[00:00:01.530] Stacey Knibloe: hello, and welcome to our refresh on Gale subject specific resources for Massachusetts libraries. [00:00:08.250] Stacey Knibloe: I’m Stacey Knibloe your Gale trainer for Massachusetts and I am glad to maybe refresh your memory or introduce you to a few of the resources that are available to you through Massachusetts. [00:00:19.950] Stacey Knibloe: That are continuing on with your with your new contract, you have a wealth of resources available, and we hope that reintroducing some of these will give you some new tricks and tips we're putting them to work in the library. [00:00:33.420] Stacey Knibloe: So in this session we're going to cover three resources we're going to take a look at. [00:00:38.880] Stacey Knibloe: Gale health and wellness, which is a consumer driven health tool we're going to look at Gale literature resource Center, which is the study of literature. [00:00:46.830] Stacey Knibloe: And Gale presents Peterson’s Career Prep which helps folks put together resumes find a great career find a job and we will take a look at again all of these can. [00:01:00.780] Stacey Knibloe: be great resources in your libraries. [00:01:04.230] Stacey Knibloe: Up first sorry what's having trouble the bands of my slides there we're going to take a look at Gale health and wellness, and this is a great database for. [00:01:13.140] Stacey Knibloe: The average person, but really even folks who may work in healthcare going to find it useful to or people who. [00:01:20.010] Stacey Knibloe: You know, are an average person that may want to dive a bit deeper into studying diseases conditions different health issues. [00:01:27.900] Stacey Knibloe: As well as just a healthy lifestyle it's got a multitude of content in it you're going to find great overview content that you might. [00:01:35.280] Stacey Knibloe: You know, pull off the shelf and a reference work but it's also going to cover periodical something you may pick up at the newsstand but maybe some things that your doctor or your nurse your physical therapist may read as well. [00:01:46.740] Stacey Knibloe: And there's some great multimedia content to so let's go ahead and take a look. [00:01:54.210] Stacey Knibloe: And I’m hearing the homepage and what's great about Gale resources is the homepage is always there to help you kind of get started with the resource both. [00:02:05.580] Stacey Knibloe: A search path and a browse tool is available, so we can kind of flip through some current topics we change these every month on the homepage. [00:02:15.210] Stacey Knibloe: But then also as we scroll down, you can browse some of the popular topics that are covered in the resource and. [00:02:21.540] Stacey Knibloe: The database is going to cover different health issues, but also kind of healthy living, so there are lots of reasons to come to the database, maybe someone's thinking about taking up yoga they want to learn more. [00:02:32.010] Stacey Knibloe: Maybe someone has a new prescription they're interested in researching you really run the gamut in this collection, so a search is often the way folks come into content but. [00:02:41.610] Stacey Knibloe: I would encourage you to kind of browse around on the homepage gives you a good idea of when you might want to use the resource and, in this case let's say we've got someone who is going to be going through a knee replacement surgery and send a search out here. [00:02:56.520] Stacey Knibloe: And we again have lots of different types of sources that are here, their magazines video content news, so you know different ways to kind of fit folks learning style. [00:03:07.290] Stacey Knibloe: I have a particular fan of our reference content, the Gale encyclopedia health collection are really well done titles and we have one here third result the Gale encyclopedia of surgery and medical tests is a. [00:03:22.440] Stacey Knibloe: really excellent source, this is going to, of course, give us a description of what's going to happen, a definition of what a knee replacement is why you might need one and. [00:03:34.020] Stacey Knibloe: I’ve actually, let me point out here I’ve used a couple of our text interaction tools here to make the text a bit bigger. [00:03:39.420] Stacey Knibloe: So we've got it font size tool that you can take advantage of there's an on demand language translation, we can change other display options for the article, we have a text to speech tool in the listen tool. [00:03:50.760] Stacey Knibloe: But great ways to kind of REACH every user and make it the most comfortable kind of experience that can be, but further down here in the entry we've got some resources. [00:04:01.920] Stacey Knibloe: Again around our new replacement just giving good context and what I like about this is. [00:04:07.020] Stacey Knibloe: You know, depending on your doctor your surgeon, you may not get to talk to them as long as you might like about what's happening and can really fill in the gaps with a lot of the content in the database. [00:04:17.700] Stacey Knibloe: And another thing I particularly like with the illustrations that are available, she can kind of get eyes on what's going to happen. [00:04:24.210] Stacey Knibloe: And if we go through it's going to kind of cover from start to finish, you know what happens with the new replacement, you can get demographics on when and who would happen to most often we have a key terms glossary. [00:04:36.360] Stacey Knibloe: But one of my favorite areas, let me keep scrolling here, so I can bring that up for us is under the. [00:04:44.010] Stacey Knibloe: One of the sidebars you'll often find questions to ask, I find this really helpful, you know I often may think of things and then forget to ask, while I’m in the office or I’m . [00:04:57.810] Stacey Knibloe: don't come up with ideas right we don't know what we don't know so this questions to ask your doctor, maybe oh yeah I should find out about that and, of course, you could print this out bring it with you to the doctor's office. [00:05:09.360] Stacey Knibloe: And you know get your answers so it's a really thorough way to examine something that might be kind of intimidating or even scary for someone to go through so. [00:05:18.600] Stacey Knibloe: The we have this for a lot of different types of surgeries but also just various medical tests, so you know, an allergy test or something like that you want to dig deeper into what's going to happen. [00:05:27.780] Stacey Knibloe: you've got some great tools here and I scroll by it a little fast, but I wanted to point out to you often find alternatives mentioned or alternative ideas. [00:05:39.210] Stacey Knibloe: In some cases, you kind of have to do what you have to do, but there might be other things you can kind of look into to supplement or depending on what you're dealing with maybe replace you know more traditional treatment methods so gives you some ideas to investigate. [00:05:54.000] Stacey Knibloe: So lots of good stuff here and let's say I’m working with a patron over the phone or email, you know, maybe they they're getting a knee replacement, you know the Ruby not out and getting around. [00:06:04.290] Stacey Knibloe: very easily with it with the trouble with their knee right now, so we do have ways, you can kind of get this content into people's hands and we. [00:06:13.830] Stacey Knibloe: embed them here in the article right there at the top, but then they're also available up in the contextual toolbar so they kind of move with us as we move down the page but. [00:06:23.280] Stacey Knibloe: We can email this to them, we can print it and maybe mail it out, if needed, you can send it out to the cloud and Google drive. [00:06:31.350] Stacey Knibloe: The one thing I would caution if you're going to use our email tool, you may want to email it to yourself first and then forward it to the person you're working with. [00:06:39.540] Stacey Knibloe: Our from address is our Mailer server and it sometimes he's caught up in a spam filter so you can mask it with your own, but it doesn't always full the mailbox so ends up in spam. [00:06:53.400] Stacey Knibloe: Already so lots of good stuff in the health database, again I would spend a little time kind of exploring the homepage. [00:07:00.870] Stacey Knibloe: and seeing what's here The other thing I really like about this resource is folks can come here. [00:07:06.030] Stacey Knibloe: And you know see maybe they're dealing with some mental health issues it's not always something and really a lot of health issues they're not rushing up to the reference desk to ask for help with. [00:07:14.730] Stacey Knibloe: So pointing them to this resource and making it easily accessible, so they can find these tools is really valuable and one of the neat things you can do. [00:07:24.900] Stacey Knibloe: Go ahead and grab say I’ll choose the depression portal here, you can bring people into the resource, you know we talked about ways to get the content out to them. [00:07:37.500] Stacey Knibloe: there's a way you can bring them in as well and that's taking advantage of our get link tool, so this is going to give me a persistent URL or Pearl. [00:07:47.670] Stacey Knibloe: And this is something I could embed in a tweet that we put for our China Twitter account at the library, I could post to Facebook. [00:07:56.340] Stacey Knibloe: I could put in a live guide I could put on our web page wherever URL will go. [00:08:01.890] Stacey Knibloe: it's going to give folks a link that brings them right back into this resource and what's great about your setup in Massachusetts. [00:08:08.640] Stacey Knibloe: Is this get link will use your GEO authentication so the folks are in Massachusetts and they click that link. [00:08:15.840] Stacey Knibloe: they're going to land right in this resourcing can dive right in and start using it so they're coming from outside the state usually it lets them in to get to this page, but then, when they try to go further, will prompt for a library card number or password but. [00:08:30.360] Stacey Knibloe: With the setup in Massachusetts if they are in the state, you know they're just going to get right in and have full access to all of the content so. [00:08:37.770] Stacey Knibloe: it's a great way to draw folks in particularly I like to point it out for the health resource because. [00:08:44.010] Stacey Knibloe: Again, not always something that folks are comfortable talking about it, the reference desk I’m sure you kind of have the opposite to folks who maybe want to share too much, but for those folks that maybe don't want to ask you can draw them into the resource using get link. [00:08:57.540] Stacey Knibloe: So really handy feature. [00:09:00.390] Stacey Knibloe: And standard you're going to find it in most of the Gale resources. [00:09:04.320] Stacey Knibloe: alrighty let's go ahead and. [00:09:08.280] Stacey Knibloe: Sorry folks we're going to pop back to the PowerPoint here, here we go and move on to our next resource so very different. [00:09:17.280] Stacey Knibloe: But still subject specific Gale literature resource Center is another place that we kind of bring lots of different sources into one place so we're looking at off their bios we're looking at critical. [00:09:28.200] Stacey Knibloe: literary criticism we're looking at work overviews we're looking at literary journals, making it a one stop shop really for the study of literature so it's a great support for certainly students studying at both you know, a high school and a. [00:09:44.700] Stacey Knibloe: academic level it's a great tool for book clubs really for anybody who likes to read you can learn more about your favorite works your favorite authors and really delve into you know how those books got built and the ideas behind them. [00:10:00.000] Stacey Knibloe: So let's go ahead and pop in. [00:10:04.290] Stacey Knibloe: And again, the homepage is going to let us browse around a bit and they always feature an author and the work, and this will change as you come into the resource so trying to draw you in. [00:10:14.550] Stacey Knibloe: Ta-Hahisi Coates is on our featured author. [00:10:18.030] Stacey Knibloe: For this session, I could have someone new next time I log in our featured work is grapes of wrath and then you can get to the list of all the different featured authors and works, right from the homepage. [00:10:28.590] Stacey Knibloe: You can kind of browse around maybe discover a new author or dive into a favorite and just click and you kind of dive into all their content, so this is um. [00:10:40.500] Stacey Knibloe: You know, again kind of standard deal resource so we'll see get there's get link in the upper right hand corner, we breaking down the types of sources here at the top of the page so. [00:10:50.850] Stacey Knibloe: easy to move between these Gale resources so let's say you're at a public library and you've got a book club with reading the joy luck club. [00:10:59.850] Stacey Knibloe: And I love our search SIS, but I will tell you that I often don't use it in the literature database because, for example, the joy luck club was also made into a movie. [00:11:09.870] Stacey Knibloe: If I select the novel or the motion picture from the search assist. [00:11:14.430] Stacey Knibloe: it's going to then kind of focus on one or the other, and I really want both so I’m going to go ahead and let it go. [00:11:20.670] Stacey Knibloe: There are times, though, for titles that are maybe you know just a single word or something I might I might select it, but now like to keep my options open here in the literature database. [00:11:30.930] Stacey Knibloe: And here we go now often what folks are here for is literature criticism so that's always where we land first and we've got quite a bit of lip crit here for the joy luck club, and as you jump in. [00:11:46.050] Stacey Knibloe: you'll see the same tools that we had for our health database right the listen that display options sending you Google drive and. [00:11:55.170] Stacey Knibloe: I particularly like these that's why I wanted to use an example of a book club is. [00:11:59.460] Stacey Knibloe: You can send this piece of criticism off to the other folks in the book club and it gives you kind of a starting point for talking about the work and learning more about it. [00:12:08.490] Stacey Knibloe: Of course for students, this is really valuable I can send all my research to Google drive and keep it in one place. [00:12:14.880] Stacey Knibloe: You can also mark up this content, so the same way, you might be marking up the book is you read it, you can go through here and click and drag is if you're going to copy text. [00:12:24.600] Stacey Knibloe: And it will create a highlight and you can add a note to it, so I can use a different marker color depending on the thing I’m noting and. [00:12:35.340] Stacey Knibloe: yourself a little reminder maybe why you marked it and kind of keep doing that, as you read it. [00:12:43.470] Stacey Knibloe: And it will keep track of all of this during your session okay that's important when you're creating highlights and notes. [00:12:52.080] Stacey Knibloe: they're good for your session, if I leave the database right now closed my browser out that ends my session I had those highlights and notes disappear. [00:13:01.860] Stacey Knibloe: We do not track users in the gale databases it doesn't really know who I am so the next time I come in it doesn't know to give me those highlights and notes again. [00:13:11.940] Stacey Knibloe: So that's important, particularly when we're working with people who are under 18 we just don't track user information from session to session so when you've created highlights and notes, you want to be able to keep track of that work that you've done right so really all of those tools. [00:13:30.990] Stacey Knibloe: That we use to get content out of the database are going to grab my highlights and notes, so if I download this. [00:13:38.580] Stacey Knibloe: If I print if I send it to Google drive it is going to give me those highlights and notes it's going to give me the whole article. [00:13:48.000] Stacey Knibloe: And there, I can see my highlights, and then, if I scroll all the way to the bottom, so lengthy article. [00:13:53.400] Stacey Knibloe: I can see the reprinted highlights and the notes that I gave as well, you can also, though, just see a summary of your highlights and notes, if you click on the highlights and notes tool there in the upper right hand corner of the toolbar. [00:14:07.380] Stacey Knibloe: You can see a summary page So if I just want these maybe I don't want the whole article I just want these notes and highlights that I’ve grabbed I can I can print those I can send those to Google drive. [00:14:18.030] Stacey Knibloe: So really handy feature, and a great kind of study tool for students, but again great tool to take advantage of for really anybody who just wants to you know these things that kind of land with them keep track of them. [00:14:34.590] Stacey Knibloe: Let me check my list here things I wanted to share. [00:14:37.350] Stacey Knibloe: Already jump into actually I could do it right from here, but the search up The other thing I wanted to point out is, this is a great resource, certainly for. [00:14:43.980] Stacey Knibloe: Academic students literature resource centers really popular and scholarly settings something you might use with high school students, so too, and I wanted to point out some particular content that I think is valuable. [00:14:56.040] Stacey Knibloe: The yellow wallpapers a short story, I remember reading it my sister cool that too long ago she read it as well seems still pretty popular again we always land literature criticism. [00:15:08.820] Stacey Knibloe: But I like to point out the topic and work overviews, particularly for say high school students. [00:15:15.510] Stacey Knibloe: You all have access to Gale and context middle school that's where I probably do research into literature for middle schoolers. [00:15:22.740] Stacey Knibloe: But if you're working with high school students I kind of pop up the literature resource Center and see what's here, I particularly think the topic and work overviews are helpful. [00:15:30.810] Stacey Knibloe: And I use yellow wallpaper on purpose, because you're not familiar with the story it's a woman who told from the perspective of a woman who is mentally ill, and it can be a little hard to follow. [00:15:41.160] Stacey Knibloe: The work overviews give you context for what's happening in the work the criticism you know delve a little deeper and comes out the topic a little differently. [00:15:49.620] Stacey Knibloe: The overviews though are giving you a good overview which talks to the different themes that may appear stuff like that so. [00:15:57.120] Stacey Knibloe: it's a good way to get more comfortable with the work, but maybe before you start delving into that really in depth literary criticism so. [00:16:03.990] Stacey Knibloe: I think these are great pieces I’m going to go ahead and jump into one here in Tennessee an idea doesn't replace reading the work but gives you a good context for reading the work and understanding what's happening. [00:16:14.940] Stacey Knibloe: So these are really valuable now again, this is the perfect resource that you can use to get linked to kind of slot content into live guides and you know, on syllabuses and things like that perfect it so always remember get links available there. [00:16:32.670] Stacey Knibloe: alrighty so lastly we're going to take a look at. [00:16:37.050] Stacey Knibloe: Yale presents Peterson’s Career Prep , this is a resource you've had access to, but one of the new ones that's getting added for the new contract is Gale presents peterson's test prep. [00:16:47.640] Stacey Knibloe: And they are going to look very similar, I will say, though, actually let's get into the resource for address this. [00:16:56.130] Stacey Knibloe: they're going to look pretty similar here on the homepage. [00:16:59.910] Stacey Knibloe: Oh I’m sorry I’m in test prep I want to be career prep bear with me. [00:17:05.130] Stacey Knibloe: One open there we go um here's career, so what I want to share is this the research you've had access to, and you, of course, continue to have access to it. [00:17:16.350] Stacey Knibloe: If folks are going to use test prep as well, it provides practice tests for standardized tests. [00:17:21.750] Stacey Knibloe: They will have to create a new username and password for that resource these really are separate databases, so they will have to have a different account they're. [00:17:30.870] Stacey Knibloe: Not a problem they could probably even use the same username if they wanted to, because the face resources are really kept separate, but it won't know that they're the same person who's using career practice, you know kind of keep those really siloed for privacy reasons so. [00:17:46.650] Stacey Knibloe: If folks have been using career prep they've created a resume to taking career assessments you're going to continue, of course, to have that access here but test prep or will cry or its own bargain. [00:17:55.920] Stacey Knibloe: So actually addressing that are here on the homepage you can explore a bit what's available in career prep but really to do anything to create a resume to take the career assessments, you do have to create an account, and this is really simple we don't require much. [00:18:15.600] Stacey Knibloe: Get rid of that circle, so I can click it. [00:18:19.380] Stacey Knibloe: Name username and password and secret word are the only things that are required email is optional, it is not required. [00:18:28.110] Stacey Knibloe: Including it as a good idea if your password needs to be reset that's The easiest way to do it, but it is not required, not everybody likes to give that information over. [00:18:37.590] Stacey Knibloe: We aren't doing anything with your email addresses, aside from you know, helping you reset your password if you need to but it's not required so folks do not have to include it. [00:18:48.840] Stacey Knibloe: filling in the other fields, your account of radiate immediately gets created and you're able to start using career prep and take advantage of all the great tools there. [00:18:57.540] Stacey Knibloe: Now I have gone ahead and created some content ahead of time, so we can kind of get a look at it so I’m going to log into my account here. [00:19:07.710] Stacey Knibloe: And you've got four paths create a resume find a career career colleges search and advice I’m going to start with the most popular one career create a resume. [00:19:18.810] Stacey Knibloe: is going to give us a tool called visual CV and folks may be a little familiar with it is available out on the web, but that's the kind of consumer resource here, you have the library version which doesn't have ads there's no prompting to start subscription or anything. [00:19:37.410] Stacey Knibloe: But it's a really great resume builder tool we have a tutorial that pops up here if you need it to kind of get you started but I’m gonna go ahead and do that. [00:19:46.920] Stacey Knibloe: Of the resume tool also allows you to create cover letters, you can actually create a website for yourself. [00:19:54.900] Stacey Knibloe: And there's a tool that the journal entry tool allows you to kind of keep track of career highlights that's something sometimes if you're not always working on a resume something. [00:20:04.230] Stacey Knibloe: The career journals a good idea, because you keep track of the things you've done and then, when you need to update your resume you've got all that data. [00:20:10.380] Stacey Knibloe: ready to go we're going to focus on the resume creator tool, right now, we do have some deeper dives out on the support side into these resources that I’ll share later. [00:20:19.440] Stacey Knibloe: The nice thing here, you can create multiple resumes So if you have different resumes to suit different jobs that you're applying for you've got that option. [00:20:27.540] Stacey Knibloe: we're going to create one from scratch, want to show you the options, there are actually I shouldn't say from scratch. [00:20:32.640] Stacey Knibloe: You can actually do that, to start with a blank canvas and and fill everything in. [00:20:37.140] Stacey Knibloe: But I really like the tools that are here, you can actually use an existing resume So if you have one in word, you can upload it here, and then you know film format it updated as needed. [00:20:49.410] Stacey Knibloe: However, for folks who don't know where to get started the sample content is a really cool way to start building your resume. [00:20:57.090] Stacey Knibloe: So if you go into this What it does is show you some sample resumes some popular one so technical writer writer data engineer. [00:21:06.090] Stacey Knibloe: But we find a lot of use of this database is in high school so getting students to kind of write their first resume and most of them have probably not worked as a chief executive officer, so if you go ahead up tab you can search by job title. [00:21:21.270] Stacey Knibloe: and put in a position that you've held. [00:21:25.170] Stacey Knibloe: And it'll give you a couple options usually and you can preview them I’m just going to go ahead and use one. [00:21:32.400] Stacey Knibloe: And it fills in those things that I always think are really hard to fill in a in a resume so. [00:21:38.250] Stacey Knibloe: A summary of what you're looking for what your work experiences, you know you know what you do in your job, every day, but sometimes it's hard to just write that down and get it into you know kind of resume speak. [00:21:48.510] Stacey Knibloe: So this is all completely editable So if you know I worked as a cashier but I wasn't actually at a Chinese restaurant, maybe it, I was at a Thai restaurant, I can fill that in and. [00:21:58.170] Stacey Knibloe: You know, make adjustments as needed maybe I didn't bussed tables, so I can just delete that part you know you can edit this all at will. [00:22:07.440] Stacey Knibloe: You can also change the way it looks you look over on the Left there's a change template option. [00:22:14.670] Stacey Knibloe: And they've got a lot of really great looking templates you can take advantage of, so this is not like this one, with the purple. [00:22:24.090] Stacey Knibloe: just going to apply that template to your tool it's all still editable you can change everything that's here, but it just gives it a different look and, if you look up top above the resume I can change fonts and colors and things like that so. [00:22:35.250] Stacey Knibloe: Really, let you kind of get it to the State you want it to be, and then, when it's ready, you have the option to download it and you can get it in PDF look exactly as it does, here or you can download a word version. [00:22:46.440] Stacey Knibloe: That is still in beta, but it does a really nice job, I would just double check if you open it up in word, you want to make sure everything's still looks good but. [00:22:54.030] Stacey Knibloe: it's usually in pretty good shape, you don't have to do much, much updating, but so you can download that habit available, it also, though, is going to live here, and one of the really cool things you can do is if I go over again over on to the left there's a settings section. [00:23:09.210] Stacey Knibloe: And, by default, your resume is set to export export only, meaning that I’m I can come in here, I can download it and then share it with others that's all that happens. [00:23:20.580] Stacey Knibloe: I can change that setting to unlisted What that means is it still private, I can still download it and send it out to folks, but it also has created a URL. [00:23:32.430] Stacey Knibloe: That I could say put in a cover letter or an email to prospective employer and that would show them this resume out on the web. [00:23:40.530] Stacey Knibloe: But it's unlisted meaning it wouldn't be indexed by search engines folks would only be able to get to it if they have this URL that I would have had to give it them. [00:23:51.000] Stacey Knibloe: You can actually set it to public as well, and then it would be indexed by search engines which can be handy it will get posted it official CV and if. [00:23:59.010] Stacey Knibloe: An employer is out there, looking for people with my experience, they would find. [00:24:03.450] Stacey Knibloe: So you can make it more public you still get the URL that you can share with others, but it does become searchable by search engines, but. [00:24:10.110] Stacey Knibloe: Again export only is the default so it's always set to the highest level of privacy, so it doesn't become searchable, but I think that's a really neat feature. [00:24:18.090] Stacey Knibloe: You know, especially because not everybody wants you to send an actual resume anymore you can't upload it give me a URL so they can check it out. [00:24:26.160] Stacey Knibloe: So lots of other cool features here, but we do want to talk about the rest of the resources, let me pop out and we'll come back to the homepage. [00:24:33.480] Stacey Knibloe: So resume is the more popular tool but kind of if you think about the path that people may take they may want to find a better a different career, a better suited career for them. [00:24:44.610] Stacey Knibloe: And under the find a career tool we offer a career assessment and then you can read career overviews and even do a job search related to the ones that might suit your best. [00:24:55.260] Stacey Knibloe: There are four career assessments, you can go through you only are required to take the first two assessment interest and assessment values are required to get the career assessment recommendations. [00:25:08.160] Stacey Knibloe: But personality and workplace, there are valuable to, and what I like about these is they're not just Oh, would you like to. [00:25:15.510] Stacey Knibloe: Keep the books at a firm, would you like to work in a department store. [00:25:19.560] Stacey Knibloe: It asked more in depth questions and that I want to show you I’m going to go ahead and choose to retake the personality test, so you can see kind of what I mean by this. [00:25:27.510] Stacey Knibloe: It really does do some some critical thinking so as you're reading through your choosing strongly agree on sure all of these kind of. [00:25:35.640] Stacey Knibloe: personality options to help you find a career that would suit your personality as well, let me pop back I’m going to go ahead and exit the assessment. [00:25:44.700] Stacey Knibloe: uh let's jump back to the assessments and I want to show you the workplace preferences so something else to consider you know what is your ideal workplace going to look like. [00:25:53.910] Stacey Knibloe: To you, you know place a high emphasis on being innovative or is that really not really a big deal so you're working with these cards. [00:26:01.020] Stacey Knibloe: And in this case, your first selecting the fourth least important things to your workplace the next one, you select the most important and you kind of work with these and rank them and all of these assessments add up to. [00:26:14.400] Stacey Knibloe: exploring the matches that come from it. [00:26:16.920] Stacey Knibloe: And this them will probably look familiar if you've ever done a career assessment they kind of group them by large subject area, and then you can start breaking them down so. [00:26:24.900] Stacey Knibloe: I can see where I you know ended up very strong in my assessments, where I may be not as strong or weak, you can kind of keep looking at the list here that doesn't mean you can't explore those it's just kind of showing you where you scored for these different types of. [00:26:40.500] Stacey Knibloe: Of careers, so I can say, look at education and it matches you up it's going to give you a description of of the. [00:26:49.170] Stacey Knibloe: career, you can see, for go ahead and click in. [00:26:53.640] Stacey Knibloe: You know, some more details about it what's the average salary what's the job outlook say you know they're there where they hiring more we think there'll be less jobs for this in the future, and then over on the left, you can match it up with. [00:27:09.630] Stacey Knibloe: items from your assessment so. [00:27:12.540] Stacey Knibloe: The match strength is it very strong as it week is it fair and and kind of isolate those but the one I really like is the education and experience section so let's say I do decide, I want to be a anthropology teacher and to anthropology archaeology teacher. [00:27:28.110] Stacey Knibloe: that's what I want to do when you go in, you can see, you know what's it going to require, what is the degree that you're going to have to have. [00:27:36.450] Stacey Knibloe: Right now that's a you know, probably going to be at least a master's right. [00:27:41.280] Stacey Knibloe: But what can I do in the meantime if I’ve got an associate's degree I’ve got a high school diploma you can click on these, and it will show you options within this kind of similar industry that you might be able to do now. [00:27:53.790] Stacey Knibloe: If it'll give you a good match for later and give you good experience when you're going for that ultimate job, so I love that education experience section. [00:28:02.040] Stacey Knibloe: The other one that's really valuable the other tool is really valuable here at the military crosswalk so this will give you can go ahead and segment actually army and then. [00:28:13.800] Stacey Knibloe: Work it will find positions that you would be suited for based on the position that you held in the army, so as a clerk will be. [00:28:23.910] Stacey Knibloe: well suited to a word processor type type his career now that's a weak match, according to my career assessment, but doesn't mean I can't still explore it right. [00:28:32.910] Stacey Knibloe: So the career assessment is there to guide you but you're not held to it so lots of good stuff here there's a job search tool that we partner with indeed to offer so. [00:28:50.670] Stacey Knibloe: search here and we match you up here and then take you out to indeed COM, to show you more. [00:28:58.470] Stacey Knibloe: They do a really nice job they crawl job search websites they call company websites to pull in position so it's a really wide ranging tool and again probably name, you know so nice to work with something that's familiar. [00:29:13.170] Stacey Knibloe: lots of good stuff there, we have a career colleges search, so you can look for a college to suit the you know career, maybe you found through the assessment. [00:29:23.220] Stacey Knibloe: And then you've also got the advice section, which is really valuable it's almost like a course that you can. [00:29:29.370] Stacey Knibloe: You can take, although you don't have to follow it in any particular order so there's a whole section here on transitioning out of the out of the military you've got. [00:29:38.460] Stacey Knibloe: resume basics tutorials you can go through salary negotiations really kind of takes you from A to Z in terms of finding a career and a job so lots of good stuff here in that kind of. [00:29:52.200] Stacey Knibloe: gameplay section, and we can kind of jump around within it. [00:29:58.710] Stacey Knibloe: And again really treats it like a course, but you can move around, as much as you like so lots of good stuff in career prep. [00:30:07.560] Stacey Knibloe: let's go ahead and pop back to the PowerPoint will wrap up here, so we do have deeper dives into these resources out on the Massachusetts library system live guide and out at the support site to Gale has created for Massachusetts. [00:30:21.270] Stacey Knibloe: Both of these sites, you can also find out how to get in touch with the folks at mls and your team at Gale so always feel free to reach out we you know. [00:30:29.850] Stacey Knibloe: are happy to answer questions and take your feedback, you know it's how we grow these resources so definitely be in touch as you need help, but. [00:30:37.440] Stacey Knibloe: want to share your thoughts with us so. [00:30:40.440] Stacey Knibloe: Thanks everybody for tuning into this resource, where you are, you know thrilled to still be part of the Massachusetts program and and wanted to offer, just a quick refresher introduction to some of these resources as they continue to be. [00:30:51.960] Stacey Knibloe: helpful in your library thanks everybody for tuning in.