[00:00:01.500] Stacey Knibloe: Hello folks and welcome to our refresh on Gale OneFile resources for Massachusetts libraries I’m Stacey Knibloe your Gale trainer for Massachusetts and I’m . [00:00:12.000] Stacey Knibloe: happy to give you a little refresher or maybe even an introduction to the Gale OneFile resources. [00:00:17.640] Stacey Knibloe: You have a variety of databases available to you in Massachusetts from Gale and we just wanted to refresh your memory on the Gale OneFile resources, what you might use them for share some best practices for putting them to use in the resource so let's go ahead and dive in. [00:00:36.810] Stacey Knibloe: So the gale OneFile resources are mostly collections of magazines journals newspapers, they also generally are going to have some multimedia built in. [00:00:45.450] Stacey Knibloe: But the point of them is really periodicals and up first we're going to talk about deal academic OneFile and actually let me bring up it's other. [00:00:55.170] Stacey Knibloe: it's kind of sister product or I guess they call these are parent databases Gale academic OneFile and Gale general OneFile . [00:01:01.950] Stacey Knibloe: Are kind of our parent periodical resources in terms of magazines and journals. [00:01:06.990] Stacey Knibloe: These are our biggest collections of periodicals and, as you can imagine, they have a different audience focus there just from the name so academic OneFile we try to focus on scholarly peer reviewed publications. [00:01:19.200] Stacey Knibloe: That would fit well, certainly in an academic library setting but also professionals or anyone else interested in high level research. [00:01:26.820] Stacey Knibloe: Gale general OneFile is more kind of general interest content things you might pick up at the local newsstand or in the bookstore or might find on the shelf in the public library so. [00:01:37.710] Stacey Knibloe: These two databases overlap, a bit, but really they're their audiences different and we want to take a look at both of them, and again share some best practices, the nice thing is. [00:01:49.260] Stacey Knibloe: For all of the Gale OneFile resources you're using a really similar interface between all of them, there are some very slight differences but, for the most part you're going to have all the same search paths. [00:01:59.550] Stacey Knibloe: you're going to have all the same tools to kind of put to work in the resource what really varies is the content so we'll take a look at Gale academic OneFile first. [00:02:11.010] Stacey Knibloe: And right off the bat I’m going to show you something that's kind of unique to it Gale academic OneFile is, of course, you know, a big resource in our academic institutions and one of the things we found with certainly. [00:02:24.060] Stacey Knibloe: kind of freshmen and sophomore students is they're getting comfortable doing this kind of higher level of research and working with scholarly journals and the like. [00:02:33.210] Stacey Knibloe: And with a big database like this, we have thousands and thousands of sources here, it can be a little overwhelming. [00:02:39.960] Stacey Knibloe: So one of the things we developed is this browse by discipline tool what we did was look at some of the most popular courses in those kind of first and second year of college. [00:02:51.300] Stacey Knibloe: Students and built these topics and then sub topics within them so say, for example, under environmental science. [00:02:59.490] Stacey Knibloe: We built this look by looking at and different environmental science textbooks, what did they cover you know what's what are their you know chapters. [00:03:07.890] Stacey Knibloe: Breaking down into and also looked at, of course, what was being searched in our databases and, of course, get advice from our libraries in our advisors. [00:03:17.520] Stacey Knibloe: And built a list around that so these are some of the most popular topics within environmental science well haven't grabbed global warming. [00:03:25.980] Stacey Knibloe: And then, when we bring back results What it does is actually isolate two publications that speak to this topic area so rather than bringing back everything we have in the resource for global warming. [00:03:38.040] Stacey Knibloe: It sticks to a collection of periodicals within the source and I’m going to in a minute do just a general search on global warming, so you can see the difference, but this is often a good place to get started What it does is give you a sampling of results from. [00:03:54.300] Stacey Knibloe: Those publications here on the main page, I can see some of my academic journal hits I can see some magazine hits these are going to be a little more general interest. [00:04:04.440] Stacey Knibloe: Book results or similar to book results things like reports and the likes and like news articles and these can come from newsletters news wires as well as newspapers. [00:04:15.600] Stacey Knibloe: images and then, in some cases, video content, it can vary. [00:04:20.460] Stacey Knibloe: But when you get a little a little bit of each from here, and then you can dive in more specifically, and if we've got students may be looking for peer reviewed content, you can always click over on the right hand side of the screen to isolate to peer reviewed. [00:04:33.960] Stacey Knibloe: And can then get into all of these you know hits from our academic journal results there's you know a good many there's little over 1000 so it's still a lot of content to work with, but the filter tools over on the Right or another way to kind of isolate. [00:04:46.500] Stacey Knibloe: So I open up subjects I can narrow down a little further they're all about global warming remember that's what we selected, but we can see some of the other. [00:04:55.920] Stacey Knibloe: topics that may be covered in there, and maybe narrowed down a bit as needed publication date could be important, of course, when working with anything you know related to science that could be. [00:05:06.090] Stacey Knibloe: helpful way to isolate some hits down, you can also even browse the publication titles, that the hits are coming from so you can maybe pick one, you know that you're familiar with and. [00:05:15.240] Stacey Knibloe: and move from there, so I also like document type that's my favorite limiter you can find you know. [00:05:22.890] Stacey Knibloe: hefty article something like cover story something with an opinion, like editorial so some good choices to make there as well. [00:05:30.780] Stacey Knibloe: But it makes it resource, a little more manageable when you're able to come. [00:05:35.010] Stacey Knibloe: From that browse by discipline tool, not every topic is covered there you know, this is a big database is going to cover pretty much everything under the sun. [00:05:42.480] Stacey Knibloe: But for these major areas if you can start there it's often a good path, but often when we see a search box in front of us, we just go right to it and use it, so what would happen if I search for global warming. [00:05:55.770] Stacey Knibloe: Is a new REACH that researcher, maybe, maybe likely to do put in a big topic like this, you can see that. [00:06:03.450] Stacey Knibloe: It sent it out across the database, we, unlike the browse by discipline it's bringing back whatever source. [00:06:11.310] Stacey Knibloe: And we have certainly a much higher number of hits now looking at our results. [00:06:17.400] Stacey Knibloe: broken down here at the top, I do need to move between these and I do when I do, that I want to show off one in particular the essential overviews can often be a good place to get started. [00:06:31.020] Stacey Knibloe: it's kind of a good, you know almost like a chapter introduction in a in a textbook or something. [00:06:36.690] Stacey Knibloe: Like those but if we're looking for again news content images video I do need to click on each of these to explore them, but again, often you're in here because you're after academic journals so I’m going to go back to that content type. [00:06:49.560] Stacey Knibloe: And we start our results by relevance and date plays a role in that relevancy ranking but it's not always the most important thing, so you can always change that sort by or, as I mentioned before publication date filters are available, so if I only want things from say the past year. [00:07:06.300] Stacey Knibloe: With just a click that's one of our presets we can pick from, and of course that's going to narrow down may hits pretty well too. [00:07:13.230] Stacey Knibloe: I also like, though, to be able to take advantage of those other filters So those are really handy The other thing I like to point out is. [00:07:22.950] Stacey Knibloe: Our topic Finder tool, so what this will do is take a look at these results and create a visual search result for me, it has. [00:07:33.390] Stacey Knibloe: Read the first hundred words of the top hits and my results and created this tile view with the terms that are used most often. [00:07:43.860] Stacey Knibloe: In this display and it's a heat map the search terms are the terms that are shown here and red vs green are used more often it's also kind of a visual cue the bigger cells are used more often. [00:07:57.420] Stacey Knibloe: And you can narrow further So if I jump into say air pollution I’m still got global warming in the mix, but now it's also looking at air pollution so it's a little like using the subject tool. [00:08:08.250] Stacey Knibloe: But what it does is expose the user to connections, they may not have found or gives them other search terms to us here in this resource, but also moving to others and just kind of what do we talk about when we talk about global warming so it's not always. [00:08:25.200] Stacey Knibloe: going to know the best words to use in this case, something like book, maybe isn't going to be quite as helpful as something like temperature but. [00:08:32.970] Stacey Knibloe: It is a really engaging way to look at results it's interactive it's colorful so it's a way to take a big topic, and maybe let it narrowed down a bit and not feel so overwhelming. [00:08:45.780] Stacey Knibloe: So topic finders a great tool, you can start with it as a search, you can always do is I did where you start with a basic search and then go to it and filter. [00:08:54.690] Stacey Knibloe: And then get to results from it, or if you come from the homepage we actually link it right from here, you can start your search with topic Finder to and just land right here and dive in from there. [00:09:07.260] Stacey Knibloe: So, actually, let me show you the difference now remember before I was working with results that were only published in the last year with topic Finder in this case it's just looking across the database, there are no limits in place and we can see how it changes, a bit. [00:09:21.720] Stacey Knibloe: So admissions playing having a bigger piece of the pie here than it did before, and again, as you click just yours in over on the right and finds the content for you. [00:09:33.690] Stacey Knibloe: And while we're here, looking at article, let me just point out, we have. [00:09:37.800] Stacey Knibloe: text interaction tools we can have the article read to us, we can change the display of the article, we can translate it, there are some fun options. [00:09:46.380] Stacey Knibloe: lot of different ways to interact with the text there and make it as usable as possible and reach every learner so always keep those in mind those are available in all of the Gale OneFile resources. [00:09:58.170] Stacey Knibloe: So we do want to pop into Gale upscale general OneFile as well, so this is kind of our other parent product, it is. [00:10:05.520] Stacey Knibloe: You know, magazines journals that we would see maybe on the newsstand and there are thousands of sources here it's also a big database let's go ahead and pop in there, but the audience is generally going to be, you know. [00:10:21.000] Stacey Knibloe: Not is academic and scholarly is academic one felt they overlap, a bit they share some new sources and publications some magazines and even some journals appear on both we have little sprinkling of each. [00:10:33.690] Stacey Knibloe: But really the general audience is what we're what we're after here so let's say we've got a patron at the public library who's traveling to Italy again kind of throwing in a big search here. [00:10:45.660] Stacey Knibloe: And what I like about the resources if I go and Google Italy I’m going to get a ton of ads I’m going to get you know. [00:10:53.340] Stacey Knibloe: Maybe people without the best and test intentions, who are you know, trying to make money off my trip to Italy it influenced me to go certain places. [00:11:01.290] Stacey Knibloe: When you come to the database, none of that is really in play, you know we're working with our own algorithm to give you the most relevant result but there's no advertising or anything happening in the background. [00:11:11.880] Stacey Knibloe: But a big search on Italy in this database we're not going to get just traveled to Italy we're going to get. [00:11:17.250] Stacey Knibloe: Italian politics we're going to get you know, a variety of content and this search this very simple search that I went in on so. [00:11:25.710] Stacey Knibloe: A big thing with the Gale on file resources that I always you know kind of harp on are the filtering tools over here on the right, this is a great way to narrow down, I often like to start big. [00:11:35.790] Stacey Knibloe: And then use the filters to zero in and I’m going to show you some other tools that will help you do that, to topic finders still here, so we can certainly make use of it, but I want to show off. [00:11:46.770] Stacey Knibloe: The subjects tool, so we do our own indexing at Gale we do some machine aided content, but a lot of this is done by people assigning the subject headings for us our own controlled vocabulary which I’m going to show you in a minute. [00:12:00.150] Stacey Knibloe: we've got a travel industry subject heading, which may work for my purposes, but I worry, it might be more for professionals, this is, you know, maybe a leisure trip to Italy so. [00:12:10.860] Stacey Knibloe: I can keep going I can read you know, specifically coronavirus if I’m looking for that info hotels and motels might be useful, but I can kind of scroll through this and see what's available, the other one I like, though, is, if you go to document type. [00:12:24.720] Stacey Knibloe: You have one of my favorite document types scroll through the list here. [00:12:33.210] Stacey Knibloe: There it is travel narrative So if you think about you know travel magazines, they often will have these feature articles, and you know trips to Italy trips to Spain to. [00:12:44.010] Stacey Knibloe: New England, wherever it may be, and we can isolate to those travel narratives. [00:12:50.340] Stacey Knibloe: see what we've got here now let's say I’m doing this work for a patron that I’m working with over the phone, they are unable to come into the library, and I want to get this out to them. [00:12:59.040] Stacey Knibloe: we've always got retrieval options for getting content into people's hands, you can of course always print, but of course they need to be in the library for that or maybe you can mail it if you provide that service. [00:13:08.760] Stacey Knibloe: there's a download tools, so I could download this article and email it to them, we have our own email tool, the only thing I would caution is, if you are sending this out to someone else. [00:13:19.920] Stacey Knibloe: I’d send it to yourself first and then forward the from address, even though you can kind of mask it with your own. [00:13:26.610] Stacey Knibloe: is going to be our mail server which a lot of people think is spam, so they just delete so sending it to yourself first and then forwarding to your patron or your student whoever may be is usually a good idea. [00:13:38.790] Stacey Knibloe: And then, what has become even more popular is sending content to the cloud, so I could send this over to Google drive I could send this to Microsoft one drive I could share from there. [00:13:48.600] Stacey Knibloe: Really handy way to keep track of content, but all those retrieval options here they appear at the top of the page or if I scroll on down they're also going to appear up in the toolbar at the top of the page in our in our contextual toolbar. [00:14:03.750] Stacey Knibloe: whoops well those three all those retrieval tools. [00:14:09.150] Stacey Knibloe: And so really handy and want to show you another way to get to this kind of content, though our basic search is. [00:14:16.590] Stacey Knibloe: Nice and simple it tries to do a little of the work for you bring back more relevant results, it does some implied truncation. [00:14:25.440] Stacey Knibloe: But we spend a lot of time on our indexing it Gale and we want you to be able to take advantage of that too, so when you come to the homepage subject guide search is always a great path if you've got a single topic you're researching so again if I take Italy here. [00:14:42.750] Stacey Knibloe: Rather than jumping right to results which are other basic search always does. [00:14:47.760] Stacey Knibloe: I stop here and work with the controlled vocabulary so am I looking for Italy, am I looking for Italy during World War one during World War Two. [00:14:55.740] Stacey Knibloe: You can kind of scroll through this list and can find all of the subject headings relating to specific things may be happening in Italy. [00:15:03.720] Stacey Knibloe: Right or if I want to take the broad one, you can see a lot of them have subdivisions as well, so I can narrow these down. [00:15:10.890] Stacey Knibloe: So rather than looking at over almost 300,000 results, I can isolate to the ones, if I needed about their agricultural policy if I keep scrolling here we've got one for description and travel so again perfect for our patron who's traveling I can send that and grab those. [00:15:28.110] Stacey Knibloe: Now, in the periodical databases, you are going to run up against here in their publications that we might not have the full text rights to so you may see citation only. [00:15:38.790] Stacey Knibloe: or some articles that are just abstracted we don't have the full text but we've got a summary to get rid of those I can always isolate over here in the filters to full text documents. [00:15:49.950] Stacey Knibloe: And you can see I’ve got magazine hits I’ve also got some academic journal hits I’ve got some news hits all good stuff but let's say my trip to Italy is a year away. [00:16:00.780] Stacey Knibloe: I can set up a search alert and this was available in the academic database to this is a standard feature in the periodical databases. [00:16:08.940] Stacey Knibloe: A search alert will do this work for me and run this search for me, so if I open up search alert I can choose to have an email, to me, or if I use an RSS aggregator. [00:16:20.310] Stacey Knibloe: I can load it up there and have that do the work for me email those is pretty popular it will run this search for me daily weekly or monthly whichever I pick. [00:16:30.090] Stacey Knibloe: and send me an email and there's something new and you do have to be 18 years or older to sign up for this this feature because you're giving us your email address. [00:16:38.850] Stacey Knibloe: that's all we're going to use it for is to send your circular, but we do require 18 years or older to do that, but. [00:16:46.320] Stacey Knibloe: it's going to take the work off me I’m not going to have to come back to the database and check for this it's going to send me new articles as we add them to the database, so I always pick daily, so I get them as soon as possible, but really handy feature. [00:17:00.120] Stacey Knibloe: So already that's quick look at Gale gen one. [00:17:04.830] Stacey Knibloe: pop back to our slide and talk about a few of the others, so we have a companion. [00:17:10.140] Stacey Knibloe: or actually I could just say kind of a little sister database Gale academic OneFile s are big heavy hitter kind of parent scholarly periodical database. [00:17:18.930] Stacey Knibloe: deal academic OneFile select is about half that size, some of you may remember it being called expanded academic ASAP. [00:17:26.970] Stacey Knibloe: This is a nice fit when again maybe you're looking for a smaller collection it's still going to cover lots of different subject areas, but it's about half the size of academic OneFile , so your results may not be as overwhelming. [00:17:41.400] Stacey Knibloe: It can also be a nice fit in high school students for say ap courses and things like that kind of dipping their toes in the water of. [00:17:48.510] Stacey Knibloe: of working with academic journals so it's a smaller collection it fee all the content that's in it feeds up into Gale academic OneFile , but it can be a good first step into you know, using scholarly publications. [00:18:03.570] Stacey Knibloe: We also have, though a collection that is specifically built for high school students, it is things you would find say in the high school library or periodicals you would find in the high school library so. [00:18:13.800] Stacey Knibloe: If you're looking to kind of get them ready to start doing research into periodicals you know co worker ninth and 10th graders go ahead and hop in there and take advantage. [00:18:25.320] Stacey Knibloe: We have a parent database for newspapers as well Gale OneFile news is one of our kind of mega collections, this is a collection of. [00:18:35.070] Stacey Knibloe: Newspapers from across the US and around the world, so big major papers small regional papers you've got a real mix here, and it is also going to cover papers from. [00:18:48.840] Stacey Knibloe: or sorry I didn't mean to papers, I met news wires newsletters it's got some of that content as well, and is it it's a database that has a deep back file for a lot of these publications, so if I do a quick search here on Ukraine. [00:19:02.910] Stacey Knibloe: The. [00:19:05.580] Stacey Knibloe: sore or sorry the interfaces what we've seen you know for Gale OneFile for. [00:19:10.860] Stacey Knibloe: For academic OneFile here, though we start with newspaper results, there are some publications that also put out a magazine and things like that so you've got some of that here, their. [00:19:20.700] Stacey Knibloe: newsletters that may be more academic in nature, so we've got some of that, but really The focus here is newspapers. [00:19:26.820] Stacey Knibloe: And as you can see again this we've got a paper here coming up first from the UK we've got paper from the US and any of these you can click on and see our coverage, so we have, for example, the Washington Post. [00:19:40.200] Stacey Knibloe: I go ahead and jump and click on the title, you can see the paper we have it full text going back to 2014 we have indexing going back to 2000. [00:19:49.860] Stacey Knibloe: So some of these you can really read them as history happened, you know 2014 isn't quite that long ago, but there are papers, we have to say, go back into the 80s or 70s, so lots of great content here and our title list added our support site can give you the whole breakdown. [00:20:06.480] Stacey Knibloe: But we do indexing here too, and this is where subjects can also come in handy so we try to respond to the news as it's happening. [00:20:13.680] Stacey Knibloe: And if you look at the subject headings, of course, we can see various players in the conflict that's happening now, but we've created a subject heading Russian invasion of Ukraine, so I could isolate to that. [00:20:29.160] Stacey Knibloe: And what I particularly like about this is once you've isolated by subject everything's going to be about that topic so when you change your sort to one of the data options either oldest or newest. [00:20:40.140] Stacey Knibloe: You can kind of read about it what's happening right now, or kind of start from the beginning. [00:20:45.510] Stacey Knibloe: And, of course, the date tool can help you do that too, if I wanted to read about relations between Russia and Ukraine before the invasion. [00:20:52.170] Stacey Knibloe: I could isolate to a particular date range, I think you know it was February I think of 2022 when that started, so I could look at articles published before then. [00:21:02.430] Stacey Knibloe: So it is a really interesting way to work with the news content and the indexing is very handy. [00:21:10.530] Stacey Knibloe: We haven't looked at it an advanced search yet so I thought we do that here as well, so we've got lots of papers in the collection One of those is the New York Times let's say you've got someone who may be. [00:21:20.160] Stacey Knibloe: found a recipe for Melissa Clark in the New York Times, but now it's behind the paywall out at their website and they can't find the paper anymore. [00:21:28.410] Stacey Knibloe: And they're looking for that recipe, you can kind of fill in all those details here at an advanced search if I scroll down, I can limit to publication title. [00:21:38.040] Stacey Knibloe: And the suggested list are going to be the papers that we have it wouldn't suggest a paper if we didn't there's the New York Times, and I know, Melissa Clark was the author. [00:21:49.950] Stacey Knibloe: So I can fill that in and, as I select my search field. [00:21:55.440] Stacey Knibloe: it's going to over on the right show me what that field actually going to search so authors, you know pretty straightforward, but something like keyword, which is our default here on the next line. [00:22:05.430] Stacey Knibloe: Is not you know if I open up I don't really know the difference between it and say basic search or even entire document so that find results and helpers really handy. [00:22:14.520] Stacey Knibloe: Key terms looks at the hot spot of every article and I like it, because it's a happy medium. [00:22:21.270] Stacey Knibloe: It looks at the title, it looks at the first paragraph, or so it reads the subject headings, but it's not as specific is subject you've really got to have those subject headings. [00:22:31.830] Stacey Knibloe: Correct if you're going to use that field entire document is really broad it reads every word out of every single article so keywords a nice happy medium, so if we remember the recipe it had something to do with steak. [00:22:44.910] Stacey Knibloe: cucumbers, we can tie this together, we even actually have a document type I can put in place here, I can limit to recipe. [00:22:53.790] Stacey Knibloe: and send that search out and there we go. [00:22:58.110] Stacey Knibloe: we've got a grilled steak with cucumber salad recipe to work on. [00:23:03.780] Stacey Knibloe: So really handy advanced search you're the boss, with it, which is, I think, why I like it, so much so very handy. [00:23:13.650] Stacey Knibloe: Already, the last thing I want to mention it well, no actually let's go back to the list of resources and then we'll come back. [00:23:21.450] Stacey Knibloe: Already, so we have created a specific sub collection for Massachusetts that is just the New York Times you'll see that as a standalone database. [00:23:30.090] Stacey Knibloe: So the New York Times, going back to 1985 full text so you get today's paper usually sometime today, so it is a really deep back file for that paper and it's just going to be that source so could have also done my Melissa Clark search there. [00:23:46.620] Stacey Knibloe: Lastly, lastly, you have a large database covering health and medicine periodicals appropriately named Gale on file health and medicine so. [00:23:56.040] Stacey Knibloe: This is focusing on scholarly and peer reviewed publications, but also things just the professionals will be using they may not be peer reviewed, but you've got content in there for medical professionals so. [00:24:08.820] Stacey Knibloe: doctors, nurses, physical therapists and so on, you know, anyone who works in the healthcare industry. [00:24:15.630] Stacey Knibloe: can keep up some with some professional development or do research and Gale OneFile health and medicine. [00:24:21.270] Stacey Knibloe: It is a large collection, there are lots of sources there the next grouping of databases of Gale OneFile databases, I want to talk about are much smaller collections, these are. [00:24:32.670] Stacey Knibloe: What we call our Gale OneFile collections and they're subject specific periodical resources, the ones that are an orange have a lot of their own unique content. [00:24:43.380] Stacey Knibloe: The others a lot of their content feeds into academic OneFile in general OneFile but. [00:24:49.170] Stacey Knibloe: it's still nice to have them stand alone, so, for example, the environmental studies and policy collection might be a good go to for research into global warming. [00:24:58.140] Stacey Knibloe: you've got a collection Gale OneFile information science for the study of librarianship and information science. [00:25:04.860] Stacey Knibloe: So these are great databases for professional development for folks who work in these industries, but also anyone studying in these industries are really again just kind of interested in these topic areas so. [00:25:18.060] Stacey Knibloe: These are many, as you can see from the list, but they're smaller collection, so they can be a little less overwhelming than, say something like a general OneFile , you can work with a collection of publications they're really focused on these topics. [00:25:33.810] Stacey Knibloe: So the last tool, I want to mention here it's not really a database itself it's more of a tool it's a platform called Gale power search and a lot of our libraries and Massachusetts take advantage of this, this is our cross search tool for many Gale databases and if I scroll down. [00:25:54.540] Stacey Knibloe: I left, I wanted to mention it in our Gale OneFile session because it picks up all of those deal OneFile databases, it also picks up many of your Gale and context databases and can cross search them. [00:26:07.320] Stacey Knibloe: And then, should you also if individually at your library you purchase any Gale eBooks you would see that is an option here to it would be something you could cross search here to just appear. [00:26:18.630] Stacey Knibloe: Beneath the OneFile list, but this cross searches Gale OneFile and many of the Gale In Context databases, all in one fell swoop, so it is kind of like a mega search. [00:26:31.050] Stacey Knibloe: it's going to do a result so like say, for example, the New York Times appears in many of the databases, probably on this list. [00:26:38.370] Stacey Knibloe: We still only get one hit for it, it doesn't you know, give us eight of them, because it appears in eight databases so that's nice, but it is a really big search let's go ahead and do that global warming search we did before. [00:26:50.520] Stacey Knibloe: So you can see the result, but a lot of folks like to come from this point of view, where they start big and then just narrow down they don't want have to go into different databases. [00:27:01.260] Stacey Knibloe: They use maybe the filters the subject headings again topic Finder is here, so we can get that visual search result but. [00:27:08.340] Stacey Knibloe: it's a lot of content so looking at the hit counts, we can see a lot of stuff here, but again can put the subject tools, the document type publication date all these things to maybe narrow down and filter this. [00:27:21.450] Stacey Knibloe: search within is nice to I hadn't mentioned it, yet, but that's one of the filters to you can search within the hits you have or, of course, I can always give it an option. [00:27:33.060] Stacey Knibloe: and [00:27:34.950] Stacey Knibloe: You have actually Let me mention this I’ve got it in front of me the search assist also. [00:27:42.060] Stacey Knibloe: suggests things that are in our indexes so it wouldn't suggest something if it didn't if it wouldn't get a hit so, for example, it's like there's a nonfiction work it's listing here we've got some other. [00:27:55.500] Stacey Knibloe: You know, maybe some key terms to throw away and I’ll just go and grab one they're always going to be results if you use the search assist. [00:28:06.090] Stacey Knibloe: Okay, so can always throw in more search terms and that's actually something basic search is really good at, but power search is your kind of big mega search it doesn't pick up every single database, you have from Gale in Massachusetts but it picks up a good number of them. [00:28:21.030] Stacey Knibloe: So we do have more detailed kind of deeper dives into these resources out at both the Massachusetts library system libguide. [00:28:29.430] Stacey Knibloe: And the support site that Gale has set up for Massachusetts so. [00:28:32.970] Stacey Knibloe: If you want to know more of those are some great on demand tools, you can take advantage of but those pages will also tell you how to get in touch with your Gale team. [00:28:40.140] Stacey Knibloe: And the folks at MLS so you can talk to someone when you've got questions we always want you to know who to reach out to so. [00:28:46.620] Stacey Knibloe: Let us know if you need help if you have feedback for us that's always really valuable so thanks so much for tuning into this refresh on the OneFile resources, I hope, you'll picked up a few new tricks and these resources will continue to be valuable in your libraries thanks everybody.