[00:02:50.000] Then what you can do is, you can access the information your your customer, success, manager, can help with accessing that information [00:03:03.000] Once you click on that site. What you'll find is the support site for Mississippi Department of LED, and you can find your school by just using the dropdown menu scrolling down and clicking proceed once you click into proceed you will see all of the direct Urls for your individual school so your [00:03:23.000] school library. You can export all of those links. So if we do happen to have any librarians on the line, it to add these resources to all of your other digital resources, you can export those links here. [00:03:34.000] It'll provide you with a to spreadsheet and you'll find all the tools that you need training materials. [00:03:38.000] Marketing materials as I mentioned on that site. Let me put that site in the chat box real quick for you all [00:03:49.000] There you go. So let's talk about your science resources that you have for the chemistry classroom today we are going to talk about gale interactive chemistry. [00:04:00.000] This is a great way to discover new solutions. It's engaging interactive models. [00:04:01.000] Bring science to life for students. It allows them to better visualize and understand key concepts and chemistry. [00:04:12.000] It's also great for supplemental support for high school curriculums students and teachers. Can manipulate the three-d models that are paired with reference and periodical content for further understanding on topics like the periodic table mole molecules and compounds reactions and chemical processes [00:04:35.000] You also have access to gale and context science now, if you're looking for a good general reference when it comes to science, content, looking at reference, content specifically, we do have some interactive simulations here, too, this is a great resource to utilize so you're going to find trusted. [00:04:54.000] reference, top periodicals, videos, images, audio files. [00:04:55.000] It has great multimedia, interactive simulations. These are different than the interactive activities in gale interactive chemistry. [00:05:08.000] So gale and context, science has something different. So something else to add, and those are simulations. [00:05:13.000] You'll also find experiment activities and statistics available within this resource discipline standards. [00:05:20.000] You'll find frequently studied topics in STEM. [00:05:24.000] All of the above, including chemistry. As we're focusing on today and and then you'll also find workflow tools or ways to enhance teaching and learning Google and Microsoft integration that I mentioned you have unlimited print download and email of the content and also [00:05:41.000] Highlights and notes, which is a great way to annotate content. [00:05:46.000] Or if you're doing teaching your students about claim evidence and reasoning, and you want to use one of the documents within gale and contact science highlights and notes is a great tool to use for the [00:05:58.000] Yelling context environmental studies. It is in the title you can see it's focused on environmental studies, and you're going to find subjects like renewable energy, and global warming but you'll also find other topics. [00:06:06.000] Available as we're talking about chemistry. You're going to find greenhouse gases or the greenhouse effect topics on pollution, plastic pollution. [00:06:18.000] So those are topics that you will find available within environmental studies. [00:06:23.000] This also has case studies available and overviews that may be really helpful to your classrooms. [00:06:30.000] Some tools. I want you to keep in mind, and I will be modeling these for you today and our and our short and sweet session the git link tool git link provides a persistent URL back to any spot within the resource you have the ability to share content directly to Google classroom and you [00:06:48.000] Have the su 2 option where you can send content to Google or Microsoft [00:06:55.000] To support accessibility. We have some great tools the translate tool we have the ability to increase or decrease the font size, display options. [00:07:04.000] Where you can change the font even to open dyslexic, and then the listen feature which reads the text allowed to you. [00:07:13.000] I already mentioned highlights and notes, but it truly does encourage analysis and promotes deeper learning, and then to develop those research skills or continue to develop those research, skills you will find topic pages in your in context resources you'll find topic finder which is a visual search option it's [00:07:34.000] Also interactive and students really enjoy that in your in context resources and all of your documents, images videos everything that you're going to find within your gill resources have the citation attached so we are defaulted to Mla. [00:07:47.000] Ninth edition, but we also have Chicago, Harvard, and Apa available [00:07:55.000] All right. So with that. Let's dive in, and I'm going to share my first resource with you, and that is gale interactive science. [00:08:06.000] Make sure it is. Okay. [00:08:11.000] So just sharing my my content or my screen, so you can see Gale interactive science. [00:08:15.000] I'm going to talk to you about some of the different brows options that you have available at the top you're going to see these scrolling images. [00:08:23.000] And we are going to go into the interactive periodic table. [00:08:27.000] I do suggest if it's the first time you all are using it or your students. [00:08:31.000] The first time they're using it is, is accessing these intermediary introductory sessions or introductory activities to get them used to the tools. [00:08:40.000] What they're going to find and and Gale interactive chemistry. [00:08:44.000] Everything is on a workstation, so everything that we click into you'll see this familiar workstation available. [00:08:54.000] We do have a few browse options. We have the ability to search, using the basic search bar at the top. [00:09:00.000] We also over on the right hand side. You can see here browse activities, and then you can also click into a subject category and browse through the activities that way. [00:09:11.000] So I'll options are available. You can see some of the subject categories here on the homepage. [00:09:14.000] I also want to point out the advanced reaction section before we move further forward with advanced reactions. [00:09:24.000] This is unique to our chemistry, resource, or interactive chemistry. [00:09:31.000] You could see some of the subject categories. Listen below here, or I should say, other categories that we have below? [00:09:37.000] When I click into advanced reactions it automatically selects all those activities, and I can see them all listed here so really helpful. [00:09:46.000] Tool I had. As I mentioned. I was at the the Mississippi Science Teacher Association Conference, and had a few chemistry teachers in my class, and they were loved this resource because what I heard is you don't all necessarily have a ton of tools available to teach in your classroom so utilize what the [00:10:08.000] Mississippi Department of that is providing for you it is a great tool that you have available for your schools, and it's there they want it to supplement what you're doing in the classroom so keep that in mind and when I shared this information with these advanced with this advanced section this [00:10:26.000] Was really helpful, and I did. The teachers did share with me, and and I did work through the activity and show how things change, because, as I shared, I have of my 3 kids, I have one that's through the roof on chemistry loves it has taken honors, and ap and and just absolutely loves [00:10:44.000] chemistry, and then I have one on the other spectrum that that really I'm kind of struggled with chemistry, and having this visual because she is very visual to go along with these advanced reactions would have been really helpful to her and this resource is one that I do suggest [00:11:02.000] for your students, alright. Let's go back to that homepage. [00:11:07.000] I want to click through activities. But I want to go take you through a different path first, before we we show those advanced those advanced activities are advanced reactions. [00:11:17.000] Okay, so as I mentioned, there's 3 different ways that you can search. [00:11:18.000] You can search using the basic search at the top, and if I were to do a basic search [00:11:28.000] And we're going to use the periodic table as an example [00:11:35.000] If I do a basic search on the periodic table, it will take me to all of the activities related to the periodic table going back to that homepage. [00:11:45.000] If I click browse activities. [00:11:49.000] This will take me to all of the activities, and then I can filter down to exactly what I'm looking for. [00:11:57.000] On the left-hand side, so nothing is selected when I click browse activities. [00:12:02.000] When I do a search I'm going to have those activities or some of these categories. [00:12:03.000] Selected. So here I can pick through exactly what I'm looking for. [00:12:10.000] Maybe I'm looking for gas properties and also molecules view [00:12:21.000] Going back to the homepage. The third option is utilizing the subject categories below now I do want to point out. [00:12:28.000] If I do click into molecules and compounds [00:12:33.000] Click into the image. It does select all of these categories below. [00:12:39.000] So, if I only wanted one then, or maybe I just want. [00:12:44.000] I want everything but molecular or I'm sorry I have a. [00:12:49.000] I have a molecular biology, Major, and I keep wanting to say that here at home, so you I do want to point out that. [00:12:57.000] You notice nothing changed. I still have 13 results. The reason why is because I actually have to remove the selection of the main one and then individually select. [00:13:03.000] So I don't know if you'd want to go that path. [00:13:08.000] You may want to, just if when you click into that category you will get everything available for let's say elements. [00:13:18.000] Okay. So that's those are your 3 different search options. [00:13:22.000] Now, when we're accessing the information or clicking into a specific topic, and today we are going to go into. As I mentioned, we're gonna look at the introductory session periodic table here [00:13:37.000] It opens the activity, and as this activity is opening here, I want to point out a few items. [00:13:42.000] So here, below you have the title. You have a summary. [00:13:43.000] You also have these tags and tags are really helpful when you are during a search. [00:13:51.000] If you want all of the properties of elements and every activity related to them. [00:13:56.000] This is hyperlinked out, and it'll take me to all of those activities. [00:14:01.000] So those hyperlinking and you could see it in the summary below each of these activities. [00:14:02.000] Now I selected one. So of course I'm going to see that down the list. [00:14:11.000] But on this one I have a few different ones available groups or periods, blocks, electron view. [00:14:12.000] So all of those options are available, and again those are tags that will take me to that group of interactive activities. [00:14:26.000] You also have the ability to share content. Twitter linkedin, Pinterest email and Google classroom so if I wanted to share this activity directly to Google classroom, I could do that I could create a link to the activity so if I wanted to copy and paste this link I could do that I can copy the link and face it [00:14:45.000] wherever I want, and students will be taken directly to this activity. [00:14:49.000] This is not showing up correctly. Hold on! There we go. [00:14:53.000] That looks better okay, when I clicked back. It didn't like it. [00:14:54.000] So I can link to the activity and not only will it take me to this activity, but all of my reference content on the right hand side here so it'll take me to everything I need, and I want to link, to a particular slide, because this activity. [00:15:09.000] Is full of slides. I can do that also, as I'm working through that activity below, you're going to see related activities and on the right hand side is all of the reference content that you have available as I click through I can click start the activity I'm going to get some information here at [00:15:27.000] The top. I also have a few different views available. I have the theater view which makes the workstation larger and my reference content is still here. [00:15:40.000] I also have the full screen view, and this is really great because everything on the screen is interactive. If you can see, as I move my mouse around, I'm going to click into [00:15:56.000] And you can see how it changes my workstation [00:16:01.000] Okay, and I can go through each slide. I'm gonna click, escape and go back to the interview. [00:16:09.000] I can click through each slide. I was just clicking into because this is really that introduction is to get students familiar with this workstation and and understanding that all of this content is interactive. [00:16:21.000] I can also right-click and adjust the screen [00:16:29.000] However, I, like I can zoom in zoom out. I'm using my mouse. [00:16:30.000] I can tap on the right hand side to go through each slide and it's going to give me information, or I can use the navigation. [00:16:41.000] At the bottom. Now a lot of our activities, not the not the introductory ones, but they'll have a few quiz questions at the end. And these quiz. [00:16:46.000] Questions are just to test students knowledge. They've read through. [00:16:53.000] They've worked through this activity. We want them to get those answers right when we at when we ask those questions so we want them to go through it a couple times. [00:17:00.000] It's not a formal assessment. It's just a way to check for understanding, and we'd again they can repeat this as many times as they want until they get those correct answers. [00:17:05.000] As I'm working through the resource, and let me see, you can see the content in the reference section. [00:17:16.000] Changes also [00:17:20.000] Okay. Let me know if there are any questions on what you're going to find within this resource. [00:17:25.000] Again. You do have this workstation available. I do encourage you to interact with the content that's here, as you can see when I click on any of the elements it's going to give me that information at the top [00:17:39.000] Okay. And this is just one of many activities that you have available. [00:17:40.000] I do want to talk briefly about the reference content. [00:17:47.000] So you will find this great reference content connected to each activity. [00:17:50.000] We will talk about all of these tools to support accessibility. [00:17:54.000] They are available here for the reference, content but I'm going to talk to you about them in your gill in context science when we're at the document level but you can send if you just want to send this document. [00:18:03.000] To Google Microsoft or email you can also download or print. [00:18:12.000] These are all shared tools and features across your gale. [00:18:13.000] Resources, so you will find them whenever you find the reference, content. [00:18:19.000] You're going to find all of these tools and features, including highlights and notes, which I had briefly mentioned, and also get Lake which again I shared during my Powerpoint okay, let me know if there's any questions about. [00:18:31.000] The interactive chemistry with that. I'm going to jump into our next resource, and that is gale and context. Science. [00:18:40.000] Galen context science. Again, this is your multimedia. [00:18:41.000] What you're going to find, or great multimedia reference content biographies also newspaper academic journals, periodical content, such as magazines. [00:18:55.000] You'll also find here images, audio files. You're going to find all of that available in galing context science, not only that, but this one is linked to the interactive, activity. [00:19:01.000] So if I happen to be on a topic page that has one of these interactive activities, I'll see that content type available. [00:19:15.000] And I can open up that activity [00:19:19.000] Let me show you what that looks like so accessing we do have basic search and advanced search. [00:19:24.000] There is a tool under advanced search. I want to share with you. [00:19:27.000] When we go into our next resource contextual toolbar is here. [00:19:31.000] We have scrolling images on the home page? Those change once a month, and then all of our subject categories listed below our subject categories below each one we have a list of topic pages so for chemistry we happen to have a 179 topic. [00:19:46.000] Pages. Topic pages are a curated collection of information that you have available, and meaning that everything that I need for energy is going to be organized on one particular page all of the different content so the content that i'd shared with you before biographies, and multimedia so on and so forth. [00:20:08.000] We'll all be organized for you on one topic page. [00:20:11.000] So let's go into [00:20:14.000] Adams and Atomic theory I was taking a peek at your curriculum standards, and this was something that came up, and you can see with the topic pages we have an image and an essay overview as I scroll down here's all the content that I have available [00:20:31.000] So remember I mentioned those interactive models that are in gale interactive chemistry. [00:20:37.000] This is where they're linked out. This is different than the simulations. [00:20:41.000] Simulations are only found here in gale and context science. [00:20:42.000] The interactive models you can access here, or also in gale interactive chemistry? [00:20:52.000] So it's nice to make that interlinking or that connection. [00:20:53.000] Between the 2 resources. As I scroll down. You do have the ability to search within your results. [00:21:01.000] If I'm looking for a specific term or topic featured content is going to be hand selected information by our content editors, and as I scroll down you can see we have reference to statistics simulations images videos news academic journals, magazines, if we have any safe vetted [00:21:18.000] websites, they would be here interactive models. So these are the 2 interactive models that I have again. [00:21:23.000] These are coming from gale interactive science. And then I also have related topic pages at the very bottom [00:21:33.000] If I scroll back up we're going to click into the image and say, Overview first because what you're gonna find with these images and essay overviews, is this explore panel explore panels offer even more additional supplemental information we also have related subjects you're going to [00:21:48.000] find key terms, so some text features, or you might find key terms, main ideas, critical thinking questions, that type of information available in this overview essay these are written by Gail We're a publisher we also work, with fantastic publishers so this information. [00:22:06.000] Here is great information to get started. So if you need quick information in your classroom, or your students need some information or aren't really sure where they want to go with their project or paper whatever they're working on let them know to start with the essay overview it's a great place to get [00:22:23.000] Started they're also leveled. We have this one as a content. [00:22:24.000] Level, 5 content, level, 5 you can see the lexile measure. [00:22:30.000] Here is A is a high school into undergrad. That's our highest level. [00:22:36.000] We go from one to 5, and with 3 being middle school. [00:22:38.000] So 3 is middle school. 4 is high school, 5 is also high school, but more of the upper level. [00:22:47.000] Now you do have the ability over here on the left hand side to change the lexile measure so I can change it from a level 5 to a level 4, and you're going to find that just on content that's published from gale so we do have the ability to change our content because we [00:23:03.000] Publish it, and provide that lower level or higher level, depending on what type of article you're on. [00:23:10.000] You also have some great tools to support accessibility, such as a translate tool where you can translate the text into over 40 layers. [00:23:17.000] You can decrease or increase the font size. You can't change the display. [00:23:23.000] Options, such as the color behind the text change the fonts to open dyslexic, increase, line letter and word spacing, and this will stick with your students. [00:23:32.000] Once they set it up in one document. It'll stick with them throughout this session [00:23:38.000] I'm gonna go back to my default settings. [00:23:41.000] I also can listen to the text being read aloud. Now, if I like this article, and I want to keep it, I can quickly send it to Google drive Microsoft. [00:23:44.000] One drive, email download or print. I also have those tools up here in my contextual toolbar. [00:23:55.000] All of my documents have the citations attached at the bottom, and I actually can't change before I send this. [00:24:02.000] Let's say I'm sending it to Google drive. [00:24:05.000] If I wanted to change the citation to Apa, I could do that and then send it, and it would change that citation for me. [00:24:13.000] I can also export my citation if I just want the citation I have that with my citation tool at the top again. [00:24:21.000] Same features are available [00:24:26.000] Alright. So we talked about tools to support accessibility. I wanted to talk to you a little bit more about these workflow tools. [00:24:36.000] One tool. I want to talk about is highlights and notes. [00:24:39.000] So let's go back to the previous page we're going to go into our topic. [00:24:43.000] Page I want to share with you. Let's go into a reference document [00:24:50.000] And periodic table of elements. So if if you're noticing here, I do have some interlinking happening, and this will take me to any related articles. [00:25:00.000] So I have that available if I wanted to highlight the text I just click and drag over a chunk of text. [00:25:04.000] Choose my color, choose whatever maybe this is for a project or a lab, and I can now, when I send this marked up document to my Google drive, it'll turn it into a Google Doc, it'll be highlighted and then below my citation. [00:25:19.000] Will live this chunk of green text, and any notes I've taken. [00:25:28.000] Not only that, but my highlights and notes section is being built out. [00:25:32.000] So in the upper right hand corner, in my contextual toolbox. [00:25:36.000] I have this view: all highlights and notes. So throughout this session. [00:25:40.000] If I were highlighting M multiple articles. Best practice always send the entire document somewhere. [00:25:45.000] So you have that entire document, because if your students don't remember to come in here and just send their digital notes somewhere, then they will lose it. [00:25:53.000] So at least they'll have that document that they've marked up. [00:25:54.000] They've highlighted on they've taken some notes on, but if they just want these great digital notes they can just send this to Google Microsoft email download or print they can edit their notes before they send it. [00:26:09.000] They can create over it in the right hand up upper navigation. [00:26:13.000] Here that label they can label the colors and this could be built being built out the whole time, as they're continuing to highlight throughout all of the articles they're they're accessing and finding great content from but you can just send these to Google on drive email download or print [00:26:31.000] Okay. I do want to go into one other resource before you leave me today, and that is gale in context environmental studies, environmental studies. [00:26:43.000] I was taking a look at pollution. I was preparing for your session today, and some of the terms like greenhouse gas emissions. [00:26:46.000] I also found green chemistry, which I was not familiar with, which is a cool topic to talk about. [00:26:51.000] We're gonna go into greenhouse gas emissions. [00:27:00.000] And you see same idea when you're in the in context resources, you have those topic pages. [00:27:01.000] You're going to have the image, essay overview. [00:27:09.000] What's a little different in environmental studies is you have these case studies and conferences. [00:27:15.000] You'll find related topics, but what you will not find is the interact connection to get gale chemistry or gale interactive chemistry one feature. [00:27:26.000] I want to share with you here, and then I do have to pop back into gale and contact science, because I forgot to show you those simulations under advanced search. [00:27:35.000] So in any of your gale resources, wherever you're at you're gonna find the basic toolbar. [00:27:40.000] And advanced search. I could be here. I could be on composting, and I'm still going to see it in my just below my banner under advanced search is this tool called topic Finder it's A search option and this is a visual representation of your search results. [00:27:58.000] So if I wanted. Maybe I wanted to look up greenhouse effect [00:28:06.000] It's interactive. It's visual. It's looking at the top. [00:28:07.000] Hits so this is a great way for students to click into, say air, pollution, and maybe they want to look at carbon dioxide and on the right hand side we'll take them to every document image video that we have available so it's this interactive search option tool that you have available [00:28:28.000] And students absolutely love it because it does. They can interact with it, or maybe they're looking at fossil fuels. [00:28:35.000] 11 different documents available. Okay? And it does always live in advanced search. [00:28:40.000] If I wanted to kick off my search from there, or [00:28:46.000] When I click into a content type, it lives here below my filter box. [00:28:50.000] Filters are fairly straightforward, but I will point out that this is where you will find those content levels that I mentioned earlier very intuitive here, but then there's also topic finders so if I wanted to pull in this information on this topic page. [00:29:06.000] Into that visual representation of my search results. I could do that. [00:29:10.000] I just need to click into a content type. First, and then I'll see that blue button below. [00:29:17.000] Okay, the last thing I wanted to share with you [00:29:22.000] Is the simulations. [00:29:26.000] And I am going to go into. There's a few I really enjoyed, and let's try this one. [00:29:32.000] So with the simulations. You do get a bit of information first. [00:29:35.000] These chemistry is a little bit different than some of our other simulations that we have. [00:29:38.000] We have over 300 different simulations. But this red box is saying: Be sure to open the activity. [00:29:43.000] It opens better. You can see here, and then you have some information. [00:29:49.000] Select all the elements in that group click, to select individual elements, so it gives some instructions and then you can look at display trends. [00:29:58.000] I'm going to click, continue. I do have some information here, and this is giving me some guidance on what I need to do because some of these activities are providing instructions. [00:30:08.000] Actually all the experience, all the simulations, provide some instructions, and you can, you know, File, you need to follow those instructions, and then it'll make more sense, so I can hide both of these. [00:30:20.000] I can click into a group. Display trends, and it'll give me this information. [00:30:25.000] I do notice with these ones. It does close it right back up quite quick, but you have the the information. [00:30:33.000] There, and also in the graph. So we have some of those available within. [00:30:41.000] We're in gale and context science, if you wanted to find all the simulations, you could go directly to advanced search and go down to your content, type and we actually have those segmented out. Simulations we also. [00:30:54.000] Have experiment activities available here, too, that give you a diagram and instructions, and so that could be really helpful as you're teaching in your classroom, and you are looking for experiments you want to assign to students because a quick way to do that is let me just click into simulations as you [00:31:11.000] Can use the get link tool you can share this with your students, providing them with a persistent URL, and maybe you want them to pick a simulation or you want them to filter down to let's try chemistry see what we get chemistry so I have 35 different subjects or different [00:31:29.000] Simulations related to chemistry, and I want to share that with my students. [00:31:30.000] I can use the get link tool copy and paste, that wherever I want them to access. [00:31:37.000] This information, or I could pull this right into Google classroom. [00:31:40.000] I can use that get link tool on a topic page. I could use it on an individual document I can filter down by reading level, and then use Github that way. [00:31:50.000] I could do the same thing with Google classroom. I can pull all of that into Google classroom too. [00:31:55.000] Okay, what do we use as a password? Okay, so your password, I will put that in the chat [00:32:04.000] There you go! Let me go back to the Powerpoint and just share with you where you can go for additional support, and then we will end our session today together. [00:32:15.000] You can go to the site. I gave you in the chat, but those that are watching the recording you can go to support.com, and then it's the Mississippi Department of and it's Edu don't forget the you at the end and what you're gonna find there is this first section [00:32:30.000] Really relates to a lot of times. Our librarians who are are providing those access Urls. [00:32:32.000] But if you need the access, Urls, you're going to find them on the site also, and those are the direct urls to the to the individual resources the training center. [00:32:40.000] You have tip sheets and tutorials the recorded Webinars. [00:32:49.000] There are a lot of recorded webinars one resource that brings your inc context resources together, and it's created and designed for teachers is called gailing context for educators. [00:32:59.000] I do highly suggest watching that I've run a couple of those sessions just on for educators, but that is one that I do suggest watching. [00:33:07.000] We just didn't have enough time to to fit it in, and I was focusing on just chemistry today, so you will find those great webinars recorded webinars specifically for the Mississippi Department of a training deck so we have powerpoints to go along with our resources with all of our [00:33:24.000] training notes, resource guides, any upcoming webinars will be pulled there too. [00:33:25.000] And then marketing materials. We have bookmarks and posters and digital assets, email templates, communications, social media posts, all of that is there here's some of the information that you're going to find we have some student. Projects. [00:33:38.000] There also, so take a look at what we have available for the individual resources. [00:33:45.000] You can sort by product if you want to, and find training materials on individual products that wraps our session again. [00:33:54.000] My name's Tammy Burke. I'm your senior gale trainer, and I thank you for your time today for your one-on-one support. [00:34:01.000] If you have a learning management system and you need help with that support, or you want your librarian to get your direct urls onto your library website and would like to introduce them to someone at Gale you can reach out to the gale customer success management. [00:34:15.000] Team. Just let' them know what school you're coming from, and they will find you and reach out. [00:34:16.000] You can, if you're accessing through the gale support site, you can actually book a meeting right on their calendar and they'll call you at whatever time. [00:34:27.000] You select the training survey should pop up here at the end. [00:34:30.000] But there's a QR. Code if you would prefer to use that, love to get your feedback on the session, and any comments. [00:34:36.000] If you want to need to share any information with the Mississippi Department of LED. [00:34:38.000] And'd be happy to do that, feel free to put that in that comments. Section. [00:34:43.000] But that wraps our session today. So thank you so much for your time. [00:34:48.000] And I hope to see you again on future sessions.