[00:00:05.599] By using Gale library resources, [00:00:07.599] teachers can take advantage of a [00:00:09.699] seamless integration with their Google Classroom [00:00:11.900] account so they can easily share content with students. [00:00:14.300] First, locate content [00:00:16.899] that you want to share. [00:00:19.000] You can then share this document in your Google Classroom [00:00:21.600] by clicking the green Share to Classroom icon. [00:00:23.699] If you haven't already [00:00:25.800] logged in or chosen your Google account, [00:00:28.699] you'll be prompted to do so now. [00:00:30.899] Choose your class, and then your action. [00:00:35.100] You'll now follow the same steps [00:00:37.100] normally do when creating a post [00:00:39.299] in Google Classroom. [00:00:41.399] Once you've finished, you'll receive a [00:00:43.399] confirmation and be given an option to view your post. [00:00:47.100] You can also share search results and [00:00:49.200] topic pages by going through the same steps. [00:00:52.799] using the previous steps any [00:00:54.899] highlights or notes you may have created in the shared [00:00:57.100] document won't be seen by your students. [00:00:59.100] However, if you do want [00:01:01.299] to share your notes with the class there is a way. [00:01:05.400] After you've finished marking up the document, send [00:01:07.599] the article to your Google Drive account by [00:01:09.700] using the tools menu. [00:01:12.000] Once you've received a confirmation, you can [00:01:14.000] go to your Google drive to find the article [00:01:16.299] with your markups in a folder named [00:01:18.299] after the Gale resource you are using. [00:01:21.500] Now you can create an assignment or announcement [00:01:23.799] in Google classroom and attach that marked-up [00:01:26.200] document for your students. [00:01:29.000] Now your Google Classroom students will [00:01:31.099] be able to use your selected resources [00:01:33.200] for an enhanced learning experience.