[00:00:03.000] Welcome to your Mississippi Department of training today we are covering Gale In context science My name is Tammi Van Buren and I'm your Gale trainer. If you have any questions throughout the session, please feel free to use the q amp a box it is open and [00:00:18.000] I will be monitoring it throughout this session. So for today we will be covering to talk to you a little bit about the focus of our session is we are focusing on just one resource so we're going to take a deeper dive into Gale and context science. [00:00:34.000] This resource is really great for you to multimedia it's really great to supplement secondary science instruction. We have curriculum standards that you can do if you're an educator, a teacher, you can do a search within the resource, looking at specific [00:00:49.000] curriculum standards and seeing resource information or info content that we have linked to that to that curriculum standards so that is an option, I'm going to share with you today that this resource is really great to support that instruction, but also [00:01:05.000] for science projects and science labs because you're going to find reference you're going to find multimedia but also periodical content here and I'll talk a little bit more about that today to we will explore the content, but also the tools and features, [00:01:22.000] I'll share with you tips and tricks within the resource and some hidden gems. So with that, we do have a brief agenda, it's going to start with an overview of Gale In context science to get us started, and then we are going to explore the content features [00:01:37.000] and workflow tools today are finally anytime throughout the session if you have any questions, please ask them, and I will also save some time at the end, or now also stay on the line if there's any additional questions, and then any training materials [00:01:55.000] I'll share that at the very end of our session on what you have access to and then my contact information. [00:02:01.000] I always like to start with talking about access to your Mississippi Department of Ed resources so you do have a Gale support site designated for the MD for the Mississippi Department of Ed, and you will find that link here I will also since you're attending [00:02:17.000] the live session today I'll be able to share that in the chat box, the chat box is again any questions please use the q amp a, but the chat box is available for me just to share information with the entire group so let me share that link with you if you [00:02:33.000] happen to be watching the recording. Please take down this link if you need it. If you already have received your access information if you're the administrator at your district, and you've received that access information or maybe your administrators, [00:02:47.000] administrators already shared it with you all. Then you're all set. You don't need to worry about it but if you're missing it. This is where you can locate your school's information your direct URLs to all of your Gale products that you have access to [00:03:00.000] what the site looks like is this. Once you click into it, you'll be asked to sign in, and we do have a list of schools there you just select your school click Proceed and then it'll take you to your product list and built into your product list will be [00:03:15.000] your specific location ID for this screenshot I didn't sign in because I didn't want to have everybody's location ID here in the recording, but the location ID will be built in so then you're able to pull any usage reports and those, these will be your [00:03:29.000] site's direct URL so there'll be a lot of information attached to those that you can pull back and take a look at. So really great to use those direct links. [00:03:39.000] If you do not see your school if you're checking it out especially during the session and you do not see your school let me know in the q amp a and I will put you in contact with someone who can help with that. [00:03:50.000] Alright so let's first talk about Gale In context science. Now Gale In context science is you're going to find reference by reference, I'm talking about. You might, it's in some encyclopedia content is going to be here so we think of references that nonfiction [00:04:05.000] reference top periodicals, newspapers, magazines, academic journals, you're going to find great video images and audio files here, interactive simulations, is one of the hidden gems within this resource. [00:04:19.000] And we have a large amount of experiments available. Also great statistics so if you have any some classes in your, in your buildings which I know you do those statistics can support even math so math always gets left out now I know the focus is for all [00:04:38.000] of the science folks in your buildings, but they also, you know, there's some great statistics within these resources so keep that in mind too, especially if you're someone that works with everyone in your building. [00:04:51.000] They're also going to find in this resource support curriculum standards so you're going to find that not only does the content, but I mentioned that we have the standards directly linked to, or I should say aligned are related to content within the resource, [00:05:07.000] but you're going to find the frequently studied topics in STEM biology, physics, chemistry, Earth and Space Science health are all here within this resource. [00:05:17.000] And finally, we have the ability to enhance teaching and learning by using some of these great workflow tools, Google, Microsoft are both integrated right into the resource, you're going to have the ability to print download or email any information you [00:05:33.000] can write within the resource highlight and take notes and send that information, I like to call them digital notes to your Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive Trint email or download so all those options those tools are built into the resource you don't [00:05:48.000] have to go outside of it. Um, there's a few other tools, I'm going to talk to you about today to, to share information. [00:05:55.000] And one of those is I just mentioned, using Google, Google Drive Microsoft One Drive. Not only can you send documents but audio files and images, but another tool that we have is get link and get linked creates a persistent URL back to any spot within [00:06:11.000] the resource. So you'll see that in the upper right hand corner of your resource that get link option, even if you're using maybe an online syllabus or you are maybe a social media post and you want to link out some information, you're sending an email [00:06:25.000] to your students are using a learning management system get link can support all of those areas. [00:06:32.000] And then if you're using Google Classroom. You can directly within the product itself you can create an assignment and pull content into your Google classroom and I'm going to show you how to do that today. [00:06:43.000] There's topic pages that you have in Gale and context science, and I'll talk a little bit more about those. But you can also take filtered results so let's say you filtered your results to a certain Lexile measure if you're coming from middle school, [00:06:57.000] this could be really helpful to you, then you can pull that right into your Google classroom and share it immediately with students. [00:07:06.000] Right. So with that we are going to spend the majority of our time within the resource itself. Let me know if there are any questions or if you, you know anything else you want me to cover within the session I'm happy to do so. [00:07:18.000] So let's get started in Gale In context science and talk about the homepage. So the nice thing is all of your Gale resources, you're going to find me and largest a little bit here. [00:07:28.000] You're going to find the tools and features across the board are very similar if not completely the same, so you will find even in your interactive resources, you're going to find on the document side, if you attended the gala interactive science that [00:07:44.000] I did last week, you'll find these tools are related to what you're seeing in the documents the reference side, the activities are different, but both are within your interactive resource so you have them both connected. [00:07:58.000] When you are engaged and context science, a lot of that reference content that in the interactive resources is coming from this one. So, you're going to see that here, but at a larger scale so those of course are that content is directly related to the [00:08:15.000] activities so if you're on the activity for the animal cell, it's going to find have all of that great reference content related to the activity were here, the searches are unlimited. [00:08:26.000] It's not directly linked to one particular activity you have all the information in that resource here plus so much more. [00:08:35.000] On the homepage you will find that we do have basic search and advanced search, and we are going to touch into advanced search today. Also this contextual toolbar. [00:08:43.000] We have Browse Topics here, and it goes all the way through the highlights and notes now this toolbar will change depending on where I'm at within the resource and what tools I need. [00:08:53.000] We always have three topics of interest and these change monthly. [00:08:58.000] And we have NASA astronaut here on the homepage, and it will really depend sometimes it depends on what we're seeing usage wise if there's a lot of searches happening, or if something happened and it needs to be highlighted Maybe something happened in [00:09:13.000] the world, and we have it, you know, a topic page related to that you may see it highlighted here and that topics of interest so our content editors work very hard to keep everything up to speed. [00:09:24.000] And if, if it is trending, then you'll probably see it here and that topics of interest. We also have these great subject categories listed below. Now, what you're finding is we have a subject category, I have 117 biography topic pages. [00:09:40.000] So do I have more than 117 biographies within this resource, absolutely, but a topic page is a curated collection of information, and it's everything, it's everything that we have on that topic so it might be referenced you're going to find newspaper [00:09:59.000] academic journals there may be images and audio files, so it's already curated for you. These lot of these topic pages two are connected to curriculum standards that are usage, that we're seeing. [00:10:13.000] So like I said our content editors are always working to keep everything up to date but also creating a lot of new topic pages and you're seeing these orange tags here. [00:10:23.000] When you see updates and the update is for the image and essay overview on the topic page, the content the rest of it like the academic journals and the newspapers, those are being updated throughout the day every day. [00:10:37.000] So you don't have to do anything on your end if you have a topic page that you like, you can utilize that topic page, share it with your students use it to kick off a unit, and all the content will automatically constantly be updated and you don't need [00:10:51.000] to do anything on your own just keep using the same link, there's anything new. We have mental health covert virus or vaccines over here on the right hand side. [00:11:00.000] So these are brand new type of pages that were added so you'll see those tags. [00:11:05.000] If we scroll down a little further. This is where you're going to find those curriculum standards and educator resources educator resources is going to provide teachers and librarians, with some tools links to where they can go for additional training [00:11:20.000] materials. That's what you're going to find there, the curriculum standards, I'm going to show you this as a search option and we're going to start here first and then come back to this homepage and enter in through a topic page but let's let me at least [00:11:34.000] show you those curriculum standards. [00:11:38.000] So the state standards I can search for my state. [00:11:45.000] I'm going to select College and Career Readiness Standards science. [00:11:52.000] It loads them all in here for me. Let's choose. Let's do Earth and Space Science. [00:11:58.000] And then here I have the standards and on the right hand side is where I have the resources linked out, so if I wanted to select this one [00:12:11.000] for that standard I click, click on the sea resources, and it's going to ship provide me with all of that content so you can see featured content over 20,000 at this point is when you would want to use some filters here on the right hand side and I'll [00:12:27.000] dive into this a little deeper but I do want to show you what it looks like if there happens to be a topic page related to one of the standards, you'll see that over here on the right hand side and between the filter box and topic finder you'll see an [00:12:40.000] image. And that's where those will be, will be listed any topic pages that we have. [00:12:46.000] Okay, now let's talk about topic pages. So, I was leading you they're talking about topic pages again you've got the subject categories, even the math, engineering and technology subject category great to support stem. [00:13:01.000] Maybe you have a physics class and looking at physics I can select it and it'll give me all of the topic pages so you've done some organization here for you for your students for teachers. [00:13:13.000] It's done for you so you can utilize it and just click in and find some of those topics of study. Within chemistry or biology. [00:13:23.000] Let me click into biology here that are covered in your classroom. [00:13:30.000] And they've already been curated for you. So you'll probably find that, and so much more. Here with that within the subject categories. So this is a great place to get started. [00:13:41.000] If you have students that are coming into this resource maybe they're doing a project on global warming and climate change. We have a topic page for that. [00:13:50.000] Another thing that you'll notice too, is if you have students that are doing a basic search, and they are typing in a term that we happen to have a topic page for now I just showed you global warming climate change. [00:14:07.000] Search assist will help me out and it pulls back. I only typed in three letters and it pulled back global warming climate change, and it's in bold so I know that I have a topic page related to that, that subject or that term that I'm typing in. [00:14:22.000] So if they are using basic search they that they can still go to a topic page so they don't necessarily have to go in to From the homepage or browse all the topic pages or go to subject category as I did biology into global warming climate change, they [00:14:37.000] could do a basic search and still be taken into one if that's what they want. They might be looking for another term then I suggest continue typing there, and then find what you're looking for. [00:14:48.000] We're going to use the topic page as an entrance into the content. [00:14:54.000] When I spoke to you about the anything that's been updated I mentioned the image or sad overview. That's what you're seeing at the top of this topic page below. [00:15:07.000] We have all of the content types. So, featured content which I'll talk more about, but there's your reference images academic journals, you can see everything I have listed. [00:15:18.000] This topic page also has some experiments and a simulation. [00:15:24.000] I'm so we'll talk a little bit more about those two beautiful hidden gems that you have. You also have the ability to search within the results. So this search bar is just going to search within these results this topic page. [00:15:38.000] If I go back up to my basic search well that's going to look through the entire database at once. So keep that in mind, that that's the difference between the two. [00:15:48.000] As I scroll down, I can go into each content type featured content is hand selected information by our editors. It is a great starting point for students to see what's been pulled out and highlighted by our editors because they really as I mentioned are [00:16:06.000] looking at all of the things they're looking at the curriculum standards they're looking at what what content we have that relates to that and they're going to pull that out and put it in this this box here for easy access by students and teachers. [00:16:22.000] As I scroll down, you'll see just how they're organized. [00:16:26.000] And then at the very bottom of something I want to touch on, if we have found any websites safe vetted websites they will be linked out here. And we do have a couple looks like we have 11 on climate change and global warming. [00:16:39.000] And then we also have additional topic pages so maybe you have a student that's done some exploration and they decide, you know what I want a different topic page here's some here's a new idea maybe I want to look at climate and weather like climate change [00:16:53.000] and global warming but climate and weather. [00:16:55.000] And maybe then they do a search within for for climate change and see climate and weather and how it relates to climate change or global warming. So just some different ideas of how the, the path from one topic page can lead to many others within your [00:17:13.000] resource. [00:17:15.000] Let me scroll back up. [00:17:17.000] And let's start talking about how I could share this information with my students. I love this, I'm doing a unit on global warming and climate change. [00:17:25.000] I want to share this with my students. Well, the easiest way is to use get link. [00:17:31.000] And that provides you with a persistent URL or what we call a pearl back to this exact spot. [00:17:39.000] So this URL will take your students to this exact spot. So if you are, you are building this into your lesson plan or you are sharing information with your students in through an email or learning management system. [00:17:53.000] Now we are integrated with learning management systems so keep that in mind. That'll be a training down the road, but we are integrated with Canvas and Schoology that you're using in your buildings there in Mississippi. [00:18:06.000] There is some setup on the backside so in the meantime, if that setup hasn't been done which I don't think a lot have since this is all new, Then there's that you can use the get link. [00:18:17.000] Once your Gale resources have been added to either canvas or school, or whatever else you're using, then they will be there within the resource easily accessible by teachers and students. [00:18:29.000] I will share with you at the end. If you are looking to get that setup, and you are the person in charge of want to connect Gale people with the people in your district. [00:18:38.000] I'll share with you at the end your customer success managers information, okay and that's also in the follow up email so you'll have them, they're going to be the ones you want to contact to get that setup. [00:18:47.000] But in the meantime, you have the direct URL here I'm sorry the get link URL here, back to this portal or this topic page that you can copy and paste, we're going to talk about that again. [00:18:58.000] Or I could pull this into Google Classroom so I'm going to sign in with Google real quick. [00:19:03.000] I'm on my own computer so it recognizes me which makes my life a little bit easier. And I'm going to go into Google Classroom. [00:19:12.000] So let me make sure that it is sharing my Google Classroom. [00:19:18.000] There we go. So when I'm in Google Classroom. It is going wherever I'm at within the database, it's going to pull that content into my classroom. So I'm on a topic page. [00:19:29.000] This is one idea. I'm going to share a couple others with you after I model this. [00:19:34.000] Let's say I want to pull this into my biology class. [00:19:37.000] I'm going to make an announcement. [00:19:41.000] And I'm going to click Go. Once I do that then I can add in some additional information. So I do already have my biology class set up it does make it a little bit easier but you can add a class, even when you're in the product and you're working here [00:19:53.000] in Google Classroom. I maybe I want them to. I'm just going to put unit of study. [00:20:05.000] OK, and then click Post. [00:20:09.000] Once I select View. And let me go back to sharing my other screen because it's going to open up there. [00:20:29.000] Okay. [00:20:32.000] There we go. [00:20:33.000] So once I have selected the view, it takes me to my biology classroom. [00:20:42.000] And I have global warming climate change, and it pulls it right into my classroom. [00:20:47.000] So this is making an announcement. If I wanted to create an assignment. [00:20:54.000] Here's my bird flu virus on my hasn't been assigned to any students. Here's my instructions and what I pulled in to create an assignment so all of those tools are available, just by clicking your Google Classroom icon at the top. [00:21:11.000] Alright so Google Classroom get link, great ways to share information with students. Students can also use get link if they want to share information here let me talk about some other ideas when you're looking at content so let's take a look at. [00:21:27.000] We're going to go into reference and I'm going to talk to you about filtering and then we'll talk start diving into these hidden gems that you have here. [00:21:36.000] So when I have selected I've gone into one of the content types. Maybe I want to filter this content down there's 271 articles you. You can see here they're coming a lot of these articles are coming from in the summaries from encyclopedias, I can see [00:21:53.000] the information summary information about this publication that when it was published, how many words topic overview. This is also an international organization or overview. [00:22:05.000] I can see the Lexile measure and also the content level, you talk a little bit more about content levels here now. So in those summaries, you're going to have some information, the article is linked out or document is linked out at the top. [00:22:19.000] And then I also have to the right filter your results publication date subjects document type publication title Lexile measure content level and then we also still have the search within anything I do in this filter area is going to be applied to everything [00:22:39.000] all of these content types, not just reference. [00:22:42.000] So if I filter by publication date to the past year, it's going to filter down everything to the past year. [00:22:51.000] I like to use publication date when I'm looking at newspapers, specifically newspapers and magazines, sometimes academic journals, academic journals are more court quarterly or annually magazines also newspapers are going to be that daily. [00:23:08.000] So that's why I like to use the publication date, especially with newspapers, but just know if I pick past year here, it's going to apply to everything that I have any filters I use are going to apply to anything, everything at once, and I'll share with [00:23:24.000] share that with you in a minute. If I want if I'm looking for a specific subject. [00:23:28.000] I can type in use the search or I can scroll down and select document types, I can multi select again I can search through my document type lists or multi select them [00:23:42.000] in document type will change depending on where you're at. So if I'm in images that document type, I'm not going to have brief article and images, it's going to be different for each one. [00:23:55.000] Publication titles, this is really helpful to especially if there's certain publications that you use in your classroom. [00:24:02.000] And you want to have access or pull in content from those publications. This is a great tool to use Lexile measure is here, especially great for middle school, and then content level so let's talk about content level, you'll see content level is related [00:24:20.000] to a range of Lexile measures here. So what you're going to find level ones and twos, this is Elementary, you're not going to find content. I shouldn't say not, there may be some in here but mainly this resource Gale In context science is going to be [00:24:39.000] some level three but definitely level four and level five so there's going to be at a higher level, level three is our middle school, and we say generally middle school because I know my own children were above that 1100 Lexile measure when they were [00:24:53.000] in middle school. So, generally middle school level for high school. Same with level five upper High School even into undergrad. [00:25:02.000] So if I wanted to see if there was any level threes, I could select that content type. [00:25:10.000] So both level threes and fours and apply Now watch what happens to all of my content. [00:25:16.000] I apply that filter and it filters it all down at once. [00:25:21.000] So I would expect to see a lot of level fours but I wonder if I have any level threes if I wanted to remove this filter and just see how many level threes I have, I could do that to. [00:25:33.000] One thing to note when I do go down if I go down to that level three, watch your videos because that you may lose a lot of that video content now remember videos are and audio files, your students can listen to, they still need to comprehend the information [00:25:48.000] but we are these content levels and Lexile measure are based on reading levels. So, those videos because of the content that's there and the transcripts because the videos all have transcripts is might be why they're being filtered out of your search [00:26:03.000] results so keep that in mind if you are filtering by content level, at this point, if I was working with students and I wanted to provide them with filtered results, I can use my get link again create that persistent URL and share it or I can pull this [00:26:21.000] into my Google Classroom. [00:26:24.000] So two options to share this filter content with my students. [00:26:31.000] Okay, so we talked about how to use those tools we talked about how to filter your results, you have the search within also here. [00:26:39.000] I also have topic finder here so we're going to, I just want to point it out because I'm going to show you through advanced search, how you can use topic finder, but topic finder is also below within your search results. [00:26:50.000] What it is is a visual representation of your search results, and it is located here you have it access in two spots. If I select it here it's going to pull in my filtered content into a visual representation of my search results. [00:27:08.000] If I use advanced search, then I can kick off my search using topic finder so it's two different approaches to using this tool. So with that, let's use, let me share that with you, and then I will come back and show you some of these hidden gems. [00:27:25.000] So going into advanced search Advanced Search is, you have I find that more of at the upper high school level is using advanced search it is awesome if you will have some students at ninth 10th grade using it, even Middle School, that would be fantastic. [00:27:42.000] We have added search tips here, kind of explaining what special characters are like quotation marks. Below you're going to find content types so if I wanted to find everything all the experiments, or all of the simulations I could do that document type [00:27:57.000] content level Lexile measure are all listed here. [00:28:01.000] Let me share with you topic finder so I'm going to jump right to that one. [00:28:06.000] And let's do a search on [00:28:12.000] cell structure. [00:28:15.000] And this is what topic finder does is it pulls back that information, it pulls it into these tiles, or we do have the wheel so we have two options. [00:28:26.000] Again this is at the top, next year basic search bar, you're going to find under Advanced Search you're going to find topic Finder. Let me reset that or if you're on a topic page, it's below that filter bar, you're going to find topic Finder. [00:28:42.000] When I select one of the tiles. [00:28:48.000] It's, it's acting a little goofy here hold on a second. [00:28:53.000] There we go. [00:28:55.000] it zooms into that tile and then I can drill down even further, I love topic finder for keywords that maybe students hadn't necessarily thought about. [00:29:03.000] So it's a great tool when they're doing the research, or when there are working on a project or working on a lab that may trigger some ideas that they hadn't necessarily thought about, but as you can see on the right it's filtering my results so I can [00:29:16.000] click into genetic research, and it takes it to seven different documents that could be an audio file an image it's not limited to just articles. [00:29:27.000] OK, so again that's at the top, under Advanced Search. [00:29:31.000] Let's go back to our global warming and climate change. And let me show you those experiments. [00:29:41.000] So for your experiments, you will find, and it really depends on what the topic is what experiments we have if you want to see every experiment we have in the entire resource, I suggest you go to Advanced Search, and select experiments and just click [00:29:56.000] search, don't put anything else and, and just see what we have. Same thing for simulations, both. If you want to see everything that we have, then that's how I suggest you go through and find, and you can filter down from there. [00:30:09.000] So, but when we are in a topic page and we click into it. This is what you're going to see, and these are experiment activities that we have available. [00:30:18.000] So if I go into the ocean rising research project. [00:30:23.000] On the right hand side I'm just going to share with you you have the article content so an overview and purpose suggests materials budget timetable. The challenge ability so here's your entire experiment. [00:30:36.000] We also have in the Explorer panel. Any related. [00:30:40.000] More like this related articles by scroll down, you're going to see all of that content here. [00:30:48.000] Okay, so this is one of the experiments. [00:30:51.000] Also when you're at a document level you have tools to support accessibility, the ability to translate all the text on the page to over 40 languages, the ability to decrease or increase the font size, the ability to change the background color or the [00:31:07.000] font, or even the distance between the words letters or line spacing. [00:31:18.000] I can also listen to the text being read aloud to me. So that's an option to. [00:31:23.000] Are these all these tools are available support to support accessibility. I can also send this to Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive, email, download or print those tools are also up here in if I scroll down, my contextual toolbar that sticks with me on [00:31:39.000] the page. So if I wanted to send this experiment to Google Drive, I could collect my paper airplane. [00:31:47.000] Click Google dry, and it will send it and put it in a folder titled Galean contact science, this document would be there waiting for me with the citation attached. [00:31:58.000] If I just want the citation well have the citation tool here. [00:32:03.000] I can grab that citation, or export it to any of these locations. [00:32:08.000] But the citation is attached it is defaulted to MLA ninth edition. You can change the format. At the here on the citation tool, but also on the document at the bottom of the document, you can change the format. [00:32:22.000] Also, before you send it or download or print. [00:32:26.000] Ok. [00:32:28.000] Ok. I wanted to share with you the simulation. And then, we are right at the end of our time here. So let's click into the simulation. [00:32:46.000] And I'm going to close this what it's basically basically letting me know is I want to open the activity for a better visual, so I'll do that for you. [00:32:55.000] When I start the simulation. [00:32:59.000] And then I can reset the activity you can see the results of that simulation. [00:33:05.000] I can click Next. [00:33:07.000] Some of my simulations to like the skydiver one is a great example, I can manipulate where the skydivers jumping from, and it'll determine, you know, when his parachute launches. [00:33:20.000] So this one is giving me the doesn't give me that option to adjust it. I just have to click next and see the results. Some have more of the ability to really manipulate what's happening on within the simulation. [00:33:36.000] So keep that in mind when you're taking a look at those simulations that we have access to. I think we have over 300 of them. [00:33:44.000] 335 I want to say is our is what we currently have right now more being added consistently. [00:33:51.000] Okay, highlights and notes was the last two I wanted to share with you. [00:33:55.000] Let's go into a different topic. [00:33:58.000] We're going to go to invasive species. [00:34:01.000] And I'm going to click into the essay overview for this is some of the essay overviews to you'll see we'll have the ability to change the Lexile measure. [00:34:11.000] So I'm at a 1450 which is a level five I want to go to this takes me to a level three of the 1170. [00:34:18.000] I can do that and again those around the topic pages, the essay overviews remember that's the image and the essay that's there curated for you and to kick off your collection of information. [00:34:30.000] I have the highlights and notes tool where I can click and drag over a chunk of text, select my color. [00:34:41.000] Save it. If there's a term I'm struggling with which may happen. [00:34:47.000] I can use to define and it does give me a page out of the Webster's dictionary. [00:34:53.000] But I can be highlighting throughout this article, even though it's an essay overview, this is great content, select different colors. [00:35:03.000] Maybe the stats and save it. [00:35:05.000] My best practice, send this send it to Google, Microsoft email download or print keep this entire document with everything you've highlighted any notes you've taken so send it. [00:35:18.000] Another thing is happening is the highlights and notes is being built out as I'm working within this session. So view all highlights and notes will take me to what I call digital notes. [00:35:31.000] And at this point if I just wanted these by just one of the notes I've taken that the text I've highlighted any notes I've taken, I can just send this download or print. [00:35:42.000] If I want to send it to Google Drive one drive or email. [00:35:46.000] So again, after I've done highlighting within a document. [00:35:50.000] I click in that upper left hand corner or upper right hand corner. so I've done highlighting I select highlights and notes. [00:35:57.000] I select View All highlights and notes, then it takes me to the screen. [00:36:04.000] At this point is when I have the option to send download, print. My Bibliography is already attached I can label what's here. [00:36:13.000] So that's the path that you would take. Now, if I were highlighting in multiple articles, this would continuously build out, what I would want to make sure I did as a student is go into, again, highlights notes here at the top after I've done some highlighting. [00:36:32.000] Click View All highlights and notes, and then send that information. If I don't. This section will be lost. So that's what this warning is saying here. [00:36:42.000] So make sure that you do something with this information before you leave your session. [00:36:47.000] That's why I always say best practice, send the entire article, send the entire document experiment activity, whatever it is, send it save it printed download it do something with it. [00:36:59.000] And then you will still automatically have what you've highlighted in any notes you've taken. [00:37:05.000] So you don't have to worry about that because these, these chunks of highlighted text will live below the citation. [00:37:11.000] And any notes you've taken so it'll all still be in this one singular document, but having those digital notes is really helpful to. [00:37:19.000] Okay, so we covered accessibility tools we talked about the highlights and notes feature. We talked about content that you have and how to search for that content advanced search on you're using your topic pages you have basic search all they're available [00:37:33.000] for you, plus topic Finder. So those are the tools and features within the resource we talked about Google Classroom today. Let me share with you, go back to the PowerPoint we're going to wrap up here. [00:37:46.000] We have a session coming up, actually, tomorrow, it is we are covering. Another Gale In context resource This one is environmental studies if you'd like to join. [00:37:56.000] Join me for that session at same time three to 330 Central Time. [00:38:00.000] I'm sorry, it's two to 230 Central Time. [00:38:04.000] I'm on, I'm on eastern time and it gets me messed up every time, so I'm sorry it's two to 230 Central time, I will include that information or that link to that session if you're interested in joining. [00:38:16.000] We have support materials for you. [00:38:20.000] training materials at support Gale. com, where you can find video tutorials that are short and sweet. You can find additional webinars. You can also find resource guides and tip sheets and lesson plans, all available on the support site. [00:38:37.000] We have a special link for the Mississippi Department of Ed, and that's your that's the one I showed you at the beginning of the session. That's the same link, and it'll also be linked in your follow up email so we share it multiple times I just want [00:38:48.000] to make sure you all know where to go for additional support. [00:38:51.000] And then looking for marketing materials we have those two. They all live on the Gale support site. This link will be in your follow up email but for those watching the recording it is support, Gale calm, and you'll find marketing materials training materials [00:39:05.000] and so much more there within that within that site. [00:39:10.000] And that wraps our session if there's any questions let me know my name is Tammi Van Buren and I am your Gale training consultant. Customer Success managers there your one on one support if you're looking for help with your resources, or you want help [00:39:23.000] setting up your learning management system, you can reach out to the gifts of customer success team, their email is here on the screen, it will also be included in your follow up email, but it is Gale customer success at cengage. [00:39:37.000] com, just let them know what site you're coming from, and they're going to jump right in and help you out. [00:39:43.000] You can also connect with them if you go to the Gale support site, and select your school, you'll see the link to connect with them there too so keep that in mind, where you can reach out to them, they'll be a link that you can email them or make an appointment [00:39:58.000] on their calendar. [00:39:59.000] And then the training shirt survey should pop up at the end of this session, love to get your feedback. Also, any comments on additional support that you might need in get for Gale trainings in relation to Gale In context science, I will be working closely [00:40:14.000] with the Mississippi Department of Ed planning future sessions so let me know if you're looking for something specific. This was an overview of the resource we will in future sessions be taking even deeper dives into certain in particular tools within [00:40:28.000] your Gale resources so I hope you'll come back and join me again in the future, but that wraps our session, and thank you so much for your time today, there's any questions let me know and I look forward to having you join me again. [00:40:40.000] Have a great rest of your day.