320] and I can jump right to those pages. [00:11:53.490] So you see exactly what you would [00:11:55.490] see in the magazine and can take [00:11:57.669] advantage of all of this. [00:12:00.259] The search though. If we wanted to search within [00:12:02.460] this and maybe get back to our Shark article [00:12:04.759] quickly, I could use that. We also have a [00:12:06.799] quick um look up here for marrying [00:12:09.129] Webster's kid dictionary. So if they come across [00:12:11.470] a term in an article and they can always [00:12:13.590] get a quick definition [00:12:15.659] and then you can see the full citation, just [00:12:17.799] more details about this issue. And [00:12:20.210] uh when it was published, [00:12:22.460] all the [00:12:23.649] details there. [00:12:25.629] So you can navigate through actually the [00:12:27.870] entire issue when [00:12:29.990] you're looking at the magazines as well. And we're gonna [00:12:32.149] see that similar to what we can do with the [00:12:34.179] book content too. So I'm gonna just use the [00:12:36.419] toolbar up top here to move to the books [00:12:38.509] results [00:12:39.960] and here we have, let me [00:12:41.960] kind of scroll down a bit, so you can see [00:12:44.070] a few more of these. There's a really nice [00:12:46.440] range of reading levels within the [00:12:48.519] book's content that's here really down [00:12:50.590] to pre k and up into about [00:12:52.710] I think 7th and 8th grade. So [00:12:55.240] this is a resource that really spans [00:12:57.379] reading levels. Um and I'm gonna again [00:12:59.480] share a title list later that will go into more detail [00:13:01.789] about that. But [00:13:03.690] you have access to the entire book, [00:13:05.769] There's no check in or check out. So [00:13:08.179] let's say the ultimate book of Sharks looks appealing. [00:13:11.019] Again, we're gonna treat it like it's prints. [00:13:13.240] You actually open up to the cover and [00:13:15.279] then can use the next page to navigate [00:13:17.470] through. Or like we had with [00:13:19.909] the [00:13:21.509] magazine, I can open up the table of contents [00:13:23.610] for the book [00:13:24.740] and move through it that way. [00:13:26.769] Hmm. [00:13:27.850] So the Secret Lives of Sharks [00:13:29.929] sounds intriguing, but we can [00:13:32.070] read through, read right through this content [00:13:34.360] again, could switch to the full [00:13:36.360] screen mode to [00:13:38.570] to have to take over the screen. You'll notice [00:13:40.809] there's also a listen button here. It's [00:13:42.919] reading the text that kind of lives behind [00:13:45.100] the picture. Uh So you can have some [00:13:47.129] text speech capabilities, which can be really [00:13:49.340] nice. [00:13:51.139] But again, access to the entire book, [00:13:53.940] right? And we do have mark records for these. So you could [00:13:56.080] load them into your catalog and right [00:13:58.259] from your catalog. That would direct people right into the resource [00:14:00.720] and land right here. [00:14:04.379] So already, let's go and take a look at some of our results. [00:14:06.909] So, the video content [00:14:08.980] is again coming from Nat geo everything [00:14:11.360] here is their content. So it's something that maybe, [00:14:13.750] you know, they showed on tv or maybe has [00:14:15.809] been lived at their website. But [00:14:18.799] the video content is really engaging, [00:14:21.269] a great way to kick off a lesson or [00:14:23.659] you know, just in this case, learn more [00:14:25.750] about sharks. You know, I was trying to pique [00:14:27.940] curiosity and [00:14:30.049] you'll see with the videos. Let me go ahead and turn on [00:14:32.110] the audio here. [00:14:33.870] This underwater creature [00:14:35.929] has a toothy [00:14:38.100] jaw. We'll sneak peek of that one. [00:14:40.340] The videos will all come with close captioning [00:14:42.850] and if I scroll down a little bit more you'll see [00:14:45.039] a transcript as well. So [00:14:47.379] I'm more of a reader myself. So I might choose [00:14:49.620] to read the transcript. But of [00:14:51.679] course we know a [00:14:54.200] lot of our younger users are [00:14:56.340] going to love that video content. So [00:14:58.759] lots of good stuff. [00:15:00.860] Now if I knew that there [00:15:02.950] was a big interest in Sharks [00:15:06.299] army, [00:15:07.840] there are ways to drive users [00:15:10.289] to the content you want to share with them. [00:15:12.379] And I'm just gonna jump back here to the main results [00:15:14.860] page that we had [00:15:16.509] say this is where I want to send folks [00:15:18.559] or maybe I want to send them to the books page, All [00:15:20.870] these books about sharks. Right? Whenever [00:15:23.679] you see [00:15:26.309] this [00:15:27.490] button, [00:15:29.289] the get link button way up here [00:15:31.299] in the upper right hand corner, it's in our [00:15:33.320] our toolbar. That kind of follows us through the database [00:15:36.769] that get link is gonna give [00:15:38.840] me a persistent U. R. L. Or [00:15:40.980] pearl. I can copy that you [00:15:43.039] are L. And then put it wherever I would normally [00:15:45.299] put a U. R. L. In a tweet [00:15:47.360] in an email on a web page and a [00:15:49.389] live guide in our learning management system [00:15:51.980] wherever you are L. Can go [00:15:54.289] this U. R. L. Can go and [00:15:56.470] what it's gonna do again is drop you [00:15:58.909] to whatever where you were looking at. So it's always [00:16:01.179] going to bring me back to this list of shark [00:16:03.220] books. So you can drive users right [00:16:05.549] to the content you want them to use. So [00:16:07.970] maybe I don't want all of these books. Maybe I'm [00:16:10.009] working with fourth graders and I've decided [00:16:12.559] that uh this book here, [00:16:14.740] Mission Shark Rescue is [00:16:16.809] appropriate for their reading level. I [00:16:18.860] want the kids to you know, maybe read a few [00:16:20.929] pages here [00:16:22.879] again just look for that. Get link [00:16:24.950] and it would drive them right to this book. [00:16:27.070] And that's actually what we do with the Mark Records. The [00:16:29.100] 8 56 tag of the Mark record holds [00:16:31.690] that persistent U. R. L. [00:16:33.850] And again drives people right to it. [00:16:36.429] So lots of good stuff here. [00:16:38.929] I do want to though. Get to the other [00:16:41.039] resources. So I'm just gonna share a couple more [00:16:43.070] things here. [00:16:45.659] The book content again is really my [00:16:47.830] favorite content in the resource. [00:16:50.159] Um if you go in from the home [00:16:52.190] page and choose more books, it's [00:16:54.960] going to give you the entire list of all [00:16:57.139] the books in the collection or 653 [00:16:59.509] currently. And we tend to be able to load [00:17:02.179] new ones about twice a year. And [00:17:04.970] I'm gonna, while I'm kind of talking about this, I'm gonna load [00:17:07.130] into the chat, the [00:17:10.319] uh title list because [00:17:12.809] the title list for this database [00:17:15.779] or the title list I'm gonna share with you [00:17:18.569] has a reading level [00:17:20.950] by age and grade for each [00:17:23.109] book in the collection. So that's in the chat [00:17:25.279] now and it's also available through our website [00:17:27.579] and I'll share a link with it that will come [00:17:29.809] in the follow up email that you receive tomorrow. [00:17:32.200] So you can get the updated one when we add [00:17:34.329] new titles. But it is [00:17:36.720] a great way to get zero in on [00:17:38.869] books by reading level. [00:17:41.319] You'll also see though here [00:17:44.009] we can take advantage of those filters. So if [00:17:46.059] I want to narrow this down a bit, if I open [00:17:48.299] up subjects I can scroll [00:17:50.470] through this subject list and zero [00:17:52.809] in about books about butterflies, [00:17:54.980] actually sharks of course. Um [00:17:57.039] but if you keep scrolling you can see a [00:17:59.279] lot of the topics, you know, we know that the National [00:18:01.400] Geographic is gonna cover. Say I want volcanoes. [00:18:03.660] Maybe we're doing something in earth science [00:18:06.630] and boom, I can find some volcano titles [00:18:08.990] of course you can search and find these books [00:18:11.220] the same way. But I love the browse [00:18:13.359] tool for our librarians are teachers [00:18:15.559] to kind of get familiar with what's here [00:18:19.369] Now you can also from the homepage [00:18:21.549] browse the magazine and [00:18:23.619] if you let me point it out [00:18:25.660] here and use my annotate tool. Again. [00:18:27.710] Again we've got in the toolbar [00:18:30.079] that's gonna follow us through the resource. There is [00:18:32.140] browse magazines and this will [00:18:35.000] just let us browse every issue [00:18:38.049] And you'll find there is a delay. [00:18:40.319] We do have an embargo period [00:18:42.390] meaning we have to wait to put the current [00:18:44.559] issues in the database. We have a 90 [00:18:46.839] day embargo. You'll actually see it's noted [00:18:49.140] over here on the right in our filters. Uh [00:18:51.440] so we have to wait to put that content in. [00:18:53.549] So the August issue will come in in a couple of months. [00:18:56.339] We have the [00:18:58.390] run of the magazine going back to [00:19:00.740] February 2009 [00:19:02.789] and you can again use the filters to [00:19:05.059] you know, look at the collection of older issues. [00:19:07.859] Um but if we as we [00:19:09.880] scroll again can pop into any [00:19:11.940] of these. So maybe the [00:19:14.279] uh well I do love koalas. I'll go ahead and [00:19:16.309] grab the koala. Rescue [00:19:18.230] can jump right into the issue and flip through [00:19:20.400] it so we can go great kind of [00:19:22.410] activity in the school library [00:19:24.930] kids need to do some nonfiction reading. [00:19:27.200] You know, have a great tool here to [00:19:29.230] point them to, they can just pick an issue that looks [00:19:31.289] good and get started. [00:19:35.549] So [00:19:37.210] lots of great stuff in National Geographic [00:19:39.319] Kids and again, kind of an Ageless [00:19:41.849] Resource I would say. But [00:19:44.220] you will of course be the best judges of that. [00:19:47.210] So let's go ahead. I'm gonna pop back to [00:19:49.250] the power point here and we'll move on to our next [00:19:51.309] resource. Now this one does age up [00:19:53.740] Gale Interactive science is [00:19:56.250] a three D. Kind of virtual [00:19:58.549] experience working with [00:20:00.849] different models and we're gonna get [00:20:03.000] in there so you can kind of see what I [00:20:05.049] what we mean by the models there. But [00:20:07.349] I will say this is probably gonna start [00:20:09.349] reading level wise and just curriculum [00:20:11.990] wise for middle and high school students. [00:20:14.450] Uh Is that you actually might [00:20:16.609] even find content here first couple [00:20:18.910] years of college and in jail interactive [00:20:21.079] science but it's a great way [00:20:23.380] to be interactive with the resource. [00:20:25.730] You know, we've named the database after that [00:20:27.980] perform virtual experiments. Can be [00:20:30.009] a nice savings. You know, you don't have to order [00:20:32.170] 90 earthworms for the classroom. [00:20:34.400] You can do it all virtually right in the resource. [00:20:36.670] Uh and there's lots of good contextual [00:20:38.809] information as well as they're working with the models. [00:20:41.369] So let's go ahead and dive in. [00:20:44.559] Now. This database really has [00:20:46.759] a let me close out of [00:20:49.049] geographic kids and jump into interactive [00:20:51.269] science. Um [00:20:53.329] This database is gonna look [00:20:55.619] pretty different. It's intent is really [00:20:57.700] different. It's a it's an interactive resource [00:21:00.450] but we're gonna actually find some similarities. [00:21:02.809] Things like a listen tool and [00:21:05.099] get link capabilities and [00:21:07.170] all of that are gonna be here too. [00:21:09.700] So you can see the homepage again [00:21:11.859] we're always gonna offer a search and a [00:21:13.859] way to browse. So we're again gonna start [00:21:16.200] here with a search. So say I'm looking [00:21:18.210] for resources to support [00:21:20.369] my [00:21:22.970] desert uh you know, bio [00:21:25.640] Maura or ecosystem unit. [00:21:28.750] And your search goes across all [00:21:31.049] of the different models that are available. [00:21:33.200] And it's gonna pick up as we see [00:21:35.329] the desert ecosystem. But it's also gonna pull [00:21:37.559] something like cactus because within that entry [00:21:40.170] deserts are mentioned. So you can find [00:21:42.410] some related topics as well. [00:21:45.259] And if you look actually over on the left here, you [00:21:47.339] can filter by the different categories. So if I [00:21:49.369] had a ton of hits, I could I could [00:21:51.430] narrow that down. But with just three, I'm [00:21:54.930] pretty confident this first one. [00:21:57.779] So the interactive tool [00:22:00.140] is takes a minute to load. So you'll see there is a [00:22:02.180] bit of a delay sometimes when [00:22:04.220] that happens depending on your internet speed. [00:22:06.369] Before I get into that though, I just want [00:22:08.420] to mention too, if you look off to the right, [00:22:10.430] you've got great overview essays [00:22:12.500] to go along with these topics as well. So [00:22:14.529] if you do need to do any reading [00:22:16.549] with students or just learning more about [00:22:18.630] that content, you know, similar to what [00:22:20.730] you might have in a textbook words [00:22:23.339] to know glossary here to go along with [00:22:25.430] it. But this is content that [00:22:28.380] again will become you be comfortable with in your [00:22:30.490] textbook, you can see the source of [00:22:32.720] it. Um [00:22:34.369] if you choose the how to site and these are gonna be [00:22:36.450] uh some of our publications at Gale. [00:22:38.640] We are a publisher ourselves. You can get all [00:22:40.660] the details about where that came from. But [00:22:43.089] lots of good content here for students [00:22:46.549] now. The good stuff though, the interactive [00:22:48.730] piece, let's get into that. So just in the upper [00:22:50.960] left here we have the model we can work [00:22:53.059] with and you have different viewers. [00:22:55.549] Again, I love to go full screen, particularly [00:22:58.160] with the content [00:23:00.640] of Nat Geo. And here in in Gale [00:23:03.190] interactive science we can just have it take over [00:23:05.369] the screen. [00:23:06.420] So however, I'm not positive [00:23:08.569] that always shows up on the other end of the [00:23:10.589] webinar. So I'm actually gonna go back to [00:23:12.650] the regular view. So [00:23:15.200] just in case that wasn't sharing [00:23:17.529] with you. So [00:23:19.829] the models all come with contextual [00:23:22.450] kind of notes on every page. [00:23:24.490] You look to the left here desert ecosystem. [00:23:26.960] It's just giving us a brief definition [00:23:29.250] and this is probably [00:23:31.599] middle school level. You know, we look at [00:23:33.710] where this content appears. Looking at next [00:23:35.759] gen science standards for different grades. [00:23:38.789] We look at certainly state standards, [00:23:40.990] things like that as well to help determine. [00:23:43.470] But you're always the best judge. So [00:23:45.500] you can always just take a look and decide if this is [00:23:47.579] appropriate for the patronage student. You're working [00:23:49.849] with reading level wise. But [00:23:52.170] these are nice notes to kind of go along [00:23:54.200] with the stages of the model. You can see across [00:23:56.339] the bottom here. This row of circles is just [00:23:58.410] how many we have with this model. And [00:24:00.700] you can actually, if that's kind of getting in your [00:24:02.700] way, you can close out [00:24:04.809] that those notes and just open back [00:24:07.029] up if you need them. [00:24:08.930] So we can move through again [00:24:11.109] arrows to the right and left here to move through the [00:24:13.150] model. Or you can use the circles [00:24:15.480] here. But this is just informing [00:24:17.710] us about the desert ecosystem. [00:24:19.710] It's gonna point out uh [00:24:21.859] there we go as we move in. It's gonna [00:24:24.000] use these little pointer tools to point out in [00:24:26.009] this case you could plant um [00:24:28.309] barrel cactus and so on [00:24:30.359] and you can [00:24:32.700] interact with these. I'm going to use actually the earthworm [00:24:35.000] example in a minute to kind of show how you can [00:24:37.119] pull these apart. I think it's a little more impressive [00:24:39.170] there. So we'll put a pin in that but [00:24:41.240] we can just move through this lesson [00:24:43.730] and learn more about these items [00:24:45.779] that appear in the desert ecosystem. And [00:24:48.269] then as you reach the later stages [00:24:50.819] of the model, I'm just gonna jump ahead here and use [00:24:52.940] the circles there are actually quizzes. [00:24:55.509] You can move through. So and [00:24:57.609] we can we can [00:25:00.799] jump to those. I want to give you that example. So [00:25:02.990] question what, what kind of plants for [00:25:05.009] water and thick fleshy stems [00:25:07.589] and of course this is a little knowledge check because it told [00:25:09.769] us this earlier in the model and [00:25:12.099] it's giving us a look. So we've got those visuals [00:25:14.240] to go along with it. Touch [00:25:16.599] of succulents and I get a little [00:25:18.680] green check and uh [00:25:20.880] I can move on to the next question if you answer [00:25:23.109] incorrectly. I'm gonna go ahead [00:25:25.289] and choose Jackrabbits [00:25:27.450] here. You get that little X. [00:25:29.529] And it prompts you to answer again [00:25:32.019] and then you can move through. So it's just a quick [00:25:34.099] again knowledge check. Uh And [00:25:36.190] depending on the model you're in you might be actually [00:25:38.400] identifying different pieces for example [00:25:40.720] often I'll use the caves. Um [00:25:43.180] model is an example and [00:25:45.220] you actually have to point to the different stalactites [00:25:47.880] and things like that on the page. So [00:25:50.019] just gonna vary depending on the [00:25:52.119] model you're working with. So [00:25:54.819] but I do want to show you some of those ones where you can [00:25:56.910] kind of pull apart. So I'm gonna [00:25:59.099] head back to the homepage [00:26:00.930] and in this case I am going to browse we've [00:26:03.000] broken down the database into [00:26:05.240] four major areas Biology, chemistry [00:26:07.579] or science and human anatomy. [00:26:09.589] And before I go into one of those let me just point [00:26:11.640] out also should you have access to a three [00:26:13.690] D. Printer we've got three D. Printable models [00:26:15.740] for a lot of different um models [00:26:18.349] within the database. And you just download those [00:26:20.450] STL files and go to work with [00:26:22.460] your three D. Printer. Uh But [00:26:24.740] looking here [00:26:26.160] we can go into any of these one categories [00:26:28.980] or we could actually click [00:26:31.269] in just in the upper right hand corner to browse activities. [00:26:34.089] But let me go ahead and jump in [00:26:37.039] and you'll see that filter by category is [00:26:39.069] back so you can see just the check marks are showing [00:26:41.079] the ones that it's displaying for me. [00:26:43.210] So if I specifically wanted to examine, [00:26:45.690] say zoology or microbiology, [00:26:48.180] I can kind of uncheck the ones I don't want. If I [00:26:50.210] want to now maybe switch into earth science [00:26:52.490] mode, you can just use those filters. We've also [00:26:54.970] got these broken down by next gen science [00:26:57.180] standards. So you can actually kind of pull [00:26:59.240] those in. Let me actually get rid of biology for [00:27:01.329] minutes. You can see that. So I don't [00:27:03.470] know the standards by heart. But [00:27:05.490] um let's see. High school LS [00:27:07.700] 2-3. We've got, [00:27:09.789] oh coincidentally looks [00:27:11.900] like we're studying ecosystems. So there's [00:27:13.900] our desert ecosystem again, [00:27:16.250] all right. But let me go ahead and bring some of the biology content. [00:27:18.430] So I do again love the zoology [00:27:20.680] content. This is actually how the resource started [00:27:23.089] giving teachers a [00:27:25.140] virtual option for, [00:27:27.670] you know, anatomy studies basically [00:27:29.720] we have um [00:27:31.960] you know, certainly there's a cost [00:27:34.130] to bringing in, you know discuss [00:27:36.220] dissecting frogs in [00:27:38.220] the classroom. So now [00:27:40.319] you've got this tool, everyone can do it just [00:27:42.579] virtually right through the resource. [00:27:45.049] And again we just can move through the model. [00:27:47.319] But I wanna let me get a little further in here. [00:27:51.450] Yeah, I think for the nervous system here, so [00:27:53.950] the pieces of the models, [00:27:56.160] you can pull them apart. I could have done this in the desert [00:27:58.380] ecosystem. I don't think it's quite as impressive though. [00:28:00.490] So say I want to get a closer look [00:28:02.750] at the oh, [00:28:06.559] find when I go, let's just say nerve. So [00:28:08.960] uh pull [00:28:12.529] these out and get a closer look [00:28:14.579] at the ventral nerve cord if I want, [00:28:17.359] you can zoom in. I'm just using my mouse [00:28:19.609] to do that here. So you can do [00:28:21.660] that for any piece. And again, you can kind of pick things [00:28:23.660] up and move them more. So the cerebral [00:28:27.200] ganglia, I'm gonna say [00:28:29.339] I can pull that out as well and get [00:28:31.369] a closer look. [00:28:33.250] So it's a really, again, [00:28:35.339] interactive tool, we can work with this, [00:28:37.920] pull things apart and again, get [00:28:39.960] a closer look [00:28:41.880] for all of this content now, granted I'm using [00:28:44.049] one with some really basic anatomy, just [00:28:46.349] uh [00:28:48.619] it is [00:28:51.730] super realistic, but I just [00:28:53.960] don't want to uh I'm uh I'm [00:28:56.519] not great with dissecting [00:28:58.819] things. So I apologize, [00:29:01.089] we're going kind of simple here, but [00:29:03.099] really great content in this [00:29:05.279] resource and again, something that's engaging [00:29:07.490] for your students, really um, you [00:29:09.660] know, lets them get up close and personal here [00:29:11.910] with the content. [00:29:14.119] So another let me go ahead and grab. [00:29:16.299] I'm gonna just move to actually only brews [00:29:18.579] activities, browse activities and we'll grab [00:29:20.650] something. So maybe we've got an astronomy course [00:29:23.430] pull that up and [00:29:25.670] you have [00:29:27.309] capabilities to put students right where [00:29:29.349] you want them in this resources well [00:29:31.960] or really anyone again, this [00:29:34.009] is I think would be fun for public library [00:29:36.089] patrons. The chemistry content [00:29:38.230] particularly I think would be great in [00:29:40.339] kind of beginner courses in uh [00:29:42.640] in college. So you really got a range [00:29:44.710] of users for this one. So down below [00:29:46.950] here, we do have just a brief description [00:29:48.980] of what the model you're working with, the [00:29:50.980] standards it's meeting and then just [00:29:53.089] below that ways to again, kind of [00:29:55.119] get this in other people's hands, so [00:29:58.430] get rid of the circles here so I can click, [00:30:00.490] we have the option to send this [00:30:02.559] to different social media, but you'll notice there's [00:30:04.670] also a google classroom link here, [00:30:06.910] basically that's gonna set you down [00:30:08.970] the path, let's bring this over [00:30:11.130] here to posting [00:30:13.589] to one of your google classroom [00:30:15.809] pages, so I'm just gonna [00:30:18.420] put this in my library. [00:30:20.410] You basically are just following the [00:30:22.440] same steps you do when you add something to your [00:30:24.440] classroom yourself, it's just kind of walking [00:30:26.660] you through and what it's gonna do is [00:30:28.769] embed [00:30:31.039] the link to this model [00:30:33.099] right in the resource. It's using that get [00:30:35.099] link tool that we talked about just kind of doing [00:30:37.170] it for you. So really handy [00:30:39.349] way again to put your students right where you want [00:30:41.359] them. Um and if you're a google classroom [00:30:43.539] user again, even easier, let's [00:30:46.170] say you're not the, let's say you've got a learning management [00:30:48.339] system like canvas or something like that. [00:30:50.920] Or again, you're at the public library, You want to tweet [00:30:53.210] this, you're at college, you want to put it on a live [00:30:55.359] guide. You choose link to activity. [00:30:58.000] It's just going to give you that, get link and drop [00:31:00.150] you right here with that link. [00:31:02.309] You can actually put people right to [00:31:04.339] a specific slide. So let's say I wanted [00:31:06.359] to get right to, I think let's see, does this one [00:31:08.410] have a quiz? Yes. So let's say I wanted to get [00:31:10.490] kids right to the quiz. Looks [00:31:12.700] like maybe it's just two questions, but I can use [00:31:14.920] the link to slide and it will bring them right [00:31:17.039] here. It'll kind of jump ahead and land [00:31:19.109] them on the second to last slide. So [00:31:21.730] those, URLS again there, get links. [00:31:23.980] They're persistent. They're always going to bring back [00:31:25.980] to the same place like we talked about with National Geographic. [00:31:31.450] So again, lots of good stuff [00:31:33.730] in this resource. Again, does age [00:31:35.789] up the middle school is probably where you're gonna want [00:31:37.809] to start and then actually let me jump in to [00:31:39.880] say something like chemistry. So you can get a closer look. [00:31:42.380] I think a lot of this content would be great [00:31:44.420] for certainly chemistry class, but also [00:31:46.509] as you move up into ap chemistry and into [00:31:49.019] the first couple years of college, [00:31:51.029] the database has really grown over time [00:31:53.250] due to feedback from [00:31:55.279] our users. So uh [00:31:57.470] you can expect that to continue happening, [00:31:59.589] but I can tell you that the chemistry content [00:32:01.599] is fairly new. We didn't start out with it [00:32:03.670] there, but we got a lot of feedback that folks wanted [00:32:05.750] it. So [00:32:08.500] we're never finished with our database is always [00:32:10.730] something new to to bring in. [00:32:13.400] Alrighty, let me bring us back and [00:32:15.559] we're going to jump into our last resource Gale [00:32:18.119] in context Environmental studies. So [00:32:20.569] this resource again, I'm gonna [00:32:22.789] say age up, I would start, you can [00:32:24.849] probably start middle school here, but this definitely [00:32:27.400] goes up into more even academic [00:32:29.500] research, you're gonna find case studies here. [00:32:31.960] Uh you have academic journals, [00:32:34.140] so again, a pretty wide range of reading levels [00:32:36.470] here, just kind of starting with middle school and up [00:32:39.210] and there's a variety of sources [00:32:41.660] here as well. It's probably [00:32:43.670] of the three, the most traditional kind of research [00:32:46.180] database. Let's go ahead and take a look. [00:32:54.309] So Gale, in context, environmental studies. [00:32:56.869] Again, we're third time we're seeing here can [00:32:58.960] start right out with a search or browse [00:33:01.109] around on the home page and our [00:33:03.339] Galen context databases are built [00:33:05.890] around topic pages [00:33:07.950] and if you are in the classroom [00:33:10.480] at all, it might be these are gonna [00:33:12.490] align with units, you'd be covering in the [00:33:14.519] library or sorry, in the classroom. [00:33:17.210] Um and certainly supporting in the library [00:33:19.400] or you know, coming from [00:33:21.400] a public library, big areas that [00:33:23.500] folks are going to be interested in. [00:33:25.859] And of course we're focusing here on environmental studies. [00:33:28.230] So we've kind of broken down into large [00:33:30.440] areas here. Earth systems, global change, [00:33:32.670] the living world populations and so [00:33:34.740] on. And then show [00:33:37.069] the topics that tie along with this. So [00:33:39.420] if we went under state pollution, [00:33:42.509] these are the topic pages we've created [00:33:44.519] so far for pollution. Again, [00:33:46.849] we're never done with our databases. So more items [00:33:49.180] get added. And certainly we're feeding [00:33:51.230] new content into the databases all the time, [00:33:53.720] particularly the ones with periodic [00:33:55.900] als, those get updated daily with new issues [00:33:58.089] and uh, you know, dates, paper and things like [00:34:00.230] that. [00:34:01.910] But these pages are [00:34:04.109] kind of the homepage for the topic. [00:34:06.190] So let's say for example, we wanna, [00:34:08.489] you know, no more about fast fashion [00:34:11.269] and its impact on the environment. [00:34:14.070] The topic pages always start [00:34:16.199] out the same, a good introduction. We [00:34:18.280] get about a paragraph of that here. So we can [00:34:20.380] kind of immediately, [00:34:22.519] you know what we're talking about. What is fast [00:34:24.630] fashion. And then as we scroll [00:34:26.630] down again, breaking down the content [00:34:28.630] by the types of sources we're getting. So [00:34:30.670] just like we did National Geographic [00:34:33.250] and then [00:34:35.269] again a mix of content here. [00:34:37.349] This database has a lot of different types of sources [00:34:39.619] feeding into it. So reference a bit overview. [00:34:42.150] We've got some images, video [00:34:44.309] content, audio magazines [00:34:47.119] and one of the things Gale in context [00:34:49.440] does is identify reading levels for [00:34:51.559] you. So these little icons [00:34:53.739] you see next to each entry [00:34:56.019] are telling us something. You'll also [00:34:58.280] see. We have lex ill scores [00:35:00.369] to go along with every article. And [00:35:03.119] these are all [00:35:04.820] just kind of quick ways for you to zero [00:35:07.050] in on content that fits you can also [00:35:09.960] go filter by it if I leave the [00:35:12.420] topic page, the home or sorry, [00:35:14.599] the topic page, the home page for this [00:35:16.650] topic and go into one of these areas like [00:35:18.710] magazines. [00:35:20.230] Our filters come up and again, [00:35:22.300] like we saw the minute Geo and one of the options [00:35:24.739] here is content level and that will [00:35:26.829] show you those boxes and the lexical scores [00:35:29.179] that go along with them. So the [00:35:32.039] level 12345 [00:35:34.869] are gonna line up like this. Level [00:35:36.960] one and two, generally elementary [00:35:39.619] level three, middle school level four, [00:35:41.739] high school level five, academic [00:35:43.980] or scholarly. Now again, [00:35:46.309] you're always the best judge, but this can be a good [00:35:48.610] way to kind of zero in. So if I'm talking [00:35:50.960] about this with high school students, I may want to look [00:35:53.119] for level four, maybe level three [00:35:55.179] too. If I if I maybe want to dip down a [00:35:57.179] bit [00:35:58.960] apply and there we go. [00:36:01.869] Right now. We've also got academic [00:36:04.070] journals here. Oh, actually not anymore [00:36:06.190] because I got rid of the level five. Let [00:36:08.269] me go and bring that back. So we've got some academic [00:36:10.429] journal results too. So this is a database. [00:36:12.780] You can, you know, again may be used with ap students [00:36:15.269] goes on up into the first couple years of college. [00:36:18.019] Uh so you've got some great content to kind [00:36:20.079] of get them ready for that college level research [00:36:22.380] too. [00:36:24.159] But again, we're gonna go ahead and search [00:36:26.170] because that's what most folks do in this database [00:36:29.780] ramp invasive species and [00:36:32.409] the topic pages again, we can see [00:36:34.489] just lay out the same way it's very reliable. [00:36:37.170] You're gonna have this this kind of format [00:36:39.380] and with [00:36:42.809] our resources here. I did want to highlight [00:36:44.980] case studies. Um these [00:36:47.150] are increasingly harder to find [00:36:49.480] to use in the classroom for free. [00:36:51.690] So I wanted to point these out, it [00:36:53.809] is um [00:36:56.150] you know, content that is [00:36:58.250] really valuable now again reading level is going to be [00:37:00.340] higher here, so maybe for an ap environmental [00:37:02.530] science class, something like that. But [00:37:04.789] this is great content to kind of get them [00:37:06.829] ready. You're gonna see most of that content is going to be [00:37:08.900] pure reviewed, particularly I think most [00:37:11.099] case studies are anyway. But um [00:37:13.559] you know, you will find your of your content in the academic [00:37:15.719] journals as well. But it is [00:37:18.019] a really excellent way to [00:37:20.110] dive deep into a topic [00:37:24.300] and we can kind of just jump in [00:37:26.440] so the article display here because [00:37:29.610] this database is full [00:37:31.639] of various print materials [00:37:33.739] and because a lot of it is ours, we kind [00:37:35.869] of treat it more as text. So we don't have the, [00:37:38.150] you know the viewer like we did with nat Geo [00:37:40.369] or interactive science. You kind of dive [00:37:42.610] right in here. If we have the images from [00:37:44.809] the publication as well, you would see this on the page [00:37:46.929] to But it's nice, easy, easy [00:37:48.989] on the eyes for the text. That also gives [00:37:51.079] you the advantage of the different interactive [00:37:54.059] text interactive tools we can take advantage [00:37:56.289] of. So all right here we [00:37:58.480] have an on demand language translation [00:38:00.619] about 40 different languages to pick from [00:38:02.690] there. We have the ability [00:38:04.880] to enlarge the text or shrink it [00:38:06.900] of the article, a display [00:38:08.980] tool and then again a text to speech [00:38:11.250] like we saw in that Geo. And [00:38:13.309] these are available for every article [00:38:15.610] I came enlarge the text. [00:38:17.840] The display options kind of give you the most comfortable [00:38:20.030] or needed reading display. I [00:38:22.030] have a nephew who has a processing [00:38:24.110] issue and he really can [00:38:26.199] see text better when it's on a green or [00:38:28.260] blue background. So I could make that change for [00:38:30.280] him. We have different fun options. You can change [00:38:32.500] the spacing and it remembers [00:38:34.980] those settings. So if I go into, [00:38:36.980] let me just jump into another article here. [00:38:39.829] You know, this reference article, it remembers [00:38:42.329] them as I move through the database. I don't have to keep changing [00:38:44.690] it. So [00:38:46.929] lots of good stuff. Now students [00:38:49.190] are using the resource again for research which [00:38:51.320] I imagine a lot of them are or say adults [00:38:53.400] are in the public library and they're producing [00:38:55.960] some sort of report. You [00:38:58.170] have again, the site tool that we talked about but [00:39:00.250] there's another tool to kind of help aid [00:39:02.460] in in research. [00:39:04.389] When you are working with an article, [00:39:06.659] you can click and drag as if you're gonna copy [00:39:09.170] and it acts as a highlighter and you can [00:39:11.280] even pick the color highlighter you want, [00:39:13.889] you can add a note. [00:39:18.099] Mhm. And that then [00:39:20.210] becomes embedded in the article for [00:39:22.230] your session. [00:39:24.179] So I'm gonna say that again, this lasts [00:39:26.289] for your session. If I were to [00:39:28.329] leave the database right now [00:39:31.090] it gets cleared out to protect user privacy, [00:39:33.380] we always clear out your session information [00:39:35.789] so I need to take this with me before [00:39:38.050] I go. [00:39:39.340] And to do that, I can use [00:39:42.070] right here at the top of the article. These [00:39:44.219] retrieval options. They [00:39:46.269] also exist though if I scroll past [00:39:48.320] there, they also exist up here in [00:39:50.420] our toolbar. [00:39:53.119] These are the same options just displayed [00:39:55.179] a bit differently, but of course you can print [00:39:57.460] our content, you can [00:39:59.489] um download [00:40:01.500] it here in this database and [00:40:03.809] are sent to options are really would have become [00:40:06.030] the most popular folks can get this content [00:40:08.460] digitally um and send [00:40:10.570] it to email just in an email [00:40:13.130] or google drive. And one drive [00:40:15.329] have become really the most popular options. [00:40:17.670] We can send this off to google drive [00:40:20.199] if I'm already logged into my google account just [00:40:22.349] to save us a little time. But what it does [00:40:24.489] is drop it in a folder named [00:40:26.630] after the database you're using so [00:40:28.739] I'm in jail and context environmental studies, [00:40:31.920] there's the article I just sent over. [00:40:34.090] It shows up quick [00:40:36.019] and it's going to be the entire article, any [00:40:38.230] images that came along with it, my [00:40:40.260] citation and of course my highlights [00:40:42.659] and notes [00:40:44.710] so we can scroll down. [00:40:47.239] There's one of my highlights and if I go all the way [00:40:49.329] to the bottom, it reprints [00:40:51.340] the highlighted passages and gives me [00:40:53.429] my notes here. [00:40:55.449] It's a great way to keep track of the document [00:40:57.809] and once it's here it's mine to do with [00:40:59.989] what I like so I can rename it, I can [00:41:02.090] move it to another folder, I can share [00:41:04.210] it. It's my document [00:41:06.559] now. There's no really any digital [00:41:08.559] rights management assigned to it. It is [00:41:10.619] just here for me to take advantage [00:41:13.010] of it as I need it [00:41:14.860] a great feature. [00:41:17.710] Alright, let me take a look at my notes here, see what else [00:41:19.829] I wanted to share. [00:41:21.889] Oh, the last thing I wanted to mention [00:41:24.460] um we haven't looked at advanced search [00:41:26.500] in any of the other databases. I wanted to point it [00:41:28.500] out here. So just right [00:41:30.670] there always following the search box is gonna be [00:41:32.739] an advanced search link and it takes you right [00:41:34.780] in and this is [00:41:36.900] where you're the boss, you fill [00:41:39.090] in whatever field you need. You can keep it really [00:41:41.190] simple and just use the search field and be [00:41:43.320] off or you can take advantage of [00:41:45.320] all those limiters. So here's where you could actually [00:41:47.329] start if you know you need a particular [00:41:49.860] lexical range. You you can use [00:41:52.099] your own we've got a few ranges for you [00:41:54.190] to pick from. You can use our broader content [00:41:56.570] levels. You can isolate [00:41:58.590] to certain types of documents if I know any [00:42:00.739] case studies. If I know I want news articles [00:42:03.440] and academic journals on [00:42:05.900] recycling. [00:42:08.489] Mhm. [00:42:09.900] The database [00:42:11.980] here at advanced search lets you pick [00:42:14.019] the fields you want to search in Sochi word's [00:42:16.289] gonna look in some key fields. Entire [00:42:18.710] document reads every word in the articles [00:42:21.480] and document title. Some [00:42:23.619] of these are kind of more straightforward than other subject [00:42:26.000] would look at the subject headings that we've assigned to [00:42:28.159] it and we can just send this off [00:42:31.909] and we go to a more traditional search result [00:42:33.940] here where you know, we have [00:42:36.119] some kind of stacked results on like the topic [00:42:38.269] pages although technically I still stacked [00:42:40.570] too. But here we have [00:42:43.530] all of our results that just hit those limits that [00:42:45.559] I applied. [00:42:47.250] Hi we also have [00:42:49.510] a tool [00:42:51.469] that is well loved the topic finder. [00:42:54.000] This is going to give me more of a visual [00:42:56.309] search result. So what do we [00:42:58.420] talk about in these articles when we talk about [00:43:00.570] recycling? Right? It can [00:43:02.599] help give you other key terms [00:43:04.780] to search later. It can help you find related [00:43:06.800] topics and it's just a bit more [00:43:08.849] engaging. You can, you know, click [00:43:11.090] and zoom in. You have then your results [00:43:13.329] over on the right, [00:43:14.980] you can zoom back out [00:43:17.369] and find terms. It's a bit of a heat map [00:43:19.539] or I shouldn't say it a bit of it is a heat map. So [00:43:21.579] things in red or are those terms [00:43:23.639] are used more often than ones in green. You get these [00:43:25.800] kind of pieces of pie here where you can see [00:43:28.469] how much [00:43:31.150] more content there is for say [00:43:33.650] metal recycling than there is for [00:43:35.940] continental recycling. You get these [00:43:38.070] visual cues which is really handy. [00:43:40.139] And you can actually start with this search. [00:43:42.599] If you go to advanced search, [00:43:45.170] it's right here [00:43:50.159] as a search you can start with. So [00:43:52.469] a lot of our particularly um [00:43:54.909] in middle and high school librarians like [00:43:57.030] to point students to this. So you can jump [00:43:59.090] right to topic finder and let's try that [00:44:01.119] invasive species search. It gives [00:44:06.360] ah [00:44:07.610] again an idea of what [00:44:09.809] is kind of [00:44:11.639] the key terms we use when we talk about [00:44:13.840] this topic and you can throw more [00:44:16.119] topic, you can throw more terms into [00:44:18.199] it and see what it does with it. It's it's really [00:44:20.440] an engaging way to look at results [00:44:23.010] And again, particularly well liked [00:44:25.030] by by middle school and high school [00:44:27.320] age students. [00:44:30.059] Alrighty, let me give one last check [00:44:32.349] to my notes, I think I've covered everything I wanted [00:44:34.409] to. So let me check the chat and [00:44:36.480] the Q and A. It looks like we're in good [00:44:38.599] shape. Let me go ahead and move back to the power [00:44:40.670] point and we'll start wrapping up here. [00:44:43.300] So I did want to mention you can embed [00:44:45.800] our databases and learning management [00:44:47.980] systems like canvas and psychology. [00:44:50.079] This is what it looks like when you do that. [00:44:52.309] A call to your Gale customer success [00:44:54.579] manager and they can get you down [00:44:56.929] the path of setting this up. It's nice because [00:44:59.130] the content lives inside the LMS, [00:45:01.420] they don't leave it and go out. So [00:45:04.389] really interesting way to take advantage [00:45:07.750] And then [00:45:09.610] again, lots of good stuff out of our support, [00:45:11.849] say we have created a [00:45:14.059] homepage for, oh I apologize, we don't [00:45:16.090] need the training part in that link there, [00:45:18.659] get rid of that. [00:45:20.550] Um although you would jump to [00:45:22.679] uh all the great training content but [00:45:25.179] we want to get you to everything. So support [00:45:27.340] dot Dell dot com slash C [00:45:29.559] A K 12 will get [00:45:31.780] you to a customized support site. When you get [00:45:33.889] to that page, you'll select your library [00:45:35.949] or school from the list and [00:45:38.150] then it will customize to the content [00:45:40.170] you get from. So the three that come to you from the state [00:45:42.519] and then if you subscribe to anything else from jail, [00:45:45.050] you can find all of your access [00:45:47.230] info, Mark records like I mentioned, [00:45:49.500] uh the training center is gonna have [00:45:51.510] lots of tutorials, training decks, [00:45:53.769] things like that and then lots of great marketing [00:45:55.969] materials to let people know you've [00:45:57.980] got this content in the library. [00:46:00.150] So [00:46:01.519] it is a wealth [00:46:03.780] of materials. No need to recreate the wheel. We've [00:46:05.869] got a lot of good stuff for you to start with there. [00:46:08.449] So if you want to talk to a person [00:46:10.650] though, that's what you're Gale team is for. [00:46:12.809] So you can feel free to reach out to me again, I'm your trainer. [00:46:15.239] Um, I mentioned just a minute ago, your [00:46:17.309] customer success manager Gale. This is probably [00:46:19.949] the best person to get to know. They are going to [00:46:22.010] be able to walk you through the databases, [00:46:24.079] answer questions about access authentication, [00:46:27.159] um, answer questions provide, [00:46:29.409] you can send your feedback to them. [00:46:31.610] They're there to help you be successful with our [00:46:33.690] resources. And if you use the email address that [00:46:35.789] I've shared here, it'll get routed to the right [00:46:38.059] person because they specialize by [00:46:40.170] library type. So if you're with a school [00:46:42.230] library, if you're with a public library, that's who [00:46:44.250] they work with all the time. [00:46:45.980] Uh and then another great person to get [00:46:48.010] to know what Gale is, your account rep, your [00:46:50.079] educational sales consultant, you can always find [00:46:52.360] them through our rep finder [00:46:54.449] tool on the home page and then again [00:46:56.539] the support site, but our 800 number and [00:46:58.599] our tech support are also always available [00:47:00.760] to you as well. So there's no shortage of places to [00:47:02.849] go when you've got questions if you're not sure [00:47:04.940] where to start, feel free to get in touch with me and I can [00:47:07.000] point you in the right direction if it's not my area. [00:47:09.230] So happy to help with that. [00:47:13.170] So with that, I will say thank you and [00:47:15.820] see if there are any questions. [00:47:17.920] Um, happy to take those, but thanks so much [00:47:20.110] for tuning in. I hope this was helpful and [00:47:22.489] what you had in mind, I think, [00:47:25.019] um, [00:47:26.420] I'm looking at my list, I cover everything I want [00:47:28.639] to. So of course do feel free if there is anything [00:47:30.809] that comes to you later and you've got questions, [00:47:33.099] so thanks everybody and have [00:47:35.099] a great rest of the day.