[00:00:12.234] Lisa Novohatski: There are a number of different tools in the Experian segmentation portal that we can use to identify different groups of interest. [00:00:20.767] Lisa Novohatski: Today we'll talk about the audience tool, using the audience tool we can build a picture of our ideal customers and identify which mosaic groups or segments, we can use to target them. [00:00:26.667] Lisa Novohatski: So if we click on audience here, we will be brought to an identify audience tool. [00:00:32.167] Lisa Novohatski: And essentially what they're doing here is they're giving us those really granular data points that they use to characterize different households into each segment. [00:00:39.334] Lisa Novohatski: And we can select different characteristics of interest so as you see, here we see things like who we are, you know this is family structure household composition information there are things like. [00:00:51.500] Lisa Novohatski: How we get by. so education, as well as occupation, how we live our lives, so we see things like the arts and entertainment things that they're likely to do or be interested in, as well as leisure activities and hobbies. [00:01:03.400] Lisa Novohatski: What is our digital life how people use the Internet, as well as mobile phones things like how we prefer communications engagement channels so prefer marketing channels there's information on social media. [00:01:17.534] Lisa Novohatski: As well as how we view the world. Things like political party affiliation general attitudes and opinions. [00:01:24.367] Lisa Novohatski: Financial perspective and contributions. So she has one example, we can go back to the Who We Are grouping here and we can say that we'd like to identify households that have young children. [00:01:34.300] Lisa Novohatski: Now, if we go to age of children will see those granular age categories and we can like select zero to three. [00:01:39.934] Lisa Novohatski: Thinking about a use case of understanding, who we want to reach out to about story times about different family literacy workshops and so on. [00:01:47.600] Lisa Novohatski: So i'm going to select we can either select groups or types and i'm going to select type, so we can get to those granular mosaic segments, and there are two ways to view the data. [00:02:06.767] Lisa Novohatski: First, we can view the quick stats which will give us a very quick list of the top groups that match our criteria, as well as a calculated similarity score to tell us how well they match So here we see that be B08, F23, and M44. [00:02:12.100] Lisa Novohatski: Have a similar to square 100 mean that they do have children of this age in the household. [00:02:17.067] Lisa Novohatski: Or we can do something that's a little bit more detailed, we can run the report, which takes just a few seconds here. [00:02:23.267] Lisa Novohatski: And essentially what this does is it gives us information on a lot of those top mosaic segments, but gives us a lot more detailed information rather than just the name, or rather the code of the segment, as well as the similarity score. [00:02:28.590] Lisa Novohatski: So you'll see the pop up here, you can email yourself, the report if you want to, but it gives you a nice view of who this who these particular groups are so again, we have a good some summary statistics on the top we have. [00:02:39.900] Lisa Novohatski: A little bit more information on the groups that match the best, so we have the similarity scores, and then a little bit more information about each of them as we go down.